A Virtuous Business – K-drama Episode 3

Published: Oct 22 2024

Episode 3 of A Virtuous Business unfolds with the community left reeling from the shocking graffiti defacing Jeong-suk's wall. Rather than rallying around her, the landlord, in particular, harbors disdain, convinced that her trade tarnishes her reputation. When Jeong-suk's mother, Bok-sun, arrives on the scene, she inadvertently fuels the flames of judgment, failing to see Jeong-suk's side. Jeong-suk stands her ground, laying blame where it truly lies—on Seong-su—and underscores the utility of her products for a harmonious marriage. Yet, Bok-sun remains unswayed, withdrawing her support in caring for Minho, leaving Jeong-suk in a bind professionally.

A glimmer of hope emerges as Min-ho finds solace in the company of Dong-u, Ju-ri's son, at school. Ju-ri's generous offer to watch over Min-ho alleviates Jeong-suk's burden momentarily. News of the graffiti reaches the police station, prompting Da-hyun's swift intervention. As Jeong-suk returns with paint to conceal the stigma, Da-hyun is already outside, his suspicion pointed towards a vengeful hand behind the vandalism. Together, they erase the evidence, their efforts timed perfectly before Min-ho's return.

A Virtuous Business – K-drama Episode 3  1

Da-hyun delves deeper, tracing his lead to the paint shop and Son Beom-su, a rice vendor who purchased supplies around the crucial hours. However, follow-up investigation proves fruitless, Beom-su emerging unscathed.

In a lighter turn, Jeong-suk, Geum-hui, and Young-bok celebrate their sales success with a meal. Their camaraderie is briefly interrupted by Park In-tae's proposal to have Jeong-suk host his gatherings, revealing his marital struggles with Seong Mi-hwa. Jeong-suk's disbelief and inner turmoil are palpable as she listens to In-tae's grievances.

Back at home, Min-ho receives a guilt-ridden letter accompanied by a robot gift from Seong-su, eliciting a forced smile from Jeong-suk. Young-bok's mishap with a "sweet" dog forces her to abandon work, leaving Jeong-suk to pick up the slack. With Ju-ri unavailable, Jeong-suk's only recourse is to confront In-tae and Mi-hwa, inadvertently agreeing to host another party at their residence.

The atmosphere is palpable with tension as Jeong-suk's mind wanders to unsettling images of her husband and Mi-hwa sharing intimate moments on the couch mere feet away. The adult conversations add fuel to the fire, ultimately leading to a harrowing climax where Min-ho vanishes amidst In-tae's departure for snacks, leaving Jeong-suk reeling.

Naturally, Da-hyun is promptly apprised of the situation, and Jeong-suk's panic reaches a fever pitch until the police arrive, their calming presence a beacon in the storm. As the sun dips below the horizon, casting a veil of darkness, Da-hyun offers Jeong-suk solace, reminding her that in this quaint village, Min-ho's return is imminent.

Upon reuniting with her distraught mother, Bok-sun's harsh words lash out, accusing Jeong-suk of shamelessness, a dagger to her already battered heart. Jeong-suk, tears welling, confronts her mother's own shortcomings during this trying time, only to receive a painful slap in response.

Da-hyun intervenes with a plausible theory—perhaps Min-ho ventured to seek out Seong-su, specifically the factory where he lost his job. Ironically, his assumption proves true; Min-ho, huddled outside with his beloved toy robot, dreams of reinstating his father's livelihood. Jeong-suk scoops him up in a warm embrace, and Da-hyun lends a helping hand, ensuring their safe return home.

Later, Da-hyun gently reassures Jeong-suk, acknowledging the turmoil any parent would feel in such a situation. He encourages her to mend her wounds and rest, leaving behind a token of care—first aid for her bruised cheek.

With Min-ho safely home, Jeong-suk's fortunes shift, culminating in the month's brightest day—payday. They revel in their earnings and indulge in shopping, though the joy is tinged with the sight of Bok-sun, their steps mirroring yet remaining worlds apart. Bok-sun's stony silence betrays a deeper hurt as she witnesses her ex-husband, Yong-deok, cavorting with his mistress, a stark contrast to her solitude. The revelation of her own betrayal echoes in the rain-lashed air.

Humility prevails as Jeong-suk braves the elements, umbrella in hand, to seek out her mother at the bus stop. Bok-sun's tale unfolds, a lament of a life scarred by Yong-deok's neglect and betrayal. She recounts her unwavering labor, her escape from a love that blinded her to her own worth. Jeong-suk's outburst, then, becomes a trigger, reigniting old pains and hindering acceptance.

Yet, amidst the understanding, Bok-sun recognizes Jeong-suk's struggles as a means of survival, a sign of resilience. Jeong-suk, too, knows the weight of her mother's suffering, having witnessed it firsthand. Back home, the tears that threaten to spill reflect a shared sorrow, but also a gift—a pretty shirt, a symbol of renewal, inviting Bok-sun to reclaim her identity and embrace life anew.

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