Episode 1 of "Earth Abides" unfolds in the serene tranquility of a solitary cabin nestled deep within the forest's embrace. Ish, a reclusive prospector, pens his thoughts in a journal, detailing his excavation for pyrite and whispering hopes of lady luck smiling upon him. His mother's call interrupts the stillness, but he opts to ignore it, drawn instead to the rugged cliffside that beckons him. Tragedy strikes when a snake's fang pierces his flesh, forcing him to hastily expel the venom with every ounce of strength he possesses. In the midst of this tumult, his phone tumbles unnoticed to the forest floor.
Battered but resilient, Ish stumbles back to his cabin, where the rugged survivalist succumbs to the poison's fury, collapsing onto his bed. A fierce battle for survival unfolds within him, and though he emerges victorious, his hand has ballooned to an alarming size. Hours, perhaps days, blur into a surreal tapestry of delusions—visions of phantom figures circling his cabin, whispering of his illness, and the distant hum of a helicopter slicing through the sky like a knife through butter.
The extent of Ish's unconsciousness remains a mystery, but an ominous clue lies discarded in the woods: his phone, its screen lit with his mother's final, poignant message, "We love you." When Ish finally awakens from his slumbers, he pilots his car towards the town, driven by an uneasy anticipation. Yet, what greets him is a scene of desolation—an eerie silence where once life thrived, punctuated only by the macabre sight of lifeless bodies scattered like fallen leaves. A sign, grim and foreboding, informs him of a catastrophic global pandemic and the subsequent suspension of governmental functions.
Shock waves ripple through Ish's being as he rushes to his mother's home, where remnants of a once-thriving life linger—food beginning to decompose, coffee cups still perched on their saucers. The swiftness of the calamity is palpable. Tragedy deepens as he discovers his family in their final, silent repose. With heavy heart, he lays them to rest and proceeds to the local church, where a harrowing tableau of humanity's fragility awaits—a multitude of souls, now silent, laid to waste by the unseen scourge.
Determined to seek out other survivors, Ish gathers essential supplies from the store and sets off with resolve. How do we come to know of his intentions? Simply put, he vocalizes them aloud, addressing no specific individual, as one often does in such moments. The roadblocks, once a barrier to escape, now lie abandoned, and with the road clear of all other travelers, Ish steps on the gas, racing along the desolate desert highways, his destination: Las Vegas.
Thanks to the relentless flow of hydroelectric power from Hoover Dam, the city's lights remain illuminated, casting a eerie glow over its emptiness. At first glance, there is no sign of life. But after indulging in a solitary, late-night swim and a few drinks to steady his nerves, two survivors unexpectedly emerge – Ann and Milton, apparently immune to the plight that has wiped out so many. They too have documented the unfolding catastrophe.
The duo emanates a sense of cynicism and defeat, asserting that there is nothing left worth fighting for. Even though only three weeks have passed, they have already resigned themselves to drowning their sorrows in alcohol. Ish, however, remains steadfast in his hope.
As dawn breaks, Ish discovers Ann trying on clothes, her heart pounding but her soul unfulfilled. For her, the world has ceased to exist, and with it, so has her sense of being. She argues that in a world devoid of purpose, humanity has little left to discuss, and she is ready to bring her suffering to an end.
Ann recounts meeting Milton at the hotel, where she witnessed the heartbreaking death of her daughter over a Zoom call. Milton's wife also passed away there, and the two have clung to each other out of necessity, being the sole survivors they knew. That is, until Ish's arrival changed the dynamic.
Despite Ish's reluctance to linger, he is driven to seek out more survivors and unravel the mystery of their plight. Milton, however, urges him to reconsider, emphasizing that with what they possess, they can "reach the end" within a matter of weeks. Their plan, once the hotel's provisions dwindle, is to end their lives. Yet, Ish counters, isn't there still an abundance of canned food and water to sustain them? Pointing out that these supplies could keep them alive on the strip for nearly a decade, Ish poses the question, "But is that a life you truly desire?"
As Ish departs, Milton and Ann take their own lives without waiting out the final weeks, their actions echoing in Ish's mind like a haunting symphony as he flees Las Vegas and continues his journey. Along the way, he finds solace in a stray dog, whom he names Lucky, and together they make their way back to his hometown. His first destination: the library, where he hopes to uncover methods for fostering a new, eco-friendly existence and living in harmony with nature.
The scene then shifts to "Year 1." Ish struggles to maintain his physical and mental well-being, the strain of survival beginning to chip away at his resolve. Just when hope seems all but lost, a glimpse of life flickers in the distance—smoke curling from a chimney, signaling the presence of another survivor.