Carnival Row – Season 2 Episode 9

Published: Aug 19 2024

Episode 9 of Carnival Row's exhilarating second season, aptly titled "Battle Lines," dawns with Tourmaline jolted awake by the eerie nightmares of Darius. As she endeavors to soothe him, her path unexpectedly veers into a mirror's abyss, where the spectral figure of the deceased Haruspex Aoife awaits. Aoife whispers cryptically that Tourmaline's journey has merely embarked, before shoving her back into the stark reality through the mirror's fractured surface.

Carnival Row – Season 2 Episode 9 1

The shattering glass alerts Darius, who rushes to her side, only to stumble upon a shard, triggering his transformation into his lupine form. But Tourmaline, her eyes aglow with an ethereal blue light, halts his metamorphosis with a tender grasp, her touch imbued with a power beyond comprehension.

With Vignette's absence casting a pall, Philo seeks Tourmaline's aid, his plea met with Darius' stern refusal. Philo's desperation is palpable; he argues that the impending New Dawn revolution threatens to consume the Row in a fiery holocaust, fueled by human hatred. He suggests eradicating the Sparas as the ultimate solution, provoking Darius' sardonic laughter at Philo's sudden reversal from his former stance of non-confrontation with the fae.

Meanwhile, Leonora weaves a seductive narrative, enticing Vignette into the New Dawn's fold. She unveils a shocking revelation: the Sparas themselves are among them, meticulously plotting each assassination. Vignette, confronted with this knowledge, encounters Kaine and Phaedra, who inquire about her allegiance. Though troubled by the Sparas' brutal tactics, Vignette finds solace in Phaedra's impassioned plea for freedom, ultimately deciding to align with their cause.

Imogen, too, uncovers the sinister truth behind the Sparas' attacks, their origins tied to the New Dawn. Confronting Kastor, she threatens to withdraw as an emissary, her voice laced with steel. Kastor, unfazed, recalls the dire consequences at Ragusa when the Pact ignored their warnings, leaving Imogen to ponder the horrors of the Burgue's cruelty and whether she should allow the New Dawn's flames to consume the land.

Agreus, sought for counsel, remains silent, burdened by the knowledge that he stands precariously on the brink of imprisonment within the Row's confines. Imogen's mind races, connecting dots between Agreus' predicament and the Burgue's ruthlessness, pondering whether to unleash the New Dawn's fiery wrath upon the country or seek another path.

Tourmaline returns home, only to find Philo patiently awaiting her arrival. Darius, quick to act, attempts to usher him away, but Philo has a sinister scheme brewing. He whispers of a macabre plan to annihilate the Sparas with a ruthless machine gun, should it dare to approach Tourmaline. Darius, ever the witty one, quips about the challenges of luring the Sparas into their trap and procuring such a formidable weapon. Philo, undaunted, turns to Tourmaline, imploring her to delve into the mind of the Sparas, a request that infuriates Darius but earns Tourmaline's nod of assent.

Meanwhile, Millworthy, accompanied by a formidable escort, marches towards the Spurnroses, where he arrests the trio of rebels, accusing them of complicity in the harrowing harbour massacre. Imogen pleads for his ear, urging him to hear the voice of the New Dawn, while Agreus whispers warnings of potential escalations should the Burgue turn a deaf ear. Imogen adds that the New Dawn had mistakenly assumed the Burgue would be more receptive to their pleas under the threat of violence, but now realizes their error. Kastor offers to reach out to his comrades, crafting a fresh, peaceful approach. Millworthy, though unconvinced, grants their release with a cryptic smile, as a man in a beret watches from the shadows.

Vignette's visit brings a jarring revelation: she has aligned herself with the New Dawn, the very entity that threatens Tourmaline's existence. Vignette argues that the Sparas targets only those who stand in its way, but Tourmaline counters with tales of the bloodshed and innocent lives lost in the fray. Vignette persists, painting a utopian picture of freedom promised by the New Dawn, yet Tourmaline, haunted by the horrors of war, parts ways with her, unswayed.

Philo's meeting with Dombey is fraught with tension. Dombey, disapproving of Philo's plan, nevertheless agrees to lend a hand. However, his disgust and anger boil over when Philo dares to visit Berwick's lifeless form, seeking the Sparas' tooth for Tourmaline's spell. Sarcasm drips from Dombey's words as Philo concedes, acknowledging that Berwick might still be alive if he hadn't tried to sabotage their hunt for the Sparas. Just then, biased policemen, Thatch among them, stumble upon the scene, shocked to find Dombey collaborating with fae. Dombey swiftly silences their objections, allowing Philo to slip away undetected.

