Episode 3 of Apple Cider Vinegar kicks off with Hek solemnly informing the audience that stories were once the glue binding people together, yet we now seem to have misplaced our capacity for objectivity. He arranges a Women's Weekly interview for Belle, cautioning her to avoid charm and stick to straightforward answers. Naturally, she defies his advice, embodying the essence of a habitual liar, all while Anais, the interviewer, observes her with a stony poker face. Belle declares her admiration for entrepreneurs like Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg, justifying her stance by citing her absence of a father figure.
Back in Melbourne, the year 2012, Belle dedicates herself to the creation of The Whole Pantry app. She assembles a team of coders and enlists the talents of a photographer named Lenny. Clive, the financial backbone, foots the bill, while Belle takes charge of crafting recipes and preparing the food.
Flash forward to 2014, Justin and Sean reach out to Lenny, who describes Belle as a con artist. She never compensated him for his work and even blocked him after the app's release. Despite this, he admires her commitment to making a positive impact on the world. Justin scoffs, recognizing the whole narrative as a web of deceit.
In 2012, the app's development sails smoothly, and a sense of camaraderie fills the air. Belle, now pregnant, shares in the collective joy. Tragically, her baby is stillborn, leaving Clive heartbroken and seeking solace in his mother's embrace. Belle, on the other hand, finds herself alone, scrolling through Milla's social media.
Milla has purchased her own home and received a proposal from Arlo. Chanelle returns to Australia and reconnects with Milla, her holistic approach—including practices like coffee enemas—remaining a mystery to her. Still, Chanelle still lends her support to Milla's burgeoning business. With a nudge in the right direction, Milla launches her own skincare brand, marking a new chapter in her entrepreneurial journey.It's the year 2013, and Milla finds herself invited to a serene forest retreat as a respected wellness speaker. Her mother, Tamara, appears unwell yet endeavors to conceal her condition, but Milla, perceptive as ever, senses something is amiss and insists on administering a coffee enema. Alas, this intervention only exacerbates Tamara's state, leading to a hasty hospital admission. The diagnosis that emerges is a chilling echo of her mother's past—bowel cancer. Milla, unyielding in her convictions, engages in heated debates with the medical professionals, steadfast in her belief in alternative remedies.
Transitioning into 2014, a double date concludes on a melancholic note as Lucy confronts a heart-wrenching realization: she may never bear children. Her thoughts drift back to their dream of traveling to South America to witness the magical pink dolphins. Unwilling to let life slip away amidst idleness, she decides against continuing chemotherapy. Wearied by the endless waiting for Justin, who is perpetually engrossed in chasing stories, she asserts her need to take charge of her own destiny despite his professed fears for her well-being.
Meanwhile, in 2013, amidst the turmoil of her mother's diagnosis, Milla and Belle both receive nominations for an entrepreneurship award from Cosmo. Struggling to maintain composure, Milla steps into a rented formal dress that fails to complement her frame. By her side, Chanelle offers a comforting presence, a beacon of support in the midst of her turmoil.
Meanwhile, Belle is reveling in the spotlight, clad in a dazzling, sparkling dress, engaging in lively conversation with Julie, who has thoughtfully gifted her an exquisite bottle of apple cider vinegar. As fate would have it, Belle wins the coveted award, finally earning the acknowledgment she deserves from Milla. During her heartfelt speech, Belle pays tribute to Julie's wise words from their memorable bonding night.
The afterparty scene unfolds with Belle exhibiting a snarky demeanor towards the inquisitive Milla, who can't seem to get enough of her. Belle also lambasts the Hirsch treatment, boldly claiming she too had tried it. Her candidness wins over Chanelle, much to Milla's dismay.
Driven by curiosity, Milla rushes back home and delves deep into Belle's past, until she stumbles upon a MySpace post detailing a fake heart attack. A flashback reveals that Belle's so-called boyfriend was none other than Lenny, who attempts to make a move on her but is repelled when he realizes she's on her period. Embarrassed and teased by her peers, Belle resorts to faking a heart attack. In her rambling post, she whimsically talks about dying for three minutes and heart defects, earning the mockery of her classmates. Milla is now fully aware that Belle has a history of fakery, including claims of leukemia and teen pregnancy during her childhood.
During the 2014 interview with Justin, Lenny revisits the incident, prompting Belle to claim she doesn't remember their relationship due to a brain tumour. However, he's convinced that her cancer story is real, detecting a hint of mortality in her scent.
The Apple Cider Vinegar Episode 3 takes a dramatic turn as Belle's interview spirals out of control when Anais reveals she's spoken to Natalie and her husband, Andy. Belle launches into a furious rant, accusing Natalie of being a liar and denouncing the magazine as trash.