Episode 1 of Clickbait Season 1 unfolds with a seemingly idyllic family birthday dinner, its harmony shattered abruptly by Pia's explosive outburst. Her ire is ignited by the seemingly insignificant fact that her elder brother, Nick, has procured a gift for their mother that falls short of Pia's meticulous standards. Her selfish indignation spirals out of control, tainting the evening's festivities and prompting her to storm off, embarking on a drunken escapade that solidifies her status as the show's most reprehensible character.
Fate seems to have its hand in her misfortune as she inadvertently drops her phone into the toilet, a possible karmic retribution for her reckless behavior. Returning home, Pia's dual roles as a nurse and a troublemaker collide when, during her visit to her patient Vincent, they stumble upon a viral video that sends shockwaves through their world.
The video features Nick, sporting a gash across his forehead, holding placards accusing him of abusing women. A chilling ultimatum echoes through the screen: if the video garners 5 million views, their lives will be forfeit. Is this a twisted prank, a desperate cry for help, or a genuine threat? Pia's heart races as she watches, compelled to act.
Without hesitation, Pia rushes to Nick's school in search of his partner, Sophie, her mind racing with a million possibilities. She reports the video to the police, but the clock is ticking against them; the video has already amassed 9,000 views, each one a weight on their chests.
Detective Amiri's arrival on the scene adds a layer of urgency to the situation. His stern demeanor and commitment to the case are a stark contrast to Pia's erratic and abrasive behavior, which threatens to undermine their efforts. Yet, Pia struggles to rein in her emotions, her words biting and her actions impulsive, as she grapples with the gravity of the situation and the possibility of losing her brother and those he loves.
As the internet churned out yet another video, the stakes escalated dramatically. This fresh clip mirrored the first, but with a chilling twist: Nick gripping a sign inscribed with the ominous words, "I kill women." The handwriting, however, bore no resemblance to Nick's, hinting at the perpetrator's sinister hand. Regardless, the video's virality soared, amassing an astonishing 1.5 million views and continuing its relentless spread.
Determined to take matters into her own hands, Pia rushed back to Vincent, their minds ablaze with an unconventional plan—hacking Google. Vincent, despite his initial amusement at the absurdity of such an idea, ultimately conceded and joined forces in the quest to locate Nick.
A vibrant online community had already sprung up, avidly dissecting the videos and unraveling clues. Their efforts proved fruitful when a detective from Norway, with a keen eye for detail, discerned a subtle clue: a sticker peeking from a corner, consistent in both videos despite their slightly diverging camera angles. Astonishingly, the police had overlooked this vital piece of evidence. The sticker, it turned out, was exclusive to a particular delivery van brand, significantly narrowing the search perimeter.
But as the original video breached the 5 million view mark, the clock ticked down relentlessly. Just as hope seemed to dwindle, Amiri received a fateful call—a delivery van fitting Pia's detailed description had been spotted. Officers swarmed the scene, encircling the vehicle with tense anticipation. As the back doors swung open, the revelation left them all on the edge of their seats—a cliffhanger ending that promised more than it revealed, leaving everyone breathless with anticipation.