Alex Rider – Season 3 Episode 6

Published: Jun 11 2024

Episode 6 of Alex Rider begins with a chilling revelation for Jack Starbright: she has a stalker. The situation takes a sinister turn when she stumbles upon a bouquet and a note, urging her to visit John Rider's gravesite. To her astonishment, the note is from Alex Rider, who has returned to London. Alex confides in Jack that John's death was not natural, and he knows the identity of the killer. Fueled by a desire for vengeance, Alex is hell-bent on taking justice into his own hands. Despite Jack's frantic efforts to dissuade him, Alex vanishes, leaving her fraught and clueless about his next move.

Meanwhile, at the MI6 headquarters, Blunt and his team realize that Scorpia's ultimate ambition is to humiliate them. By doing so, Scorpia aims to create a pretext for launching another assault. Their nefarious plan involves targeting one government after another, holding them hostage until their demands are met. With time ticking and ideas running dry, Blunt decides to seek assistance from the CIA, realizing that they need all the help they can get to thwart Scorpia's diabolical scheme.

Alex Rider – Season 3 Episode 6 1

Tom and Kyra visit Jack and reveal that Alex is working alongside Yassen and has been involved in an assassination. Tom discloses that Alex is not acting like his usual self and seems to be under the thumb of Scorpia, the organization he's now aligned with. Jack echoes their concerns, recalling a disturbing conversation she had with him earlier. Tom and Kyra fear that Alex is being coerced into plotting something catastrophic that could irrevocably alter his life.

Jones starts to suspect that Scorpia's motives extend beyond attacking Britain—they may be targeting MI6 itself. He connects the dots back to John Rider, recalling how Blunt decimated Scorpia twenty years ago, leaving many of its agents dead or imprisoned. Jones theorizes that Scorpia could be seeking revenge for this past atrocity. Despite Blunt's belief that Scorpia wouldn't be motivated by revenge, Jones is convinced that this is a plot of vengeance rather than a sophisticated strategy for power.

As the episode unfolds, Kyra and Tom meet with MI6 to provide intel on Julia, aka the Widow. They reveal her whereabouts and mention Kovacic, a scientist who sold something deadly to Julia. Jack intervenes, urging the department to aid Alex before launching a full-scale operation against Julia and Scorpia. Jones agrees, and Jack provides the coordinates to Julia's hideout and issues an alert to all agencies to locate Alex Rider.

With the alert in place, Alex decides to change his appearance to evade detection. Using the skills of a master makeup artist, he creates a disguise and breaks into Jones's apartment, waiting for her return so he can confront her about ordering the sniper to assassinate John Rider. As the episode reaches its climax, Jones enters her apartment, only to find herself face-to-face with Alex, who demands answers about why she killed his father. Despite Jones's apology, Alex fires three shots, leaving the screen to fade to black, leaving the viewer on a cliffhanger.

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