Walt Disney World, the magical realm of dreams, has reluctantly announced a series of heartbreaking theme park closures commencing on Wednesday, as Hurricane Milton, a menacing Category 5 tempest, threatens to ravage through Central Florida. This dire announcement follows a stark financial prognosis by Goldman Sachs, released on Tuesday, forecasting a devastating nine-figure financial blow to Disney's coffers due to the impending storm.
Milton, now a ferocious force of nature, is forecast to barrel through the Orlando region, home to the enchanting Walt Disney World, after making landfall near Tampa on Wednesday. In a meticulously orchestrated plan, Disney has announced staggered closures, with Disney's Hollywood Studios and Animal Kingdom bowing out at 1 p.m. EDT, followed by the majestic Magic Kingdom, EPCOT, and the bustling Disney Springs at 2 p.m. EDT, with a high likelihood of remaining shuttered through Thursday.
Moreover, Disney's transportation services will grind to a halt once the parks close their gates on Wednesday, save for a limited taxi service for resort guests. The much-anticipated Mickey's Not-So-Scary Halloween Party at Magic Kingdom has also been canceled, with assurances of ticket refunds to disappointed patrons.
Earlier in the day, Disney took preemptive measures, announcing the closure of its Fort Wilderness campground and the luxurious villas at Wilderness Lodge and Saratoga Springs resorts, starting at 11 a.m. EDT, with an anticipated closure extending until Sunday. The company stressed its commitment to closely monitoring the storm's path and adjusting plans according to the ever-evolving weather forecasts.
Goldman Sachs analysts have painted a grim picture, estimating that the anticipated closures and disruptions could slash Disney's quarterly earnings in its parks division by a staggering $150 million to $200 million. Furthermore, park attendance is projected to plummet by approximately 6% this quarter, as reported by CNBC, making Hurricane Milton a potential financial nightmare akin to Hurricane Irma in 2017, which cost Disney $100 million in losses and disrupted operations for days.
Orlando now stands under a hurricane warning, with hurricane-force winds looming over the city by Thursday morning and tropical storm-force winds expected to linger throughout the afternoon. The National Weather Service warns of wind speeds ranging from 74 to 110 miles per hour, akin to a Category 1 or 2 hurricane, accompanied by a deluge of 8 to 12 inches of rain. Residents are urged to brace for substantial wind damage, with the agency declaring the impending winds and rain a dire threat to life and property, also cautioning against the possibility of multiple tornadoes.
If Goldman Sachs' projections hold true, Hurricane Milton threatens to become the most costly Florida storm for Disney since Irma, underscoring the vulnerability of even the most magical of realms to the fury of nature. Disney World, a bastion of joy that has weathered at least seven hurricane closures in the past, stands resolute yet vulnerable as it prepares for yet another test of its resilience.
Universal Resort Orlando, too, has succumbed to the storm's wrath, announcing its closure at 2 p.m. EDT on Wednesday, with plans to remain shuttered on Thursday, canceling its iconic Halloween Horror Nights events. Legoland Florida Resort and SeaWorld Orlando have also followed suit, with Busch Gardens Tampa closing its doors through Thursday. Beyond its theme parks, Disney's Typhoon Lagoon water park, Winter Summerland Miniature Golf, and Fantasia Gardens Miniature Golf will also be closed on Wednesday, adding to the list of casualties.
Even Orlando International Airport, a gateway to the world, will shut down for commercial flights starting at 8 a.m. on Wednesday, though it will remain operational to accommodate flights carrying vital emergency relief aid, a testament to the community's unwavering commitment amidst adversity.