Black Snow – Season 1 Episode 3

Published: Feb 25 2025

As the curtains rise on the third chapter of "Black Snow," James Cormack (portrayed by Travis Fimmel) trails in Isabel's footsteps, meticulously timing her every move. At the police station, Dale Quinn (embodied by Gulliver McGrath) takes a brief call before imparting to James that the local newsagent suspects Joe Baker as Isabel's killer, based on hearsay from her hairstylist who once witnessed Joe berating Isabel at a hockey match. James recounts Isabel's itinerary and how Chloe abandoned her at a busy intersection, baffling over why her lifeless body was dumped at the cemetery rather than the adjacent, secluded bushland. Both men concur that the choice defies logic.

Black Snow – Season 1 Episode 3 1

Later, James seeks out Glenda (played by Seini Willett) and Hazel (Jemmason Power) to procure some of Isabel's drawings, driven by his desire to peel back the layers of Isabel's personality, for human memories, he knows, can be deceiving mirrors. Glenda senses a shared pain lurking beneath James's unspoken facade. Through their conversation, James discovers that Isabel was meant to return home directly after the formal, while Glenda was at work and Joe (Jimi Bani) was homebound. As James departs, he leaves a message for Senior Sergeant Angela Zhang, inquiring about a blue car that might hold clues.

In Hector's letter, the words seethe with defiance as he announces his impending departure from Ashford, vowing to escape while the town's elite perish. Shifting to the present, James confronts Hector (Lee Jones), who describes Izzy as a radiant blend of beauty, intellect, and wit. Hector laments the duplicity that permeated their high school years, a town confined by narrow-mindedness. When prodded about his fascination with the occult, Hector reveals a youthful Goth phase ignited by "The Crow." Their bond forged during a time capsule project, Hector admits he has spent the past quarter-century striving to forget what befell his friend.James insists that the police overlooked his presence back then, leaving no official documentation of his whereabouts. Meanwhile, Hector had attended a formal event and subsequently returned to an empty house. James reveals that Hector absconded from town mere days after Isabel's tragic demise, though Hector claims he relocated to Sydney for university—a fact James knows to be premature, as the semester didn't commence until February. Hector counters this by saying that grief manifests uniquely in individuals, before attempting to dismiss James. Kalana (portrayed by Eden Cassady) vents her frustration to Hazel about a shop patron who falsely accused "pop" of murdering Aunty Izzy. Hazel offers solace and suggests a brief escape from their household woes by taking Kalana fishing. During their outing, Hazel receives a threatening text, warning her to disclose the truth within a week or face dire consequences. Elsewhere, James is in possession of physical evidence procured from the EMF in Brisbane. As he examines Isabel's blue dress, he urges Dale to concentrate on understanding the girl she once was, alive and vibrant. The presence of red soil puzzles James, as it doesn't match any known locations from that fateful night. Dale speculates that the soil suggests she might have been attempting to crawl away. Furthermore, James discovers that Isabel's cherished bird necklace is missing, sparking discussions about whether it came undone during a struggle or was deliberately taken by the perpetrator, akin to the hair.

In a poignant flashback, Hector (played by Fraser Anderson) and Chloe engage in a conversation about Isabel's necklace, debating whether she should wear it to provoke Anton. Chloe presents Isabel (played by Talijah Blackman-Corowa) with matching road-trip outfits purchased by their father. When they're alone, Hector shares with Isabel a video of Steve (Erik Thomson) flirtatiously interacting with a young woman at a worker camp, which Hector finds suspicious but Isabel dismisses as harmless. On her way to work, Hector decides to accompany Isabel. Mr. Ludlow enters the video rental store to rent "Basic Instinct" once more, while outside, Isabel waves at Anton (Josh Macqueen), who ignores her and leaves. Undeterred, she catches up with him at school, learning that his absence was due to his father's workforce shortage.He inquiries about her whereabouts on Sunday, expressing frustration over having waited for nearly an hour. When she reveals she had to assist her mother post-church, Anton remains unconvinced, citing Tasha's sighting of her biking past her workplace. He accuses her of spending time with Mick or Hector instead. Their discussion descends into an argument about his frequent outings with Tasha, culminating in his departure. Isabel reaches for a book to delve into the lore of the Ankou, only to be interrupted by Chloe, who offers her a ride. As they sift through their supplies, Isabel notices a young woman working nearby. Chloe clarifies that Steve occasionally secures odd jobs for them when regular pickers are unavailable, urging Isabel once more to confide in her parents.

