The enigmatic lore of "The Sopranos" is meticulously dissected in the highly anticipated two-part documentary, "Wise Guy: David Chase & ‘The Sopranos’," a masterful work that premiered at Tribeca 2024 under the direction of Academy Award winner Alex Gibney. Reuniting with HBO, the auteur behind "The Inventor: Out for Blood in Silicon Valley" and "Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief," Gibney delves into the intricate mindscape of the legendary creator and scribe of "The Sopranos," David Chase, offering a poignant portrait of his life, career, and the groundbreaking series that defined an era.
A quarter-century since its groundbreaking debut in 1999, "The Sopranos" remains an iconic masterpiece. In "Wise Guy," Gibney seats Chase himself in the therapist's chair, peeling back layers of the show's origins, rooted in his own North Jersey upbringing. The documentary boasts a star-studded lineup, with former cast members Lorraine Bracco, Edie Falco, Michael Imperioli, Drea de Matteo, and Steven Van Zandt sharing their insights, while archival interviews of the late James Gandolfini, Tony Sirico, and Nancy Marchand add poignancy to the narrative.
Viewers are treated to rare audition tapes and behind-the-scenes footage, capturing the magic that went into crafting the series. The two-part film kicks off with a comprehensive account of Chase's journey and the birth of "The Sopranos," which initially took shape as a cinematic tale of a mobster hunted by his own mother, only to be transformed into an HBO masterpiece.
The second installment seamlessly follows, as Chase reminisces about the arduous task of plotting 13-episode arcs and finding the perfect tonal balance for the series. He also reflects on the timeless appeal of Tony Soprano, brought to life by the late Gandolfini, and the controversial finale that sparked endless debates.
Produced by Ophelia Harutyunyan and Gibney himself, with Nicole Lambert, Richard Perello, and Stacey Offman serving as executive producers, "Wise Guy: David Chase and ‘The Sopranos’" is a labor of love for HBO, with Nancy Abraham, Lisa Heller, and Sara Rodriguez at the helm. Set to premiere on HBO at 8 p.m. ET on September 7, the documentary will also be available for streaming on Max. Witness the making of a legend in the captivating trailer below.