The third installment of "Apples Never Fall," entitled "Amy," delves deeply into the life of Amy Delaney, portrayed with remarkable depth by Alison Brie, as she navigates the treacherous landscapes of family secrets and her own personal battles. Against the haunting backdrop of her mother Joy's mysterious disappearance, Amy's narrative unfolds with a poignant sense of urgency and emotional depth, adding another intricate layer to the already labyrinthine Delaney family saga.
In 2008, Amy's palpable anxiety about disclosing her decision to abandon her college education to her family foreshadows the formidable challenges she would confront in the present. Her mother, Joy, offers a coat to conceal the bandage on Amy's arm, symbolizing the family's dual nature of protection and concealment. As Joy solemnly promises to keep Amy's secret, the episode seamlessly transitions to the present, where the Delaney family converges at the Palm Beach Police Station to grapple with the perplexing inconsistencies regarding the bloodstains on Joy's tennis jacket.
The palpable tension within the family is evident, with Stan, portrayed with masterful subtlety by Sam Neill, feeling like an outsider amidst his children's hushed, guarded reactions. Amy's confrontation with Stan about Joy's visit to a divorce lawyer mere days before her disappearance casts another shadow of suspicion and intrigue over the case. The press conference, where Detective Elena Camacho reassuringly assures the public of the family's cooperation and the absence of suspects, stands in stark juxtaposition to the seething turmoil brewing within the Delaney family's closed ranks.
Amy's decision to host a "Hope Circle" at her home elicits a spectrum of reactions, with some family members viewing it as a self-indulgent gesture. However, it also emerges as a powerful platform for Amy to assert control in a situation where she feels profoundly powerless. The gathering is abruptly interrupted by Elena's suspicions regarding Stan's abusive tendencies, fueled by his confrontation with Mark Higgins on the tennis court. Amy's vehement denial of these allegations and her frustration with the relentless accusations underscore the tangled complexity of her relationship with her father and the family's dynamics.
This episode delves deeper into Troy's illicit affair with Lucia Fortino, weaving another intricate thread into the Delaney family's tangled web of secrets. The pressure of his situation manifests in Troy's inability to perform, serving as a poignant reminder of the immense emotional burden borne by the entire family. Meanwhile, the police search of the Delaney residence and Stan's suspiciously pristine car only serves to fuel more questions than it offers answers.
As the family converges for Amy's event, long-buried memories resurface, particularly those pertaining to Savannah Pagonis' residence within their home. Amy's initial warmth and openness towards Savannah's living arrangements starkly contrast with her subsequent resentment, particularly when Savannah usurps her role in baking Stan's birthday cake and dons Amy's dress. These recollections underscore the ever-shifting alliances and simmering tensions that permeate the Delaney household.
The episode culminates in the shocking discovery of a body that mirrors Joy's description, ratcheting up the suspense as the family is summoned to identify the deceased. However, the revelation that a ring found on the body does not belong to Joy deals a devastating blow. Compounding this revelation is the discovery of Amy's suicide note, which she claims to have penned after dropping out of school. These developments heap more emotional turmoil upon the family and cast a harsh light on their hidden wounds.
Ultimately, "Amy" is an episode that strips away the veneer of the Delaney family, revealing the festering issues and concealed secrets that lie beneath the surface. As the family grapples with Joy's disappearance and the potential repercussions of their own deeds, the episode concludes on a cliffhanger, leaving viewers eagerly anticipating the next chapter in this gripping family saga.