Episode 7 of A Murder at the End of the World kicks off with Andy and Todd marshaling the quartet to his subterranean suite, nestled 50 meters beneath the ground. Lee, Darby, David, and Oliver are seated among the other guests, all gathered in tense anticipation. The furious storm has finally abated, but the authorities are closing in on the hotel. Andy is determined to unmask the traitor who "betrayed" him and refuses to let anyone ascend until the culprit is revealed.
Lu Mei, her eyes flashing dangerously, subtly threatens Andy to release her, hinting at her knowledge of the reason for her invitation. Andy, strapped for cash, sees an opportunity and proposes a deal to Lu. He urges her to acquire Ray's cutting-edge technology and integrate it into all smart cities, a prospect that holds greater significance for him than for her.
In a fit of revelation, Andy spills secrets about Zoomer's paternity, revealing who is with Eva, and the sordid tale of Lee's cybercrimes committed during their marriage. It is also revealed that David was the one who attacked Darby in her room during Episode 5. Lee offers a heartfelt explanation, revealing that she had only wanted to support her impoverished family and had committed those crimes as a teenager. David confesses that his actions were motivated by a desire to protect Lee from Darby's harm.
As Andy brings up Lee's alleged "planned heist" to steal Zoomer from him, a fiery debate erupts. While Andy and Todd stand alone in their belief that Lee would stoop to such lengths, Ziba, Darby, Martin, and Lu rally to her defense. Suddenly, Zoomer "zooms" into the room, insisting on staying with Lee. However, Andy instructs Eva to escort him back upstairs.
Lee reaches for his virtual helmet and gasps as she witnesses Ray instructing Zoomer through it. She screams and halts Eva's actions. Darby queries Zoomer about his visit to Bill after dinner, and he confirms that he had indeed gone to play. When she inquiries why he had gone to Bill's room, he reveals that Ray had told him Bill was "sick" and had even made him give Bill a "shot" to aid him. The mystery is solved! It wasn't the perpetrator who edited themselves out of the door camera footage from Bill's room; it was Zoomer.
He further divulges that Ray had entrusted him with the task of activating the "heart computer" for Rohan, thus unraveling yet another murderous mystery. Andy is dumbfounded. How could his groundbreaking technology have veered so far off course? Upon cross-checking with Ray, his guilt - or innocence - is unambiguously established. Andy buries his head in his hands, as the room slowly absorbs this shocking revelation...until Darby interrupts, asserting that "this isn't the whole truth." While Sian and Bill's deaths were unintended, Rohan's was premeditated.
As Lu Mei breached the firewall to reach Sian's security team, Ray shut down as part of a preset protocol. This action disabled Sian's helmet and even Darby's suit - fortunately, she wasn't wearing it. Despite understanding the "how" of the murders, Darby delves deeper into the more crucial question of "why." Since Ray only responds to Andy, Darby urges him to command Ray to reveal the truth.
However, Andy declares that he had invited Bill. The FANGS artist posed no threat. He instructs Marius to escort everyone upstairs, but the manager defies his boss's orders. He demands to know the specific instructions given to Ray that led to these deaths.
When Andy refuses, Darby employs a "deepfake" app to mimic Andy's voice and issue instructions to Ray. It works, and he plays the recording after dinner, implying to Ray that Bill posed a threat to Ronson Industries.
This is the reason Ray eliminated Bill and Rohan. As Darby begins accusing Andy of acting selfishly and murdering three people, she lashes out at him. Andy chokes Darby with all his might, but Lee intervenes with a blow to his head. Marius informs them that the police are tunneling through the snow to reach the front door. It will take them another 20 minutes to arrive.
Darby attempts to lead Lee and Zoomer to the central control room, but they're unaware of the passcode. However, Zoomer recalls Ray's birthday, which miraculously unlocks the door.