Ahsoka – Season 1 Episode 4

Published: Jun 19 2024

Episode 4 of Ahsoka opens with Sabine grappling with the challenge of reaching Hera amidst the confusion. Ahsoka, meantime, wanders aimlessly outdoors, prompting Sabine to follow her and reveal the dire situation - their ship is stranded, and sending a distress signal is futile. Realizing that the enemy now holds the map, Ahsoka resolves to embark on a perilous journey to locate the ground base.

Ahsoka confesses to Sabine the gravity of their choice. If they cannot complete the mission to find Ezra, then no one should attempt it. She suggests that destroying the route entirely would be preferable to allowing Thrawn to regain his footing. Sabine, torn between conflicting emotions, nonetheless assures Ahsoka of her loyalty. As she departs, Huyang emerges, inquiring about their well-being, only to receive a blank stare and a warning to be cautious. Little do they know, they are being watched.

Elsewhere, Baylan and Morgan Elsbeth discover Ahsoka's location and plot an attack. The Sith Apprentice, Shin, joins the fray, vanishing into the woods. In their absence, Baylan reminds Elsbeth of the precision required to obtain the coordinates. Any deviation, even the slightest, could spell disaster.

Ahsoka – Season 1 Episode 4 1

Meanwhile, Sabine and Ahsoka engage in lengthy, repetitive discussions about doing what's right and resisting emotional impulses. Outside, Huyang struggles to repair the ship, but he is ambushed by a robot, which accidentally knocks out the ship's electrical system, plunging them into darkness once again. Ahsoka jumps into action, swiftly dispatching the droid. Realizing the danger posed by these mechanical foes, she decides to accompany Sabine on a reconnaissance mission, leaving their ship exposed and Huyang alone. A stroke of genius, indeed.

Deep in the vastness of space, Hera secretly embarked on her journey, leaving the council in the dark about her destination. She was not traveling alone, accompanied by her son and a small fleet of fighter ships.

Meanwhile, on the planet's surface, Ahsoka and Sabine confronted Shin and the enigmatic figure clad in knightly armor, wielding a dual-bladed lightsaber. After a tense stare-off, Ahsoka delivered a swift slash, felling the armored foe. Sadly, he did not survive the lightsaber's blow like Sabine and Reva, a tragic loss. Sabine managed to overpower Shin, but he fled, leaving the scene.

Ahsoka was tasked with retrieving the map while Sabine kept Shin occupied. At the precipice, Ahsoka discovered the Star Map, with Baylan awaiting her. They briefly reminisced about Anakin, discussing the potential return of Thrawn and its potentially dire consequences for the universe. The confrontation culminated in a duel.

After emerging victorious, Ahsoka grasped the map, but it burned her hand, forcing her to drop it. Consequently, the final calculations remained incomplete. Everyone gathered at the cliff's edge, and Ahsoka was unexpectedly shoved off. Baylan spoke to Sabine, convincing her not to destroy the map but to do what was right for Ezra. He recognized that Ezra held the key and that Sabine's family had paid the ultimate price for Ahsoka's mistrust. Since they shared the same goal, Sabine relinquished the map, but Shin choked her unconscious. Baylan intervened, honoring his word.

Sabine was taken prisoner and forced to accompany them as Baylan destroyed the map once the coordinates were complete. They converged on the hyperring, just as Hera and her group arrived at their designated location. The hyperdrive activated, and they embarked on their journey. The shockwave blasted neighboring ships, causing some to crumble, but Hera emerged unscathed.

Meanwhile, Ahsoka awoke on an otherworldly, starlit path. A mysterious voice whispered, "Hello Snips," and as she turned, she beheld Anakin Skywalker standing before her.

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