Episode 6 of "Bad Monkey" commences with a desperate plea from Yancy to Ro, seeking assistance amidst the chaos. As Ro rushes to his aid, Neville embarks on a quest to seek the aid of the enigmatic Dragon Queen. However, fate has a twisted sense of humor as he stumbles upon an intimate scene between Egg and Gracie, their bodies entwined in a passionate embrace. The mischievous monkey inadvertently betrays their privacy, prompting Egg to bolt after the fleeing child, bullets whizzing past Neville's arm as he narrowly escapes the fury.
Egg, sexually agitated and thwarted, returns to the queen's lair, only to find the mood irrevocably shattered. Gracie, meanwhile, pores over a falsified deed from Wendell with an air of indifference, brushing aside Ya-ya's apprehensive inquiries. Later, Gracie confronts Egg at his seedy bar, her mind set on a confrontation with his mysterious boss.
Yancy, burdened by his own troubles, returns to his sanctuary only to be confronted with an unexpected sight: Bonnie, ensconced with Cody. It transpires that Cody has been keeping a watchful eye on Bonnie, fearing for her safety from Yancy's perceived danger. Bonnie, ever the opportunist, seizes the moment, latching onto Cody's protection and plotting a retreat to a secluded cabin.
But their escape is short-lived as Jim, like a specter, looms in the shadows, awaiting their arrival. The tranquility of the cabin soon turns into a crucible of doubt for Bonnie, her confidence shattering as she realizes Cody's true colors do not match her rose-tinted vision.
Elsewhere, the relentless detective's nose is twitching, her hunt for Bonnie and Yancy relentless. The fugitive's trail is hot, and a photograph of the cabin, carelessly left behind, ignites a fire under her heels, driving her determination to the brink.
Meanwhile, Yancy makes his way to Ro's, only to be met with a stunning revelation—Mendez has already been summoned. His world turns upside down as he's promptly arrested for Izzy's murder. As he's roughly escorted to the back of the police cruiser, Rosa's car glides by, and Yancy, with a swift nod, silently urges her to continue on her path.
At the precinct, Mendez's smirk is palpable, as he deliberately taunts Yancy. His animosity stems from being exposed as a corrupt cop, and his resentment simmers. Yancy, however, presents a compelling alternative—an alliance to apprehend the real killer, Nick Stripling, even offering to cede all the glory to Mendez.
Gracie's encounter with Nick and Eve unfolds, the forged deed in her possession a piercing light on their facade. She confides in Eve, unmasking their charade, leaving no doubt that she sees through their game. After Eve's departure, Nick's return is laced with a dire warning: crossing them invites ruin. He underscores the personal nature of disrespect, urging a direct transaction for the land, bypassing any intermediaries.
Rosa arrives at the station, intent on aiding Yancy, her Spanish whispers searching for a way out. But her efforts hit a sour note when she discovers that Ro was the architect of her predicament. Determined to forge her own path, she infiltrates the hangar bay, eyes scanning for clues. As the small plane returns, the sight of illicit drugs being smuggled in confirms her intuition—she's on the trail of something significant.
Yancy, for his part, acknowledges his presence in the apartment during Izzy's murder but adheres to the truth. His counsel, while hopeful it's a matter of vendetta, grapples with the reality that superiors find the evidence compelling enough to press charges.
Just as the tide seems to turn against him, Ro arrives with a game-changing revelation—Mendez's failure to record Mrs. Blank's full testimony, which implicated another suspect with only one arm. This pivotal detail prompts Yancy's release, leaving him free to continue the pursuit of justice.
Meanwhile, Rosa embarks on a relentless pursuit of evidence, navigating the eerily vacant hangar bay. As she meticulously inspects the plane, an unexpected figure emerges from its shadowy depths—none other than Neville himself. In a separate thread, Bonnie remains on the lam, dodging the relentless detective who appears at the cabin, her every move a calculated evasion. Meanwhile, Gracie's world suddenly turns upside down as she's snatched away and unceremoniously stuffed into a bag, her fate hanging in the balance.