Bergerac – Season 1 Episode 3

Published: Mar 03 2025

The episode kicks off with DCI Jim Bergerac (Damien Molony), eyes piercing through the one-way glass, intently observing Mia Alves’ (Diana Vassalo) interrogation. Meanwhile, Margaret Heaton (Pippa Haywood) steps forward to address the press, her voice steady as she delivers a statement regarding Lily Wakefield’s recent harrowing abduction and fortunate rescue. Arthur Wakefield (Philip Glenister) and Julien Wakefield (Timothy Renouf) arrive back at their home, cradling Lily in their arms, as Margaret expresses the family's heartfelt gratitude to Jim for restoring their peace. Barney Crozier (Robert Gilbert), his sarcasm thick as molasses, merely snorts and rolls his eyes in response. John Blakely (Stephen Wight) watches the press conference unfold with a grave expression, while Ellie Robson, nails between her teeth, finds herself similarly engrossed. A table nearby is cluttered with newspaper articles, each clipping shedding light on Arthur's tumultuous past.

Bergerac – Season 1 Episode 3 1

During a therapy session steeped in introspection, Jim and Pete Benedict (Aidan Mcardle) delve into the murky waters of Cate Wakefield’s (Anna Mawn) murder case. Jim confesses to questioning the police theory, finding it riddled with inconsistencies. Pete gently reminds him that it is, in fact, his theory and wonders aloud if Jim suspects another perpetrator behind Cate’s murder and Lily’s abduction. Jim suggests they steer clear of the case for the time being, but Pete persists, inquiring about the impetus behind his return to work. Jim reveals that grief had become his defining trait, and he sought to prove something to himself and to Kim Bergerac (Chloe Sweetlove). When Pete probes about his last drink, Jim admits it's been approximately 58 hours, a period he describes as torturous. Pete posits that Jim might be dragging out the case due to its impending conclusion and urges him to consider the ramifications.

At the police station, Barney informs his team that bail has been denied for Tomos and Mia. Kara Molloy (Celine Arden) proposes they either verify their alibi or explore alternative leads to assist Jim, but Barney swiftly dismisses the idea. Jim insists that Tomos and Mia must be involved, asserting that the alternative is too far-fetched to contemplate. Kara hands him a letter bearing the words “Allein, Weh, ganz allein,” received by the Wakefields the day preceding Cate’s demise. She translates it as “Alone, alas, all alone,” a poignant quote from the one-act opera "Elektra" by Richard Strauss. Molloy recounts how Barney dismissed it outright, but Jim concedes its apparenttriviality while requesting a copy to show Arthur and Julien, seeking perhaps a clue overlooked by others.

Ellis crumples up the photographs of Arthur, with his face meticulously scratched out, and casually tosses them into the waste bin. Meanwhile, Blakely, engrossed in an online search for Arthur's address, grabs his coat with determination and strides out of the door. Over at the Wakefield estate, Jim unfolds a series of photographs depicting a man, Tomos, partially obscured by a scarf over his mouth, and inquiries whether Julien recognizes him. Jim remains tight-lipped about the suspect's identity. Arthur inquires about the ransom money, which Jim informs him wasn't discovered during Tomos and Mia's arrest. Arthur speculates that the caller possessed an English accent. Margaret wonders if Tomos and Mia have been accused of murder, to which Jim responds by mentioning Barney's lead on the investigation before unveiling the letter. Arthur's eyes widen in recognition of the quoted text, prompting Jim to quiz him on its significance. Arthur labels the letter as menacing.

Elsewhere, Charlie Hungerford, embodied by Zoe Wanamaker, mingles with Arthur at the exclusive Jersey Club. Jim approaches her with plans to visit the club, earning a stern warning about his attire's inadequacy. He counters by suggesting she probe the members about Arthur's whereabouts. She counter-proposes a deal: she'll assist him in solving the case and restoring his tarnished reputation if he accompanies her on a tour of St. Bernadette's. After a moment of hesitation, he reluctantly agrees, and they depart together in his car.

While Margaret is disposing of the trash, Blakely approaches her, offering heartfelt condolences and cautioning that Cate's killer might escape justice. She attempts to walk away, but Blakely persists, pleading for a hearing about Jim's alleged misconduct. Reluctantly, she agrees to listen. Blakely accuses Jim of fabricating evidence against him, ruining his life in the process. Margaret, unwilling to hear more, turns to leave once again.

At the Jersey Club, Charlie joins Nigel and Dickie for a drink, surrounded by an air of sophistication. Dickie offers his condolences, while Charlie insists they must carry on, proposing a toast to their continued health and inquiring about the latest gossip. Spotting Arthur's Ferrari parked outside, Jim sends Charlie a text, instructing her to discreetly inquire about Arthur's presence among the club members. Charlie broaches the topic with Nigel and Dickie, mentioning Arthur's car. Dickie responds with a nonchalant air, claiming he now owns the vehicle. Charlie queries how he convinced Arthur to part with such a prized possession. Dickie responds cryptically, stating that people change but not her, before planting a kiss on her hand and departing.

Jim and Charlie catch up with Dickie in the parking lot. Jim presses him for information about Arthur, but Dickie remains tight-lipped. Charlie asks Jim to wait in the car while she engages Dickie further. She hypothesizes that Arthur's recent acquisition of Allied Cirocel, an engineering company in 2009, might have made him a target. Although Dickie confirms Arthur's involvement, he declines to elaborate, leaving a trail of mysteries in their wake.

