The fifth and penultimate episode of the series unfolds with a haunting flashback to New Year's Eve, five years prior. Naomi, with a tremor in her voice, recounts to Pip how she was coerced into lying to the police, all stemming from a hit-and-run incident involving her, Max, and Jake. That fateful night, Max, drunk behind the wheel, had driven them home, unaware that their reckless actions had left a trail of devastation in their wake.
In the flashback, as Max surveys the wrecked vehicle lying upside down on the opposite side of the road, he takes control, dialing a mysterious number while Naomi pleads for an ambulance. But Max insists they flee the scene, leaving the driver to perish. Days later, the incident made headlines, but Max and his friends remained unnamed, a testament to the powerful influence of the person Max had called.
Yet, someone had witnessed their involvement. Just after Andie's mysterious disappearance, a note arrived, instructing them to conceal the truth about Sal's departure time from the party and to delete any photos taken after 10:30 pm. In the present, as Naomi confesses to Pip, her voice choked with guilt, she reveals that her best friend's suicide was a direct consequence of her lie. Suddenly, Max enters, furious that Naomi has broken their silence. He struggles to contain his anger, reminding her of their pact before smashing her phone to pieces.
But Pip holds the key. The photo on social media, captured by Sal, stands as proof that he was indeed at the party after 10:30 pm - a detail Max had forgotten to erase. Cara, arriving at the reunion, learns of the tumultuous revelations. As Naomi dances alone on the dancefloor, Pip and Cara discuss the blackmailer who has haunted Naomi since Andie's death. Pip vows to find a way to clear Sal's name without exposing Naomi's involvement, aware that the consequences could be dire. Cara, still reeling from her mother's death, cannot bear the thought of losing another loved one.
Later that evening, Pip was enjoying a calming drink before retiring to bed. Suddenly, Barney's ferocious barking pierced the silence, alerting Pip to some unseen presence in the shadowed garden beyond the backdoor. Pip initially dismissed it, but a cryptic text message arrived, reading "nice pjs," a clear indication that someone was indeed watching her.
Brimming with courage, Pip ventured into the garden to confront the mysterious figure, but the night remained still and silent, with no one emerging from the shadows. Disappointed but undeterred, she retreated indoors and crafted a video, declaring to the world that she would reveal her findings into Andie's disappearance the following day.
Just as she posted the video, her phone buzzed, signaling Ravi's arrival. He had seen the video and came to check on her. Entering her abode, he warned her that she was playing a perilous game, but Pip revealed her strategy: using the video as a bait to lure the murderer out of hiding. She shared with him the threats she had received, both via text and in mysterious notes that kept cropping up.
The two decided to stay awake through the night, keeping a watchful eye. As the hours ticked by, they found comfort in sharing stories of their past and dreams for the future, growing closer with each passing moment.
The next day dawned, marking the occasion of Pip's brother Josh's 10th birthday. The celebration was in full swing, but a chilling text interrupted the festivities: "You'll regret this, drop the case if you want to see him again." Pip's heart skipped a beat, fearing that the culprit had abducted Josh. However, it turned out that it was their beloved pet, Barney, who was missing.
The family embarked on a frantic search in the woods, but their efforts were futile. It was only when they returned home that they stumbled upon Barney's lifeless body by the roadside. Pip's parents speculated that he had been struck by a vehicle, but Pip knew deep in her heart that it was no accident. Devastated, they buried their loyal companion in the garden.
Driven by grief and a burning desire to solve the case, Pip scrutinized her evidence board. A realization dawned on her: Dan Da Silva must have been the person Max had contacted on the night of the hit-and-run. Pip confronted him at his workplace, and while he confessed to assisting Max, he denied any involvement in Andie's death. Pip revealed that Dan had been in a relationship with Andie when she was just 15, a clear case of statutory rape. Max had discovered this and used it as a lever to blackmail Dan whenever he needed police assistance.
Despite the lingering mystery surrounding the killer's identity, Pip shifts her focus to her English exam at school. After the test, Elliot Ward, Cara's father and also the head of English at Pip's school, offers them a ride home for a movie night. However, as Pip settles into the car alongside Elliot and her friends, her phone rings from an unfamiliar number labeled 'Secret Older Guy'—the one she'd entered after finding it in the hotel visitor book.
Trembling with fear, Pip answers the call, only to be bewildered when it's just Naomi, apologizing for Barney's death. Pip inquiries about how Naomi obtained the number, and she reveals that after Max smashed her phone, she stumbled upon this old phone in her father's drawer. The revelation that Elliot must be the 'secret older guy' and likely Andie's murderer strikes Pip like a bolt of lightning.
Amidst the chatter in the car, Pip struggles to comprehend the magnitude of her discovery. When Elliot drops them off at Cara's house, he claims he has tutoring to attend to. Cara notes that tutoring always seems to be his excuse, yet they're still financially strapped. He jokes about having many mouths to feed, but Pip sneaks her phone beneath the car seat, planning to track Elliot's movements.
As the others immerse themselves in the film, Pip monitors her phone's location on her laptop. She watches as Elliot heads to 24 Berners Street, the address of Cara's former home that the family had sold years ago. Pip quickly messages Ravi, informing him of the address and her suspicion that Elliot is holding Andie captive there. She urges him to alert the police immediately.
He sternly warned her against approaching the house, yet she disregarded his advice and steered her car towards the destination. As Elliot emerged from the shadows of the house, she confronted him head-on, accusing the father of her best friend of Andie's murder. He denied her accusations, insisting that if she followed him inside, he would clear the air... But with her phone still in his vehicle, she had no choice but to enter the house unarmed.
Elliot recounted his tale, explaining that he had been tutoring Andie shortly after the passing of his wife, Isabelle, and that a bond had formed between them. He claimed that Andie had ended their relationship when she met Sal, but Pip quickly retorted, pointing out that their encounter at the Ivy House Hotel had occurred mere nights before Andie's demise. Elliot conceded their meeting but claimed that he had thought she had had a change of heart, only for her to resort to blackmail, demanding money from him. He refused, but a few nights later, Andie appeared at his door, asking for £5000. Elliot told Pip that he stood firm against her extortion, but Andie, enraged, lost her footing and fell, her head striking the floor with a thud. Elliot described a scene of chaos, blood splattered everywhere, as he rushed to fetch his phone to call for help. Yet, when he returned, Andie was gone, leaving him bewildered.
Pip, initially swayed by Elliot's narrative, was suddenly jolted from her reverie as a tapping sound echoed through the pipes of the house. Realizing they were not alone, she bolted upstairs, following the mysterious noise. She expected to find Andie, but as she drew closer, she realized the truth was far from what she had imagined. A different face awaited her in the loft... but who could it be?