Why Meghan McCain Says She's Turned Down Dancing with the Stars 3 Times: 'I Don't Want to Publicly Humiliate Myself'

Published: Sep 05 2024

"I'm an abysmal dancer, and reality TV is just not my scene," she pondered aloud, her tone tinged with amusement as she divulged, "The sheer volume of reality TV offers I've received would astonish you. Truth be told, with just one gig, I wouldn't have to lift a finger for a year." Meghan McCain, it seems, has no intention of battling it out for a mirrorball trophy anytime in the foreseeable future.

Why Meghan McCain Says She's Turned Down Dancing with the Stars 3 Times: 'I Don't Want to Publicly Humiliate Myself' 1

During the September 4th episode of her 'Citizen McCain' podcast, the former 'The View' host disclosed a fascinating tidbit—she had been courted by the producers of 'Dancing with the Stars' on three separate occasions, each time declining gracefully. McCain's hesitations stemmed from her self-professed dancing ineptitude and her aspirations to venture into politics someday.

"The mere thought of publicly embarrassing myself on national television sends shivers down my spine," she elaborated. "I'm a hopeless dancer, and reality TV is simply not my cup of tea. The sheer number of offers I've received would astound even the most seasoned celebrity. I often wonder, what trait of my personality screams, 'Perfect for these platforms?' In reality, I'm a shy soul who would falter under the spotlight."

The 39-year-old, daughter of the late Senator John McCain, candidly admitted that a stint on the show would have lined her pockets quite comfortably. Drawing from a personal anecdote, she shared how her friend Clay Aiken had divulged the lucrative earnings from his time on 'The Masked Singer'.

"I won't disclose the exact figure out of respect for his privacy, but let me tell you, Clay made a killing on 'The Masked Singer.' Everyone should aspire to be on that show," she exclaimed, adding whimsically, "If I did, I'd be financially set for a year, without a doubt."

McCain further hinted at a potential offer from 'Special Forces: World's Toughest Test,' musing, "It's almost as if I need to pick up singing or dancing lessons. I need a skill, a talent that sets me apart."

Her aversion to reality TV, she explained, was also fueled by her political aspirations. "I steer clear of reality TV because there's still a glimmer of hope in my heart that one day I'll run for office. And you can't have both. It's just not a serious endeavor. Come to me when I'm struggling on the streets, financially destitute, but for now, I'm content where I am," she stated firmly.

While fans might not see McCain grace the 'DWTS' stage anytime soon, the dance competition has indeed welcomed its fair share of political personalities, including Bristol Palin and Sean Spicer, adding a unique political flavor to the show's mix.

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