Anthony Bourdain's extraordinary life journey is poised to captivate audiences on the silver screen. Dominic Sessa, who skyrocketed to fame last year in Alexander Payne's critically acclaimed 'The Holdovers,' is set to embody the beloved culinary icon in a feature film, a collaboration between the prestigious New York-based studio A24 and Star Thrower Entertainment, known for their hit 'King Richard.'
At the helm of this culinary odyssey is Matt Johnson, the visionary director behind the highly praised 'Blackberry,' who will bring Todd Bartels and Lou Howe's script to life. A24 is in active negotiations to co-produce alongside Trevor White and Tim White of Star Thrower, with Johnson and Matthew Miller also lending their producing prowess, and Emily Rose taking on the role of executive producer. Recently, A24 and Star Thrower wrapped up 'Eternity,' starring Miles Teller and Elizabeth Olsen, further solidifying their reputation for groundbreaking storytelling.
Sessa, represented by CAA, Untitled, and Hansen Jacobson, is poised to bring Bourdain's charismatic charm and restless spirit to the forefront. Johnson, managed by CAA and Akin Gump, joins forces with Miller, also represented by CAA and Akin Gump, to bring this culinary legend's story to the big screen.
Bourdain's rise to fame began with his groundbreaking memoir, 'Kitchen Confidential,' which painted a vivid portrait of the vibrant and rock-and-roll-infused New York restaurant scene. He then evolved into a global ambassador of food and travel, hosting the beloved 'No Reservations' for eight thrilling seasons on the Travel Channel, followed by 'Parts Unknown' on CNN, where he continued to captivate audiences until his untimely passing in 2018.
'Kitchen Confidential' was previously adapted into a television series in 2005, starring Bradley Cooper as a stand-in for Bourdain, and more recently, the documentary 'Roadrunner' (2021) delved into the depths of Bourdain's remarkable life. Now, with this upcoming feature film, audiences will once again be transported into the world of Anthony Bourdain, experiencing his unquenchable thirst for adventure, passion for food, and indomitable spirit.