Kastor entrusts Agreus with a cryptic message, a key that would grant him access to the sacred grounds of the New Dawn. Imogen's heart heavy with concern, she voices her fears, only to be reassured by Kastor's solemn words: only the supernatural realm's inhabitants may traverse the forbidding Row. The couple's anxieties deepen as they ponder the consequences should the New Dawn prove deaf to their pleas, and Kastor's resigned tone echoes a grim prediction—a prison cell as their front-row seat to the impending conflict.

Imogen, striving to stem the tide of their discord, attempts to halt Agreus's steps, her apology mingling with regret for the pain she's caused. He, too, seeks forgiveness for making her feel burdened, yet it's her words during their heated Ragusa quarrel that linger, like a wound—his hunt for his own kind, branding him as the ultimate betrayer. He confesses the deed was a sacrifice for liberty, a choice he doesn't glory in. She finds solace in his liberation, and he offers a gentle reassurance that time heals all wounds before bidding her farewell.

Vignette's return to the New Dawn finds Kaine awaiting her, his trust in her unwavering amidst the comrades' fretful whispers. She queries the wisdom of their path, invoking Tourmaline's words about innocents caught in the maelstrom of war. Kaine's response is a stark reminder of Oona, a non-combatant whose fate was sealed regardless.

Just then, Agreus's arrival disrupts their conversation, his New Dawn armband an unmistakable sign. As he searches for them, the devastation of the Row and the wounded fauns pierce his heart with shock. His path crosses with Vignette, who warns of a shadowy pursuer. Kaine, swift to action, confronts the spy, his beret askew.

Vignette leads Agreus to the New Dawn's lair, her sarcasm lacing her critique of his attire and accent. He, in turn, pokes fun at their methods, deeming them a snail's pace towards civility and the downfall of the oppressive system from within. When she queries if this change will come in her lifetime, his silence fuels her impatience, declaring she'd rather take the bloody, fiery route than his measured approach.

Left in the care of Leonora, whose smile holds secrets, Agreus divulges Kastor's encoded message, unaware that it bears a treacherous truth—Imogen's desire to withdraw. Betrayal stabs at his heart, and Leonora's men spring into action, subduing him with ruthless efficiency.

Millworthy's anger boils over at the betrayal of his trusted beret spy, who failed to uncover the elusive hideout of New Dawn. He confronts Fletcher and Winetrout, outlining their cunning plan—a ruse to arrest the trio of rebels, provoking them to reach out to New Dawn, thereby revealing their trail and allowing them to gauge the enemy's strength. Despite their indignation, Millworthy insists on pursuing this course, believing it will bolster his electoral prospects if the populace witnesses their relentless efforts to quell the looming conflict.

Meanwhile, Tourmaline's revelation about Vignette to Philo is abruptly halted as the New Dawn initiates a fresh mission. Tourmaline's attempt to dissuade Vignette falls on deaf ears; she stands firm in her conviction, declaring her battle as a crusade for their collective freedom, and strides forth.

Imogen's anxiety mounts as she awaits Agreus' return, only to be jolted by Leonora's sinister delivery—a package containing one of Agreus' horns. Kastor's chilling warning echoes in her ears, a dire promise of Agreus' fate if she fails to comply.

Vignette's path crosses with Kaine and Phaedra as they lie in wait outside a bar, their prey: a swarm of biased humans. Thatch's inflammatory speech against the fae incites outrage, but as he steps away, Kaine and Phaedra strike, hurling Molotov cocktails into the fray. Vignette's heart is torn as she refuses to become a murderer, yet the drunken Thatch's reckless gunfire leaves her no choice but to retaliate, throwing a bomb in desperation to escape.

The following dawn brings unexpected company as Dombey arrives, armed to the teeth, as Tourmaline prepares to ensnare the Sparas. Stepping into its mindscape, she witnesses Millworthy engaged in a conversation with the Sparas in human form. Suddenly, the creature's movements cease, its gaze fixed on a carriage reflection—revealing Major Vir. Millworthy's scrutiny pierces the veil, exposing Tourmaline's presence, causing her to reel in shock and collapse, with Philo and Darius rushing to her side in a flurry of concern.

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