Constellation – Season 1 Episode 8

Published: May 30 2024

Episode 8 of Constellation begins with a poignant clip of Jo, floating in the ISS, her voiceover whispering to Alice that she will always be there for her, no matter what. Cut to a tense scene where Jo is escorted to a sterile facility, watched closely by a stern Irena. She's strapped down and subjected to jolting electric shocks, her body writhing in pain.

Meanwhile, Bud's anger boils over as he grabs the tapes and cassette player. He listens to his own voice, recording his belief that his fellow astronauts were dead, only to learn they're still alive. Rage fills his face as he smashes the CAL with an axe.

Magnus and Alice return home, Alice eager to explain everything to Magnus, but he remains skeptical. As Jo lies unconscious, the women perform an ultrasound, one of them whispering to Irena that the image is distorted, unreadable.

Constellation – Season 1 Episode 8 1

Elsewhere, Henry is hauled into the police station, accused of shooting Paul. He insists he's not like Bud, but the police are unmoved. Back in the first universe, Bud confesses to Frederic that Jo destroyed the CAL. Frederic is surprised by Bud's lack of concern.

Jo awakens to find herself locked in her room, a sense of claustrophobia creeping in. A woman opens the door, her face expressionless, and slips away without a word. Later, Jo attempts to explain about her real daughter to Irena, but Irena drops a bombshell — Jo is four weeks pregnant. As Jo grasps Irena's hand, she suddenly sees the face of the dead cosmonaut, her own face, her mind spinning. She mentions a capsule on fire, a memory that unnerves Irena and sends her fleeing. Unaware that Henry has been replaced by Bud, Irena calls him for help.

Henry undergoes a polygraph test, spilling his guts to the police. Meanwhile, Jo receives an unexpected visitor — Ilya. Her initial joy is quickly dashed as she realizes he doesn't believe her either. He's come to take Irena's place. When he too doubts her, Jo orders him to leave, but he slips a pair of keys into her hand as he departs.

Elsewhere, the Magnuses from both worlds confide in a therapist about their troubled experiences. Bud, meanwhile, arrives at a restaurant to meet Irena. He reveals his true identity to her, even disclosing how her counterpart met a tragic end in space. Irena insists it was an accident, but Bud accuses her of being in denial.

Jo uses the keys to escape her room, but her curiosity gets the better of her. She creeps to check on the other patient in the facility. Peeking through the viewing hole on the door, she's horrified to see two identical, ancient men staring back at her. Shocked to the core, she rushes back to her room and buries herself in bed, her mind reeling from the revelation.

Back at her hometown, Alice engaged in a heartfelt conversation with Wendy, who confessed her belief that her father was still alive. In the alternate universe, the girls found themselves discussing Paul's hospitalization. Later, Alice revealed to Magnus her realization that Jo's stories were mere figments of her imagination. He grudgingly consented to her request to visit Jo and presented her with a box containing items discovered at the cabin, including the cassette player.

Meanwhile, in the parallel world, Paul was busy packing up their belongings as he and Alice prepared to relocate. This Alice also took out the cassette player and engaged in a conversation with her counterpart, pleading to speak with her mother. The other Alice, however, couldn't bring herself to respond, prompting Alice to depart the house with Magnus. As they walked away, Alice confided to her father that she had decided to let the other Alice keep her mother.

At the police station, Henry's polygraph test yielded positive results. Despite expecting his DNA to differ from Bud's, it turned out to be identical. Consequently, he was charged with the murder of Ian Rogers and the attempted murder of Paul. In the alternate reality, Bud observed Ian conducting a tour about Jack the Ripper. After the tour ended, Bud presented him with a bouquet of flowers, urging him to live his best life, and then departed.

Within the facility, Irena visited Jo, who inquired if her presence in space was the reason for the existence of two versions of both herself and Irena. Irena gently advised her to let go of such thoughts as they were beyond their control. Later, Alice was granted the opportunity to meet Jo. She assured Jo that the other Alice was comfortable with her presence. They reached a consensus that Alice needed a mother and Jo needed an Alice, and they could fulfill those roles for each other. Jo then spoke with Magnus and expressed her intention to start taking the pills. Together, they pondered the question of whether they should welcome the new baby into their lives.

Irena, as she perused the ultrasound, noticed something odd. She promptly typed out an email discussing how space travel could drive people to madness. She concluded by urging people to report any anomalous experiences they had encountered. Meanwhile, Paul awoke in a hospital bed, his face etched with confusion and fatigue.

As Magnus and Alice prepared to return home, Jo confided in Magnus that while she might not seem like his Jo, she loved him deeply. As they spoke, Irena sat beside Alice and introduced herself, revealing that her friends called her Valya. Curious, Alice inquired of Jo if she hailed from their world and, given that Magnus was from their reality, wondered where the baby would originate from.

Suddenly, the sound of Jo's phone call to Alice from the ISS echoed through the air. Simultaneously, a chilling sight unfolded before them - the body of the alternate Jo, floating lifelessly in the ISS. Part of her face was mangled and unrecognizable, yet in a moment of surreal clarity, she grasped a floating iPad and stared into the camera, her eyes reflecting a depth of sorrow and longing that transcended both worlds. This haunting image brought a poignant end to Constellation Episode 8.

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