Bridgerton – Season 2 Episode 3

Published: Jun 11 2024

Episode 3 of Bridgerton Season 2 opens with a journey back in time, ten years prior, where a hunting trip serves as a backdrop for Anthony's character development. Accompanied by his father, Anthony learns valuable lessons in patience and confidence. However, his attempts to shoot a deer fall short, leading them to return home prematurely.

Bridgerton – Season 2 Episode 3 1

But their return is overshadowed by a tragic event. Edmund, stung by a bee, experiences a severe reaction, clawing at his neck and struggling for breath. As he gazes up at Violet, the light slowly fades from his eyes, and he passes away. Anthony, a witness to the entire ordeal, is instructed to leave the scene and shield the other women from the grisly sight.

This incident occurred at Aubrey Hall, the ancestral home where Anthony has invited the Sharma family to visit. Lady Whistledown speculates that this could lead to a marriage proposal, hinting at Anthony's ulterior motives. Meanwhile, the carriage carrying Edwina and Kate arrives, marking the beginning of a new chapter.

As they travel, Anthony meets with his family, including Daphne, seeking their support in winning Edwina's heart and keeping Kate, the "gatekeeper," at bay. Kate enters the scene with a prickly demeanor, despite Anthony's promise to improve her opinion of him during their stay.

Violet takes Anthony aside and urges him to get to know Edwina properly, a suggestion that Anthony rejects. As he fidgets with the ring he intends to give Edwina, he ponders whether this is the right course of action.

A game of croquet provides a light moment, but it's not without its own drama. Kate ends up using Anthony's mallet, teasing him about it, comparing him to a child clinging to a blanket. Anthony's shots are way off the mark, while Kate excels. Edwina decides to abandon the game when her ball ends up lost among the trees, sending Kate and Anthony out together to retrieve their balls, setting the stage for further interactions and potentially deeper revelations.After their hilarious tumble in the mud, the pair candidly expressed their shared desire to safeguard their loved ones. However, Kate's misdirected ball came to an abrupt halt, crashing into a bench that marked the final stroke of their game. Coincidentally, this was the exact spot where Edmund lay buried, and Anthony's past memories of his father's passing loomed large in his mind, a weight that he had carried for ages.

Back in the bustling town, Lady Featherington passed the torch of matrimony to Prudence, urging her to tie the knot with Jack Featherington. Pen, watching helplessly from afar, felt a pang of despair as she observed Prudence fussing over her dress fitting. The comic relief was fleeting as Lord Featherington showed no interest in Prudence, instead casting his gaze towards Cressida. Boldly, he invited her out for dinner, right under the noses of Lady Featherington and Prudence, who could only muster weak smiles.

Edwina and Anthony found themselves engaged in a lively conversation in the cozy sitting room, discussing their diverse interests. Despite their differences, they clicked well, their banter filled with warmth and humor. When Daphne delved into the depths of love with Anthony, he found himself reflecting on his choices. Did he feel this intense passion for Kate?

Regardless, Anthony's shoulders remained bowed under the weight of his obligation to his family. The memory of his father continued to haunt him, making the approaching wedding proposal an even heavier burden. As the two families gathered for dinner, Daphne pointed out the striking similarities between Kate and Anthony's backgrounds. Benedict, unfortunately, found himself in a state of disarray, thanks in part to Colin's "soothing" medicine earlier. However, all of this paled in comparison to Anthony's shocking revelation. After much deliberation, he decided to withhold his proposal, leaving everyone in stunned silence.

Meanwhile, Lady Whistledown delivered a scathing critique of Cressida and her attire in the morning telegram, further emphasizing the remarkable talents of Madame Delacroix. Shortly after, Pen arrived to visit the dressmaker and made a decision to lend a helping hand with her business, in exchange for keeping her secret. As such, the pair embarked on a journey of collaboration that would span the foreseeable future.

As the episode drew to a close, Anthony met with Kate and confessed his desire for Edwina's happiness. Suddenly, a bee landed on Kate's chest and stung her, causing Anthony to panic and breathe heavily. Without hesitation, Kate took his hand and placed it on her chest, urging him to calm down. Their gazes locked, and it seemed like a kiss was imminent...until their horse whinnied, interrupting the moment and drawing their attention away.

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