Episode 2 of "Beyond Goodbye" unfolds at the serene yet solemn setting of Otaru General Hospital, on the fateful night that an avalanche claimed Yusuke's life. Kazumasa, battling the odds, harbors doubts about seeing the next summer, his heart condition a ticking clock without a donor in sight. Amidst this uncertainty, Miki, his steadfast partner, radiates optimism, her smile a beacon of hope despite the storm brewing within.
Privately, the cracks in Miki's armor show, her tears streaming silently in the confines of her car. She is acutely aware that Kazu's days are numbered, and she cherishes every moment as if they are borrowed. Just when despair begins to take hold, a glimmer of hope arrives in the form of a heart donation—a miraculous gift from beyond, as if orchestrated by fate itself. Unbeknownst to them, this precious organ once belonged to Yusuke.
Inside the sterile confines of the operating room, surreal visions flicker like memories on a broken film reel, Yusuke's life story indelibly imprinted onto Kazu's consciousness. Emerging from surgery with a renewed vigor, Kazu steps into the world lighter and more alive, the blooming spring weather mirroring his internal transformation.
As days turn into weeks, Kazu begins to notice subtle shifts within himself. He finds himself inexplicably drawn to coffee, a beverage he had previously despised. That night, he confides in his girlfriend, Saeko, sharing his perplexing sense that his heart, now a vessel of two souls, is still adjusting to its new host. He speaks of an intruder within, a ghostly presence that makes his very essence feel foreign.
Their escape to Hawaii intended to be a rejuvenating break takes an unexpected turn when Kazu, almost instinctively, fingers the keys of a piano, playing a Jackson 5 tune—a melody deeply intertwined with Yusuke's essence. The moment leaves him unsettled, while Saeko, momentarily disoriented, searches anxiously for her beloved, lost in the echo of another man's memories.
Oblivious to the turmoil stirring within him, Kazu discovers a renewed passion for his work, envisioning a bustling café for the school's students. His demeanor shifts, vibrant with enthusiasm and a cheerful demeanor that belies the complexity brewing beneath the surface.
Saeko arrives at Akane Coffee with a delivery in hand, the very spot where her path crossed with Yusuke once again, leading them to forge an unbreakable partnership. As she engages in conversation with the café's owner, Kengo, he reveals his struggles to keep afloat , acknowledging Yusuke's absence has left a gaping void in their collective lives. Trusting him with her innermost thoughts, Saeko unburdens her heart, sharing that Yusuke's donor had left a heartfelt note, expressing gratitude for the gift of life she had given. Moved by the gesture, she decides to pen a response, conveying how much the original letter means to her. Coincidentally, Kazu, as he reads her message, finds himself seated on the same train as Saeko.
When the train unexpectedly stalls, Kazu springs into action, offering to brew some coffee for the stranded passengers. Little does he know, Saeko, a connoisseur of coffee herself, steps in to lend a hand on the platform. As they work side by side, she finds herself increasingly drawn to Kazu, particularly when he uses the same endearing expressions that Yusuke once did.
However, memories of Yusuke's life begin to resurface, intruding upon the present moment in vivid flashes. Scenes of Yusuke and Saeko together flood her mind, leaving Kazu both perplexed and caught off guard by the unexpected emotional turbulence.