Archive 81 – Season 1 Episode 5

Published: Jun 28 2024

Episode 5 of Archive 81 kicks off with Melody anxiously waiting at the hospital, her eyes glued to the door for any news on Beatriz's condition. As she strides off to the vending machine for a steaming cup of warmth, she spins around abruptly, coming face-to-face with Dan, yet another spectral vision as the show seamlessly weaves the two timelines together.

The following morning, Melody presses Beatriz for details about the mysterious man she encountered. But Beatriz remains tight-lipped, clutching Melody's wrist tightly and urging her, "Don't let it out." Desperate and seeking guidance, Melody rushes to Steven Turner's office, but finds it deserted as he's off for the weekend. With little choice left, she heads straight to his residence. There, Melody confesses her fears of being haunted, specifically by the specter of Dan.

Archive 81 – Season 1 Episode 5 1

Unbeknownst to her, Steven had received an anonymous complaint against himself, suspecting it to be from Melody. However, it wasn't her, but it explains his initial coldness towards her. Steven had actually posted about Melody on a message board, albeit anonymously. Six months ago, a researcher was seeking individuals with unique genetic traits prone to psychic phenomena, referring to them as "Baldung." Steven was convinced Melody possessed such traits — the paralyzing terror, scribbled drawings, and a feeling of being drawn elsewhere were all telltale signs. But after a thorough analysis, the researcher dismissed Melody as a match.

Back at Visser Apartment, Melody learns from Jess that Annabelle has relocated to another unit on the forbidden sixth floor. Disregarding the warnings, Melody treads where she'd been forbidden, and Cassandra directs her to her friend's new abode. Inside, Cassandra is transfixed, claiming the building whispers secrets to her. Hurriedly, she ushers Melody out, citing a grand art exhibition she's attending tonight.

Cassandra's behavior is uncharacteristically erratic, but Melody notices a peculiar locked door in the hallway, the locks oddly on her side. Curiousity piqued, she unlocks it and steps through, the strange ethereal hum and moan reverberating again. As she ventures deeper into this dilapidated space, she encounters a circle of people emitting the same moans and huffs as in the community room. Suddenly, they all fall silent, leaving Melody standing amidst the eerie silence.

Rumors are swirling here about Father Russo's intention to deliver Melody into the hands of certain individuals, but John Smith intervenes, narrowly averting a potential disaster and saving Melody. John uncovers the truth, revealing that these individuals, both men and women, are imprisoned within this room for their own safety. According to John, they are all addicts, and Samuel has been their guardian angel, bringing them food and water to ensure their wellbeing.

Later, in her apartment, Melody encounters one of these so-called "junkies," a young man named Chris Lee. He arrived due to the mysterious Stardust, his nickname for the shimmering mold that has taken over the surroundings. Remembering that Dan was also informed by the housekeeper about mold growing in the bathroom, this discovery could be a hint of something larger.

Chris claims that something is beckoning him, and he hears a hum in response. He mentions Julia but remains tight-lipped about the details until he obtains a "ticket" from Father Russo. As Melody visits the church later that day, she learns of a shocking revelation: Father Russo had jumped in front of a train, ending his life. This news echoes the earlier broadcast announcing his tragic demise.

Now, the mysterious "ticket" Chris spoke of turns out to be a referral to a substance abuse recovery center. In Father Russo's office, Melody discovers a key that unlocks a door to a set of schematics, covered in scribbled notes. Alongside, she finds an ancient book with the name "Visser?" inscribed on its cover and bizarre illustrations of demons within its pages.

Amidst the shadows of the armoire, one enigmatic presence looms. According to the tome in hand, it's dubbed Keelego, a fusion of divine and diabolical essence. Even more intriguing, Samuel's identity seems as elusive as the creature within, with various aliases scribbled haphazardly within the pages. Suddenly, Samuel, or the enigmatic figure assuming his guise, materializes in Russo's office, stealthily tearing a page from his diary before slipping away undetected.

Melody, her heart palpitating, sneaks into the gallery to warn Annabelle of impending danger. Her intuition tells her something sinister is afoot, yet Annabelle's revelation of her newfound ability as a "Spirit Receiver" like Eleanor only adds to the eerie atmosphere. Her paintings, showcasing a woman from "the other side," are breathtaking yet eerily familiar, reminiscent of Eleanor's works.

The curator, Gabby, breaks the spell with the news that Annabelle's paintings have been sold to an anonymous buyer. Enraged, Annabelle tears them down, declaring they are not for sale but a gift to the world. Melody suspects Samuel's involvement, believing he's the mysterious buyer.

As she interrogates Samuel about his past and aliases, a shocking event unfolds. Chris, plummeting from the heights of Visser Apartments, ends his life in a tragic suicide. Yet, the scene is interrupted by Virgil's ghostly presence, appearing alongside Chris in the video footage. Dan, watching the unfolding drama on his monitor, is startled and calls for Virgil to reveal the truth.

Upon appearing in Dan's home, Virgil drops a bombshell: Samuel is his brother. Dan's mission now is to unravel Samuel's fate and determine if Melody played a role in his death. Virgil insinuates that Melody might have sparked the blaze that engulfed Julia's apartment when she failed to receive the answers she sought. He even casts doubt on Melody's involvement in the fire that claimed Dan's family. The only way to unravel the truth lies within the depths of these tapes, waiting to be unraveled.

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