As Charlie journeyed back home, he scavenged through Allied Cirocel's online presence, uncovering the stunning revelation that Loctex had acquired the company. Allied's revolutionary non-lithium Cirocel battery, a groundbreaking innovation, was a global sensation, boasting approximately 10 million in sales the previous year. Jonathan Robson, the visionary behind Allied and the Cirocel battery, met an untimely demise in 2010 by jumping from the roof of his office building. He was survived by his wife, Linda Robson, and their 10-year-old daughter, Ellie, who found solace in the tale of Elektra from Greek mythology, avenging her father King Agamemnon's murderers.

Later, Jim imparted to Kim that the case's resolution would stretch beyond anticipation, potentially leaving her in solitude. Kim reminded him of his pledge to discuss Rachel, prompting a promise from Jim to converse later and an invitation to lunch the following day.

At the police precinct, Simon Calvert (Luke Nunn) informed Barney that Tomos' claim of receiving a neighbor's package on the night of Cate's murder had been corroborated. Barney's frustration mounted, querying Jim's intentions. Molloy's call alerted Jim and Barney's suspicions about his absences deepened. Jim asked her to postpone informing Arthur, as he harbored secrets.

Jim confronted Arthur about Allied, Robson, and the acquisition. Arthur confessed to acquiring Loctex, its patents, and debts tied to Allied. He described Robson as a genius plagued by turmoil. Jim speculated that Ellie might be the letter sender. Margaret clarified that they had received no more than three letters annually for the past five years, which Arthur claimed to have destroyed. He doubted Ellie's involvement in Cate's demise, but Jim argued that it was his prerogative to deem relevance, pointing out that Ellie held Jim responsible for her father's death. After Jim's departure, Arthur asserted they knew Cate's killer and it wasn't Ellie. Margaret mentioned Blakely's visit.

At the station, Jim laid out his theory to Barney, regretting his pursuit of Blakely, whose alibi the team was already aware of. Barney embraced his theory and insisted on questioning her, dragging Molloy along. Jim received a reminder about the St. Bernadette's tour.

Elsewhere, Rose Parsons (Calita Rainford) revealed to Charlie and Jim a video of Rachel portraying a nurse in a play. Jim seized the moment to excuse himself and return to the car. Meanwhile, Barney tasked Molloy with guarding the rear exit to thwart Ellie's escape. But Ellie outsmarted Barney, trapping him in a bedroom and speeding away in her car.

At St. Bernadette's, Charlie pressured Jim to watch the video for Kim. He reassured her of his diligence but admitted it was overwhelming. She confessed that aiding his investigation offered her fleeting escapism, yet it was a fleeting illusion. Molloy radioed for backup. Jim joined the pursuit. Barney and Molloy lost sight of Ellie. Jim suspected she was headed to Marshall House on Val Plaisant.

Elsewhere, Arthur tasked Louis Street (Peter De Jersey) with tarnishing Jim's reputation to deter his meddling. Blakely was present at Arthur's house. Louis cautioned against it, citing Jim's admiration. Arthur argued that if Blakely's claims were true, Jim's career could be built on corruption, reminding Louis of his position on the newspaper's board.

Upon arriving at Marshall House, Jim hastily alerts Barney to Ellie's impending leap from the rooftop. Molloy catches sight of her perilously perched atop the structure. Jim rushes to the roof, determined to reason with her. Torn by emotion, Ellie confesses to dispatching the letters to the Wakefields but steadfastly denies any involvement in Cate's grim demise.

As Jim inches closer, she unfolds her tale—how Arthur had knowledge of the Cirocel battery and compensated her father a meager sum, while he himself reaped profits exceeding ten million dollars. She laments that no legal advocate would champion her father's cause. Jim empathizes with her anguish over her father's loss, emphasizing that if she takes the plunge, Arthur emerges victorious. He gently drapes his jacket over her shoulders and clasps her hand tightly, offering a lifeline. Grasping his hand, she permits him to guide her away from the precipice.

Elsewhere, Blakely offers Lily a reprieve by taking her place, affording Julien some much-needed rest. Chloe Havron (Ayesha Antoine) enters the scene, inquisitively probing for a story. In the interrogation chamber, Barney confronts Ellie, inquiring if she admits to harassing Arthur. She shakes her head, insisting she merely penned the letters. Attorney Pat Davis contends that harboring ill will towards someone does not constitute a violation of the law.

Jim uncovers photographs of Arthur's residence, both its interior and exterior, on Ellie's phone. He queries the origin of a meticulously hand-drawn floor plan of the house. Ellie recounts approaching Cate at a charity gala seven months prior, exposing Arthur's deceit towards her father. She alleges that Cate, eager to bring him down, suggested she infiltrate the house while they attended the opera, revealing a disabled CCTV system and forwarding her the floor plan. Ellie maintains her innocence, denying any entry into the premises.

The interview concludes, with Jim noting that the photos are absent from Cate's phone and the associated number isn't hers. Ellie's final text from Cate reads, "If you won't expose Arthur, I will." Jim ponders whether Arthur discovered this plot. Meanwhile, Margaret and Arthur observe a press conference where Jim announces abduction charges against Mia and Tomos, clearing them of Cate's murder suspicions but vowing to uncover her killer without fail.

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