Upon arriving home, Isabel discovers her father's displeasure upon finding "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings" in her room. Joe sternly reminds her of her obligation to abide by his rules under his roof. Isabel defends herself to Hazel, insisting it wasn't her fault. In the present timeline, Hazel seeks James out, urgently needing to share something with him. She laments that despite being the victims, they found themselves under scrutiny. Taking him to a gas station, Hazel explains how little has changed since her childhood. When asked if she can trust him to act justly for her family, James assures her that he will do right by Isabel.

Hazel reveals her knowledge of Isabel's overnight absence, proceeding to describe the disappearance of the phone booth. She was dozing on the couch when Isabel called, requesting her father. Refusing, Hazel inquired about her location, to which Isabel responded she was "out there." The sound of a car approaching, accompanied by music, preceded Isabel's sudden silence. Hazel inquired if she still needed a ride, receiving no reply, leading her to believe Isabel was intoxicated and partying. Frustrated, Hazel snapped, instructing her to walk home and hung up. Reflecting, Hazel believes it was past midnight, around 12:30 AM, and acknowledges that Isabel needed help that night, not a lift.James gently reminds her that she was but a child then, and he doesn't fancy the notion that the revelation would have swayed Turner's resolve in any case. At the police station, James confides in Troy (Kim Gyngell), detailing Isabel's presence at the petrol station. He insists that his information stems from a credible witness, yet Troy casts doubts, suggesting their word might not outweigh Chloe's. Troy urges James to delve deeper, asking whether his witness harbors any motive to deceive.

Hazel ventures to the church, driven by the need to confront Joe about the fateful night Isabel passed away. She unburdens herself, confessing her silence was a result of overwhelming guilt and fear. Hazel is eager to uncover Joe's whereabouts that night. Joe claims he was at the church, assisting a parishioner in distress, but he remains tight-lipped about their identity.

Elsewhere, Troy grumbles about the defacement of a statue, which Dale terms as 'blackbirding,' unaware of its historical context until he Googles it. Dale admits his ignorance of Australia's slavery past, prompting Troy to scoff, advising him to keep his virtue-signaling reserved for his city-dwelling boyfriend. Hazel, meanwhile, suspects Kalana, despite her denial. Anton (Alexander England) interrupts, checking on their wellbeing and proposing that Kalana stay and assist, considering she's still getting acquainted with the situation.

James reads Tasha's heartfelt letter from a time capsule. When he approaches Tasha (Kestie Morassi), she reveals a nonchalant attitude, asserting she wasn't taken aback by Isabel's letter, relishing the spotlight as she always has.Tasha proudly proclaims her status as a saint now, though she laments the bitter fact of her demise, a distant memory from a past lifetime. She confesses to some tension in her past, as her heart was entangled with Anton, who reciprocated his affections solely towards Isabel. Tasha speculates that Isabel ended things with Anton that fateful night due to her involvement with an older gentleman, a fact her brother had witnessed a couple of times, albeit unknown to her identity beyond his age and ethnicity. She expresses frustration that the police never inquired about this during their 1994 investigation, focusing solely on confirming her whereabouts with Anton that night, which she maintains was entirely with him.

Regarding Isabel's mysterious reference to the Ankou, Tasha remains puzzled. Meanwhile, James seeks out Mick, who recounts discovering Izzy's lifeless body near the cemetery. He verified her demise by checking for a pulse, and deduced that the flowers must have been placed there by the killer. Mick acknowledges their past romantic history, albeit unofficially, describing their bond more as sibling-like rather than romantic. When James ponders what Joe would think of Izzy dating an older man, Mick suggests they ask him directly. As Joe exits the scene, he receives an urgent call from his boss, relaying a message that his father wishes to see him immediately. James briskly dismisses the call, assuring he's fine, but his demeanor sours once in the car, accidentally burning himself with the cigarette lighter.

