In the vibrant corridors of a bustling high school, the premier episode of "DAN DA DAN," titled "That's How Love Starts, Ya Know!", unfolds a tale of supernatural wonders. This episode serves as the jumping-off point for an exhilarating journey into the realm of the unknown, introducing us to Momo Ayase and Ken Takakura, two students whose lives are poised to be irrevocably transformed by the forces of extraterrestrial phenomena and the occult.
The episode kicks off with a poignant breakup, as Momo's boyfriend, driven by greed rather than affection, deserts her. While this event shatters Momo's heart, it acts as a catalyst for her character's growth and her forthcoming adventures. Demonstrating her inner strength, she confronts her bullies, showcasing her resilience and formidable power.
As the narrative unfolds, we encounter Ken, a spectacle-wearing boy with an insatiable curiosity for the unknown. He stands as the polar opposite of Momo in numerous ways, with his fervent belief in aliens and Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs) sharply contrasting Momo's skepticism. However, it is their mutual sense of solitude and longing for acceptance that draws them together like magnets.
The core of the episode revolves around the dare they issue each other: to prove the existence of ghosts and aliens. This daring challenge leads them to two contrasting locations, each brimming with mystery and peril. Momo bravely steps into an abandoned hospital, a place shrouded in eerie rumors of hauntings, while Ken stands at the mouth of a shadowy tunnel, a renowned hotspot for UFO sightings.
Momo's journey to the hospital is laden with palpable tension as she treads cautiously through its eerie, echoing corridors, her only solace being a phone call with Ken. The atmosphere is thick with suspense, drawing the audience into her trembling resolve and paralyzing fear. Her fateful encounter with the aliens marks a dramatic turning point; she is captured and confronted with an ordeal that defies human endurance. Yet, it is precisely in this harrowing crucible that the true mettle of Momo's spirit shines forth.
Concurrently, Ken's encounter with Turbo Granny in the shadowy tunnel is a surreal blend of comedy and terror. His awe-inspiring fascination with the supernatural is intertwined with a creeping dread, and his subsequent possession by Turbo Granny introduces a fascinating layer of complexity to his character. His valiant struggle to retain control of his body while desperate to shield Momo showcases his unwavering bravery and unbreakable loyalty.
The climax of the episode unfolds into an epic battle of wits and forces. Momo, her spiritual prowess now awakened, engages in a fierce confrontation with the aliens and Turbo Granny. The scene pulses with intensity, as Momo's strength surges forth as she recalls her grandmother's wise teachings. Her victory, not merely a physical triumph, but a profound spiritual and emotional conquest, signifies her reclaiming of her identity and a renewed faith in her family's legacy.
The episode concludes with a twist that leaves the audience breathless, as Momo and Ken reconcile with the reality of the supernatural. Their mutual acceptance of each other's beliefs and their shared harrowing experiences forge an indelible bond between them. The revelation of Ken's full name, Ken Takakura, adds a whimsical note of irony and humor, as Momo discovers an unexpected connection with the actor she has long admired.
"DAN DA DAN" Season 1, Episode 1 serves as a gripping introduction to a series poised to be both exhilarating and poignant. It sets the stage for an exhilarating odyssey into the unknown, where the boundaries between reality and the supernatural blur indistinguishably. As Momo and Ken's worlds converge, they embark on a perilous path that will challenge their deepest beliefs, test their courage to its limits, and forge their friendship through trials. With the promise of more mind-bending adventures looming on the horizon, "DAN DA DAN" has undeniably secured its status among the most eagerly anticipated anime of the season.