Cobra Kai - Season 6 Episode 3

Published: Jul 23 2024

Episode 3 of Cobra Kai's sixth season kicks off with the anticipation of a momentous gender reveal party. The festivities are set at the LaRusso residence, yet the air is thick with tension between Amanda and Chozen, the latter being the target of Amanda's desire for him to vacate the premises. A sudden knock on the door heralds a mysterious package, which Johnny and Daniel speculate to be a bomb sent by Kreese. With trepidation, Johnny compels Daniel to hold the box, and as it detonates, the surprise reveals a mini gender reveal bomb—signaling that Johnny and Carmen are about to welcome a baby girl into their world.

Cobra Kai - Season 6 Episode 3 1

Meanwhile, Kreese delves deeper into the Dojo's enigmatic teachings, uncovering a legendary maneuver known as the Viper Attack. This move is executed by Yoon Do-jin, a long-serving devotee of the dojo whose family has honed their skills within its walls for generations. He is their paragon of excellence, executing every move with impeccable precision. However, he is not the sole beacon of brilliance within the dojo. Kwon Jae-sung, the wayward spirit of the dojo, brimming with overconfidence in his abilities and defying Kim's teachings, yet undeniably gifted. Kreese recognizes a prime opportunity and decides to imprint his own ideologies upon him. He urges Kwon to harness his anger and give it a purpose, to prove to his peers that he is unparalleled. After a day of punishment for his disobedience, Kreese goads Do-jin into a confrontation with Kwon. In a stunning display, Kwon emerges victorious, harnessing his anger and validating his prowess.

Back at Miyagi-Do, the atmosphere is less than encouraging as Sam and Tory hesitate to engage in a duel. Johnny senses their reluctance, but Daniel views this as an ideal opportunity for Johnny to impart his fatherly wisdom to them—and what better way to do it than over a girls' night... with Johnny himself.

Johnny, determined to sow discord and create a massive feud, embarks on a comical mission. He devises every cunning plan imaginable, even stealing Robby and Miguel's phones to instigate a feud. Alas, his schemes fall flat.

Within the dojo, Chozen decides, much to Amanda's dismay, that he won't return to Okinawa. Amanda's glare at Daniel is enough to send him straight to the doghouse. As they rearrange the bed, they stumble upon a secret trapdoor, seemingly belonging to the esteemed Miyagi-San. Behind this portal lies a mysterious box filled with an array of oddities: a newspaper clipping detailing a violent robbery, boxing gloves, and a coin, accompanied by an address. This prompts an unanticipated side adventure.

Amanda, Chozen, and Daniel arrive at a boxing gym, where after a brief misunderstanding and a chase, the owner eventually reveals his knowledge of Miyagi. He reveals that Miyagi was a silent partner of the gym who fled the country after a robbery, leaving a trail of beaten victims in his wake. The gym owner's father had assisted Miyagi in evading capture, shattering Daniel's perception of his mentor. How will he respond to this revelation? His reaction is not promising.

Meanwhile, Sam and Tory, their tensions reaching a boiling point, engage in a confrontation, hashing out their differences. This cathartic encounter helps mend their rift and brings them closer. Johnny, from afar, shares his comical grievances with Devon, little knowing that his words actually reignite their fighting spirit, overcoming whatever obstacles had hindered them.

As this feud fades, Kreese harnesses the anger brewing in the Cobra Kai dojo, drawing out Kwon's full potential. With him on board, Cobra Kai seems poised for dominance. Concurrently, the dojo receives the announcement of the Sekai Taikai's host city: Barcelona, Spain. Each dojo must select a maximum of six fighters, with one boy and one girl designated as captains. This competition demands quality, not just quantity.

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