9-1-1 – Season 7 Episode 4

Published: Jun 07 2024

Episode 4 of Season 7 of 9-1-1 transports us to the esteemed mansion of The Bachelor, where an eager lineup of ladies eagerly awaits the revelation of the season's charming new bachelor, Joey. The initial encounter proceeds smoothly, filled with anticipation and fluttering hearts. However, the serene atmosphere is shattered when a cunning contestant named Bailey sneaks a drug into the drink of her rival, Conchata, and stealthily takes her place.

9-1-1 – Season 7 Episode 4 1

The directors, realizing the mix-up, frantically scramble to unmask the impostor. Meanwhile, Bailey seizes this opportunity to glue herself tenaciously to the mansion's driveway, her mischievous plan in full swing. The adhesive is unyielding, and every attempt to detach her results in agonizing rips of her skin.

Amidst the chaos, the show's suave host, Jesse, hastily dials 9-1-1, and Maddie, her voice steady despite the excitement, answers the call. Joined by Josh, they strive to maintain their professional composure amidst the unfolding drama. Jesse abruptly terminates the call upon the arrival of the 118 responders, refusing to divulge any further details about the mysterious new bachelor.

The 118 team, equally thrilled yet professional, arrives on the scene. They assess the situation surrounding Bailey while Eddie and Buck politely brush off the ladies' flirtatious advances. Meanwhile, Maddie, seeking insider information, calls Chimney to inquire about the elusive new bachelor. Unbeknownst to her, her inquiry accidentally reveals the true Conchata, drugged and trapped inside a limousine. The call ends with the 118 heroes saving the day and returning to their station, victorious yet humbled by the unusual situation.

The following day, Buck finds himself hanging out with Tommy at Air Operations 1. Curious about Tommy's job, Buck expresses his desire to learn more, and Tommy offers to give him flying lessons. Buck, pondering a change of pace, remains tentative yet intrigued. He offers to buy Tommy a beer, but the latter politely declines, revealing plans to fly to Las Vegas with Eddie for a fight. Buck, feeling increasingly left out, can't help but feel a twinge of jealousy.

The next day, during a harrowing call to rescue a man trapped in a sewer after a hit-and-run accident, the team's admiration for Tommy's coolheadedness is palpable. Buck's jealousy starts to boil over as he listens to the praise heaped upon Tommy. Eddie, noticing Buck's discomfort, asks if he's free on Wednesday to watch Christopher while he and Tommy attend a karaoke bar event. Buck realizes that Tommy and Eddie have been spending more time together than he had realized, and his jealousy spirals out of control, especially after babysitting Christopher, who idolizes Tommy.

Buck confides in Maddie about his concerns, admitting his discomfort with how quickly Tommy has made an impression. Maddie, wise and understanding, advises him to talk to Eddie about his feelings of exclusion. But Buck, stubborn and set in his ways, chooses a different path. He recruits Chimney to be his "beard" and accompany him to a basketball pick-up game that Eddie has been trying to persuade him to attend. Despite his aversion to the sport, Buck's jealousy overrides his reluctance, and he finds himself on the court, playing a game he hates, all for the sake of keeping up with his newfound rival.During the intense game, Tommy and Eddie forged a formidable alliance, ultimately triumphing over Buck. However, the defeat left Buck deeply unsettled, and his emotions spiraled out of control. His playing became increasingly aggressive, and in a moment of chaos, he accidentally struck Eddie. But the truth remains ambiguous; even Buck himself isn't entirely certain if the hit was truly unintended. Tormented by his actions, he confessed to Maddie, admitting his profound remorse. He speculated that perhaps he'd only wanted to capture Eddie's attention, but things had escalated in a way he couldn't have anticipated.

Meanwhile, Athena's joy knew no bounds when Harry made an unexpected visit. Bobby, however, harbored suspicions that there was more to the story than met the eye. His instincts were proven correct when a call from Michael revealed the truth. Apparently, Harry had physically assaulted a convenience store manager and fled the town, leaving behind a pending arrest warrant. This revelation shattered Athena's heart, and she confronted Harry, seeking answers. Harry lashed out, insisting that the store manager had attacked him first, and that his actions were merely self-defense. He demanded that his mother choose between him and the law.

Elsewhere, the 118 responders and the police were dispatched to a reported break-in. Dorthy, a panicked woman, had dialed 9-1-1, claiming that someone had invaded her home. In a moment of self-defense, she fired a shot, fatally wounding the intruder. It was Chimney who later realized that there was something deeply amiss with Dorthy.

Upon further investigation, Chimney discovered that Dorthy had suffered a minor fall the previous week, resulting in a head injury that caused face blindness. Tragically, the intruder she had shot and killed was her own son, who had stopped by to check on her. They quickly rushed her to the hospital for emergency surgery, and it was Athena who gently broke the heartbreaking news to her.

Dorothy's plight serves as a catalyst for Athena's deeper investigation into Harry's case, and she manages to procure the footage of the altercation. She engages in a candid and heartfelt conversation with Harry, reminding him that, as a Black man in America, he may feel the urge to lash out in anger, but he must restrain his reactions. She emphasizes that it's not about being right or wrong; it's about making it home safely. She assures him of her support in navigating the fallout.

Fortunately, the decision is made that Harry will perform 100 hours of community service and reside with his mother. Athena imposes a one-month grounding on him, but everyone breathes a sigh of relief knowing that Harry has avoided a jail sentence. Harry feels remorseful for his actions and finally comes to the realization that his mother will always stand by his side.

Later in the evening, Tommy makes a surprise visit to Buck's place to clear any lingering misunderstandings. Buck takes ownership of his misbehavior and offers a sincere apology. Tommy assures him that he's not seeking to replace Buck in Eddie and Christopher's lives. Instead, he confesses his jealousy of the tight-knit bond within the 118 and his desire to be a part of it. Buck agrees, and they engage in a lively conversation about Tommy's coolness.

Suddenly, a realization dawns on Buck. He confesses that he's been unconsciously seeking Tommy's attention, admitting that the effort has been exhausting. Tommy, moved by this revelation, leans in and plants a passionate kiss on Buck. Buck, clearly enjoying the moment, admits his liking for it, and they quickly set a date for the coming weekend.

As Tommy prepares to leave for his shift, he asks Buck to reach out to Eddie and apologize. The evening ends on a high note, leaving both men eager for what lies ahead.

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