The charismatic actor, Timothée Chalamet, left his fans in awe by making a surprise appearance at a look-alike contest dedicated to him in New York City on Sunday. The event, promoted through flyers scattered across the metropolis, was hosted by the popular YouTuber Anthony Po, who has a reputation for organizing quirky look-alike competitions. The flyer promised a $50 prize to the winner, adding an extra layer of excitement to the mix.
On the day of the event, participants were grilled on their knowledge about Kylie Jenner, rumored to be in a relationship with the "Call Me By Your Name" star. Additionally, they underwent a French proficiency test, reflecting Chalamet's dual American-French heritage. They were also asked about their ideas for making the world a better place, showcasing the event's diverse range of queries.
Nobody could fathom that Chalamet himself would grace the occasion, accompanied by his bodyguards. According to the magazine Variety, Chalamet cleverly navigated through the bustling crowd disguised in a mask and baseball hat. Upon revealing his identity, he posed for pictures with his fans and doppelgängers, delighting the internet with endless amusement.
One enthusiast exclaimed on the former Twitter platform, now known as X, "LMAOO [laughing my ass off] TIMOTHEE CHALAMET ACTUALLY SHOWED UP TO THE TIMOTHEE CHALAMET LOOKALIKE CONTEST IN WASHINGTON SQUARE PARK!" Another remarked, "The craziest part is Timothée Chalamet doesn't even look like Timothée Chalamet at the Timothée Chalamet look-alike contest." Yet another posted, "GUYS I JUST MET TIMOTHEE CHALAMET AT THE LOOKALIKE COMPETITION," accompanied by a snap of themselves with the celebrity.
A fourth observer commented, "The Timothée Chalamet look-alike competition just shows that people crave bizarre, town-like events, as if we're living in 'Gilmore Girls.'" Another account shared a video of the Hollywood icon at the event, captioning it, "Timothée Chalamet making a surprise appearance at his look-alike contest in NYC."
The day was a whirlwind of exhilaration tinged with chaos. Shortly after the competition commenced, and before Chalamet's arrival, police ordered the crowd to evacuate Washington Square Park, where the festivities were unfolding. Newsweek reached out to the New York City Police Department for comment on Monday, outside regular business hours.
The U.K. newspaper The Guardian reported that the event organizers received a $500 fine for hosting an "unpermitted costume contest." Amidst the screams of the crowd chanting "Let him go!", at least one participant was escorted away in handcuffs.
"It started off as a silly joke and now it's turned into pandemonium," Paige Nguyen, a producer for the YouTube creator, lamented.
Despite the turmoil, the audience chose 21-year-old Miles Mitchell, dressed in a whimsical purple Willy Wonka costume, as their winner. Mitchell, overwhelmed with excitement, shared, "There were so many good look-alikes. It was really a toss-up," according to The Associated Press.
The publication also interviewed Lauren Klas, a devoted fan of the "Dune" actor, on what constitutes a great Chalamet doppelgänger. "It's all in the nose. All of his bone structure, really," she insightfully observed.