Later, James reaches out to Hazel to inquire about Isabel's rumored involvement with an older suitor. Hazel's response is swift and fiery, insulting him before abruptly hanging up. Though Hazel believes she would have known about such a relationship, Aunty Rosa reminds her that Isabel excelled at keeping her secrets. James then learns from his boss that the owner of the blue car, Tim Foster, sold it to a young man who was doing odd jobs around the church.

This narrative now weaves a tapestry of emotions and secrets, intertwining past and present, love and loss, in a vivid and expressive manner.The man's moniker is Ezekiel Iesul. When she searched his name, it triggered an alert in the Border Force database, revealing his entry into Australia from Vanuatu way back in 1979. Possessing a visa at that time, he never bothered to depart. Hazel pays James a visit at his motel and discovers him engrossed in the very book that landed Izzy in hot water with her father. He's hesitant to reveal Ritchie's favorite tome, leaving her pondering the grain of truth in the older gent's rumor—until they realize it was Ezekiel all along. Upon learning that Ezekiel owns the car in question, Hazel wonders if Turner was onto something the entire time. Tracking down Ezekiel won't be a walk in the park, considering he's been illegally residing here for a quarter of a century. Though challenging, she agrees to lend a helping hand before handing James a photograph of Ezekiel.

In a nostalgic flashback, Isabel engages in conversation with Ezekiel, who reveals his Sydney residence, albeit with a penchant for constantly shifting his abode. Ashford suits him just fine, especially for its proximity to the beach. She generously offers to escort him to Shell Bay. Soon after, Hazel and Isabel are interrupted by Billy Hopkins's rage-filled screech directed at the workers. Hazel brands him a creep.

Arriving at the beach, Isabel eagerly expresses her desire to visit Sydney, to which Ezekiel shares his birthplace and his sentiment of what constitutes a true home. Despite his yearning to return, his father's passing has bestowed him with newfound responsibilities. Isabel suggests a future trip together, noting her family's Sydney roots. As Ezekiel prepares for a dip, Isabel catches sight of his chest tattoo, sparking a memory of a similarly adorned individual she spotted in Dalkeith on Sunday. She informs him of her observation, prompting Ezekiel to rush her to the scene to uncover the circumstances. He clarifies that the boy was his cousin, his anger evident. Isabel, startled by his reaction, decides to make a hasty retreat.

Later, Hector pays James a visit, recounting a altercation between Izzy and Steve at Chloe's place while they were prepping for the formal. He recalls Izzy branding Steve a predator. Hector managed to capture part of the scuffle on tape but unfortunately misplaced his camera at the event.Hector harbors a fervent hope that he won't disclose to Steve the origin of the item, fearing the repercussions of earning Steve's displeasure. As Steve scrolls through his phone, his gaze falls upon a picture of Isabel. Intriguingly, someone in the photograph appears to be adorned with Isabel's distinctive necklace—a figure that could very well be Hector.

Elsewhere, Tasha joins her brother Billy for a drink at a desolate locale she jokingly refers to as a crack den. Though initially believing his parole officer had secured him a job aboard trawlers, Tasha is relieved to find Billy back, albeit disappointed by his change of heart upon hearing whispers about the reopening of an old case. Billy pulls out a deck of cards, explaining how they serve as potential informants within the prison walls. He had grown particularly attached to Isabel's card during his incarceration, harboring doubts about Turner's narrative from the past. Billy confesses that he's been sitting on a wealth of secrets, now ready to cash in on their worth.

Hazel phones James, urging him to act on intel suggesting Ezekiel's presence in Townsville. She eagerly expresses her desire to accompany him to confront Ezekiel, despite James having alternative plans. Together, they venture to Townsville only to learn from Mary that Zeke passed away the previous year, his lack of Medicare hindering timely medical intervention. By the time they reached the hospital, it was already too late. Mary inquires if their visit is tied to the lost boys, revealing that Zeke had two cousins from Vanuatu who vanished in Ashford a quarter-century ago. Zeke, tasked with their protection as the sons of a chief, bore the shame of their disappearance, despite it not being his fault. He spoke of a dark presence in Ashford that paralyzed him with fear, preventing him from resuming the search. His frustration led to an act of violence, though Mary claims ignorance of the victim. Zeke confessed to her that a malevolent force had possessed him that night, causing him to lose control. He kept a picture of Joe, a cherished friend, and sent a card every Christmas.

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