The second episode of "American Primeval" unfolds with a contingent of Shoshones, led by the formidable Red Feather, discovering the beleaguered Jacob. He implores them for assistance, yet they decline, choosing instead to let him live as a stark reminder of the ravages of colonization.
Elsewhere, Isaac persists in escorting Devin back to Fort Bridger, to Sara's evident displeasure. Amidst their journey, Isaac abruptly notices a Native girl shadowing their steps. Devin attempts to intervene, but Isaac forcibly dismisses her. As they approach a river, Isaac ventures off to secure a crossing point. The Native girl reappears, requesting the return of her knife, which Sara had confiscated during the assault. Suddenly, Virgil and his henchmen materialize, opening fire on Sara. The Native girl swiftly comes to their rescue, while another tribe ambushes Isaac, tearing them apart.
In a distant locale, Brigham Young stands as a beacon of righteousness, preaching about transforming America into a Zionist utopia. Among his flock, Brother Cook, an underground strategist, whispers that their blueprint is proceeding smoothly, asserting that no witnesses exist. Brigham, confident in their secrecy, dispatches Brother Bill Hickman to Fort Bridger to squash any rumors linking them to the Fancher's Massacre.
At Bridger, Hickman clashes with Jim, who permissively allows US soldiers onto his territory. Hickman warns that Jim's accommodation could label him an adversary, but the pioneer remains indifferent. At this pivotal moment, a disoriented Jacob stumbles in, rambling about the attack. The US soldiers, misinformed, assume it was perpetuated by Red Feather's tribe. Seeing an opportunity, Hickman seizes it, scolding them for their internal strife with Mormons while ignoring the genuine threat posed by Native Americans.
Meanwhile, Abish and the other women fall into the clutches of the Paiutes, just as the Shoshones led by Red Feather make their appearance. Skeptical of the Paiutes' alliance with the Whites, the Shoshones execute them on the spot. Their wrath doesn't spare the weeping and pleading Mormon women, who are brutally slain. Facing Red Feather with steadfast resolve, Abish dares him with her unwavering gaze, asserting that her fear is absent and his demise inevitable. Impressed by her courage, he decides to take her as his captive.
Back in Bridger, Jacob, desperate to find his wife, assembles a posse, and Hickman lends him his support. When Jim inquiries about the Rowells, Jacob fears the worst, sparking Hickman's curiosity. Captain Edmund Dellinger is furious to see Jacob has joined the Mormon Militia instead of relying on his soldiers for the investigation.
To Jacob's relief, Wolsey, the same man who attempted to expel Fancher and later orchestrated the attack, joins the posse. However, in private, Hickman confronts Wolsey, furious over his reckless actions. They agree to eliminate Jacob if he suspects anything. Hickman wonders if there are any other witnesses left, and Wolsey deceives him about Sara, Devin, and Isaac's whereabouts.
In the forest's embrace, Sara, Devin, and the enigmatic girl, Two Moons, introduce themselves to each other. Grateful for her newfound companions, Sara returns Two Moons' knife. Isaac, finding them, is irritated by the campfire's glow and Devin's noisy leg brace. In an impulsive move, he cuts it off and again tries to dismiss Two Moons, but she persists in joining them.
Jacob's posse discovers the Paiutes' deserted camp. A dying Native, barely articulate, utters a fragment about the Shoshones before Wolsey, citing mercy, ends his life. Wolsey's plan is clear: locate Abish and eliminate both her and her captor.
Captured by the Shoshones, Abish finds a fleeting moment of freedom during a meal. She attempts to escape but is swiftly recaptured and bound once more. Red Feather, offering her sustenance again, sees her resistance crumble, and she reluctantly accepts.
Next, Captain Dellinger's men arrived at Fancher's and observed the peculiar hoods and shod hoof prints, an unlikely sight for Native Americans. The captain pondered whether the Mormons might resort to extreme lengths, even murdering their own, to fulfill their fanatical dreams. Elsewhere, Isaac utilized Sara's money to negotiate with a group of outlaws for some horses. However, Sara's mistrust of him led her to reveal her face, instantly identifying her to the outlaws from the bounty poster. Before Isaac could eliminate the threat, he was shot. Enraged, he demanded an explanation from Sara, who insisted she acted in self-defense and warned that Devin was in peril. She then offered $1,500 for safe passage to Crooks Spring, an offer Isaac reluctantly accepted.
As the rescue mission progressed, the posse was questioning a scavenger tribe when Jacob spotted Abish's shawl. He lunged for it, sparking a tense confrontation. Wolsey intervened, escorting Jacob away while the Native Americans stared at them with intensity.
Back in the woods, Isaac lost consciousness, prompting Sara to reclaim her money. As Shoshone tribesmen emerged, she attempted to assist Isaac. When he awoke, he found himself healed and surprised to see Sara returning his money. She claimed she took it only when she believed he was dead. They shared a smile, and she noted that the tribe had become his family. His mother, a Native American woman, called him over, and he confessed his loss of direction. She embraced him and inquired whether Sara now belonged to his family.
Dellinger soon appeared, inquiring about Red Feather's whereabouts. Red Feather was the Native woman's son who had strayed from his people. Isaac revealed that the Mormon Militia was to blame for the chaos. Dellinger suggested that the tribe relocate to a protected reservation, but the Native woman refused to be intimidated by the Mormons.
After Dellinger's departure, Isaac once again attempted to persuade Sara to change her mind, but she remained steadfast in her decision to proceed to Crooks Spring. He then tried to convince Two Moons to stay behind, but she also refused. Together, they departed at the conclusion of American Primeval Episode 2, leaving their fates intertwined and the tension thick with anticipation for what lay ahead.