The esteemed Chinese Korean filmmaker, Zhang Lu, has been entrusted with the role of dean at the prestigious Chanel x BIFF Asian Film Academy, a significant component of the celebrated Busan International Film Festival. Zhang's illustrious journey in filmmaking began in 2004, when his masterful work "Tang Poetry" garnered widespread acclaim at the Locarno and Vancouver festivals. Since then, he has left an indelible mark with his subsequent films such as "Grain in Ear" (2005), which triumphantly won the New Currents Award at Busan, "Desert Dream," and the recent release "The Shadowless Tower." Additionally, Zhang Lu held the esteemed position of professor at Yonsei University for an impressive span of eight years.
The Academy's enriching 20-day curriculum will span from September 22nd to October 11th, providing an immersive experience for aspiring filmmakers. The main festival itself will take place from October 2nd to 11th, while the Asian Film Market will run concurrently from October 5th to 8th, offering a vibrant platform for the exchange of ideas and collaboration within the Asian film community.