In the seventh installment of "A Bloody Lucky Day," entitled "Mishaps Happen for No Reason," the narrative embarks on a dramatic trajectory, as the veil slowly lifts on the true identity of the murderer. The episode kicks off with a jarring sequence where Soon-kyu confronts the individual she has been relentlessly pursuing, ultimately realizing her mistaken identity. The bombshell revelation that Hyuk-soo is innocent of the crime sends shockwaves reverberating through the lives of all involved.
The violent altercation between Soon-kyu and the man, who is unveiled as Hyuk-soo, triggers a cascade of tragic events. Soon-kyu's untimely demise and Oh Taek's critical condition strike a devastating blow to the ongoing investigation, as well as to Mi-rim, who, overwhelmed by grief, takes her own life in a heart-wrenching act of despair. The profound emotional turmoil is almost tangible, as the characters struggle to cope with their immense losses and the uncertainties of the future.
Oh Taek's path to recovery is fraught with formidable challenges, as he grapples with PTSD and haunting hallucinations. His inability to recall the murderer's face fuels a wellspring of frustration and despair. In a harrowing hospital scene, Oh Taek attacks another man, mistaking him for the perpetrator, providing a poignant illustration of his fragile mental state.
The news of Oh Taek's lottery victory brings a fleeting moment of calm, offering a glimmer of hope for a fresh start for both him and his son. However, the shadow of Seung-mi's mysterious disappearance looms heavily over Oh Taek's life, driving him to seek justice and uncover the truth. The bold decision to leap forward four years in the narrative sets the stage for a new and intriguing chapter in their story.
In this new timeline, Seung-hyun's life has diverged onto a different path, working under Joo-hwan and fostering a close bond with his daughter Chae-ri. Meanwhile, Oh Taek, fueled by an unyielding determination to find the real murderer, ventures to China in search of vital clues. His encounter with a gang member who assisted the murderer in escaping Korea is a crucial turning point in the investigation.
The stunning revelation that the murderer never boarded the boat and remains in Korea shifts the dynamics of the search entirely. Oh Taek's return to Korea and his collaboration with Mr. Baek, another parent who has suffered the loss of a child and previously aided Soon-kyu, underscores the enduring and relentless pursuit of justice. Their hunt for Yoon Se-na, who possesses the murderer's true name and a copy of their exchanged diary, marks a significant breakthrough. This diary serves as the linchpin in unraveling the murderer's identity and whereabouts.
The chilling discovery that Lee Byeong-min, the CEO of a prestigious biotechnology company named Odin, is the culprit, casts a dark shadow over his seemingly perfect life, complete with a pregnant wife and a thriving career. Oh Taek's vigil outside the company, where he catches a fleeting glimpse of Byeong-min, is a poignant moment of both triumph and deep sorrow. As he gazes at Seung-mi's photograph, his solemn promise to her serves as a heart-wrenching reminder of the profound personal sacrifice involved in his quest for truth.
In summary, Episode 7 of "A Bloody Lucky Day," titled "Mishaps Happen for No Reason," is a powerful and emotionally charged installment that delves deep into the aftermath of tragedy and the tireless pursuit of justice. The episode is brimming with narrative twists and emotional depth, captivating viewers and drawing them deeper into the characters' journeys. Through its exploration of grief, loss, and the relentless search for truth, this episode stands as a compelling addition to the series.