Exclusively revealed by Variety, Timothy Olyphant is poised to grace the untitled golf-themed comedy series headlined by Owen Wilson, premiering soon on Apple TV+. The show, initially greenlit for a 10-episode run by Apple in March, boasts an ensemble cast including Peter Dager, Marc Maron, Mariana Treviño, Lilli Kay, and Judy Greer, with Wilson taking center stage. Olyphant, in a star-studded guest appearance, adds another layer of intrigue to the mix.
The series chronicles the comeback journey of Pryce Cahill (Wilson), a faded, former golf prodigy whose career was cut short two decades ago. After a string of misfortunes—losing his job at an Indiana sporting goods store and being abandoned by his wife—Pryce pins all his hopes on a troubled teenage golfing prodigy, Drager, in a desperate bid for redemption.
Enter Olyphant as Clark, a former golfing legend who once shared the green with Pryce, now a successful figure in his own right. This character adds depth to the story, offering a glimpse into the world of golf's elite and the complexities that come with it.
Olyphant's recent foray into the FX limited series "Justified: City Primeval" as Deputy U.S. Marshal Raylan Givens has reignited fans' love for the character he portrayed for six seasons in "Justified," earning him an Emmy nod in 2011. His impressive resumé also includes Emmy-nominated guest appearances in "The Mandalorian" and the "Deadwood" film sequel, where he reprised his iconic role of Seth Bullock. Other notable TV credits span "Santa Clarita Diet," "Full Circle," and "Daisy Jones & The Six," while his filmography boasts titles like "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood" and "Amsterdam." Additionally, he's set to embark on a new adventure in Noah Hawley's upcoming "Alien" series at FX.
With Jason Keller serving as the writer, executive producer, and showrunner, the series promises to be a hilarious yet heartfelt exploration of the golfing world and the resilience of the human spirit. Wilson's executive producer status alongside Propagate's Ben Silverman, Howard T. Owens, Rodney Ferrell, and a star-studded team of producers ensures that every aspect of the production is meticulously crafted. Jonathan Dayton and Valerie Faris, acclaimed filmmakers, will helm the direction, while Apple Studios oversees the entire production, ensuring a premium viewing experience for audiences worldwide.