Alice In Borderland– Season 1 Episode 6

Published: Jan 22 2025

Hatter's vow to forge a utopia by the seashore, as he converses with Aguni, kicks off episode 6 of Alice In Borderland in a nostalgic flashback. The scene then seamlessly transitions to the present, where Hatter is caught stashing a deck of playing cards into his box while seated at his table.

Alice In Borderland– Season 1 Episode 6 1

Following an arduous night of revelry, Arisu awakens with a pounding headache, only to be greeted by Usagi, who whispers that Hatter has taken a liking to him. Sensing an opportunity, Usagi urges Arisu to capitalize on this newfound influence and extract as much intelligence as he can from the inhabitants of the Beach resort.

As Arisu navigates through the resort, he encounters various grim theories about the identity of the game master and the purpose of their collective existence. Each theory is as desolate as the next, casting a shadow over the resort's utopian pretenses.

Despite the allure of the place, Arisu and Usagi remain undeceived, piercing through the illusion to uncover the grim reality concealed from the masses. And that reality manifests in the form of a dumpster overflowing with corpses—or, as Kuina and Chishiya label them upon their timely arrival, "traitors."

Escorting Arisu to the rooftop, Kuina and Chishiya commend him on the wealth of information he's gathered and inquire about his plans. For Arisu, the objective is crystal clear: to survive and uncover the mastermind behind the games. Currently, his only reasons for staying alive are Usagi and the desire for vengeance on behalf of his fallen friends.

It transpires that Kuina and Chishiya have conjured up their own coup d'état, inquiring of Arisu whether he desires to align with them in reshaping the existing order. Their intellects are keenly attuned to the impending takeover by the militants – it's merely a question of when, rather than if. Once they oust the Hatter, Chishiya intends to snatch the cards and make a daring escape.

Prior to that, however, Arisu and Chishiya find themselves before the Hatter, who chance has it, lies unconscious in his chamber, a gunshot wound marring his chest. The Hatter failed to conquer his game, and every indication fingers Aguni and his henchmen as the perpetrators. Under duress, the diverse players are compelled to cast their votes for Aguni as the new leader.

With Aguni assuming his throne at the head of the table, Chishiya marshals the troops, poised to execute their strategy. While Aguni holds forth in the main atrium, captivating the others with his oratory, Chishiya keeps watch while Arisu endeavors to crack open the safe. Alas, the combination proves fruitless, and as Arisu turns, he confronts Aguni's thugs, with Chishiya seemingly betraying them all.

Captured alongside Usagi, Arisu is confined to a dim, dreary room, bound to a chair. Meanwhile, Usagi finds herself in a perilous plight, with Niragi lurking, intent on violating her. With our two protagonists sidelined, Kuina and Chishiya proceed with their plan, discovering the safe concealed behind a portrait of a stag on the wall. It emerges that the safe Arisu found was but a decoy, and they used him as bait.

Kuina stands guard at the door, while Chishiya successfully retrieves the cards and prepares for his getaway. However, as he nears the exit, Kuina experiences a change of heart, tormented by guilt over Arisu's plight.

Regrettably, their troubles are merely scraping the surface as an eerie array of lasers manifests around the Paradise Hotel, heralding the onset of a fresh game. This particular game, however, is inextricably tied to the fate of the 10 of hearts card. As the players convene in the lobby, an unforeseen tragedy unfolds—Momoka, a young girl, lies sprawled on her back, a knife piercing her heart. The macabre game they are poised to embark upon is dubbed "Witch Hunt," where every soul present, be it man or woman, must relentlessly seek out and incinerate the culprit behind Momoka's untimely demise.

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