Ellis – Season 1 Episode 3

Published: Mar 13 2025

As the third chapter of "Ellis" unfolds, Rachel Hoffman, portrayed by Jade Matthew, pays a visit to her father, Gerry Rees-Mortimer, essayed by Michael Simkins. With a yearning for a simple embrace, Rachel conveys her need before departing with her husband. In the van, Rachel assures her spouse that all will be well after receiving an encouraging message. That evening, Rachel and Oz, played by Tama Matheson, set up camp and inspect the nearby waters. Oz expresses hesitation, questioning their course of action. Just as Rachel takes a call, Oz sneaks up on her from behind, setting the scene for an unexpected turn.

Ellis – Season 1 Episode 3 1

An article in "The Brindleton Weekly News" paints a grim picture of the river, labeling it as "the river from hell." DCI Ellis, portrayed with depth by Sharon D. Clarke, reads about the missing couple. DS Chet Harper, played by Andrew Gower, joins her, catching her up on his recent academic pursuits. Ellis gripes about the amateur detectives prowling the vicinity. They head to the site where the campervan remains parked, greeted by DCI Cotton (Amanda Drew) and DS Archie Dent (Josh Bolt). Cotton elucidates their search methodology, employing side-scan sonar, underwater cameras, and ground-penetrating radar. Locals have reported sightings of the couple, adding to the mystery.

Ellis inquiries about the discovered phone. DS Dent reveals they found Oz's phone a day after they were reported missing, while Rachel's was located at the campsite the following day, found by a local child, Rory Summerfield, after the police had left. Disturbingly, Rachel's phone bore traces of blood, and an unsuccessful attempt had been made to unlock it. Nearby, a strip of torn fabric clung to a branch, hinting at a struggle. A woman and her dog, Cooper, stroll along the path when Cooper darts off, leading them to Rachel's yellow jacket. Chet notices three wine glasses, suggesting they were expecting company. Nearby, a severed hand is discovered, but Ellis doubts it belongs to Rachel due to a distinctive tattoo.

DS Archie Dent informs the team that a body has been found at Radley Basin. The finder, a woman, shouts that Rachel's coat is nearby, snapping photos with her phone as Rachel's body is retrieved from the water. Lydia Green, played by Rina Mahoney, relates how her dog located the body, earning a rebuke from DCI Cotton, who insists it's police business. Lydia persists, genuinely wanting to assist. Ellis remains skeptical.

Ellis and her team intensify their search for the second body, amidst a growing crowd of onlookers. A drone buzzes overhead, drawing attention. DS Archie Dent sharply tells Rory Summerfield to leave the area. Rory engages Ellis about the phone and the body, adding to the pool of information. Gerry arrives, emotionally charged, attempting to push past the police barriers. convinced that Oz is responsible for Rachel's demise.

Chet inquiries about the perplexing question: why would Oz choose to end Rachel's life within the brief span of three days into their marital union? Gerry responds with a resolute tone, insisting that it was morally wrong and they all sensed it deep down. He proceeds to paint Oz as a source of trouble, convinced that he duped Rachel solely for her wealth. Memories from the past led them back to a campsite where the family had once gathered during Rachel's teenage years, before the tragic loss of her mother.

Chet then informs Ellis of Oz's dubious departure from Australia amidst accusations of financial misconduct. Ellis posits that Rachel might have been seeking to reconnect with her cherished past. They embark on a journey to The Swelt. Upon arrival, Chet ponders over the intense public fascination with the case, wondering if perhaps the murder has served as a distraction, filling the void in people's lives.

At The Swelt, Chet and Ellis engage in conversation with Leo Braxton (Charlie de Melo), the operator of a local food truck. Leo admits to having known Rachel for years, as a fellow townsfolk, yet reveals he hadn't laid eyes on her for quite some time. Their investigation of the area includes a discussion about the crime scene, specifically the bloodstains discovered on nearby rocks. Chet's phone interrupts their discussion with a call informing him of a grim discovery: Oz's body, severely beaten and riddled with a shotgun wound, has been found at Oxbow Riffle.

Back at the station, the team convenes to dissect the case, while Ellis delves into her research on Rory Summerfield. Oz's injuries include a shotgun wound to the chest, and notably, his hands were still attached to his body, in stark contrast to the unidentified severed hand found at the scene. Chet explains that the distinctive tattoo on the hand depicts a twin-headed jackal. Additionally, a white wedding garter bearing Rachel's DNA was discovered, further complicating the scenario. Considering the ubiquity of shotguns among farmers, this lead becomes less helpful.

Ellis proposes scrutinizing vehicles that entered the vicinity prior to the victims' demise. She mentions that Rachel was once part of a local band called The Cold Turkeys, which boasts a robust network of friends in the area. Her investigation into Rachel's social circle will include Leo and Alex Scanlan (Richard Sherwood), the band's leader. They also plan to interview Abbie Summerfield (Charley Webb), Rory's older sister, who now runs a successful motorcross business alongside a former young offender named Kane Harrison.

DCI Cotton reveals another piece of the puzzle: Abbie was once involved with Kane, who has turned his life around. Lastly, Chet updates Ellis that there's no trace of Lydia Green in Norfolk, leaving another loose end in their intricate web of investigation.

Ellis engages in a thoughtful conversation with DCI Cotton, reflecting on their respective careers. She generously consents to allow Cotton to confront the media. Cotton, acknowledging the spotty phone reception in their current surroundings, reveals her first name to be Val. Elsewhere, Archie fills Chet in on their relocation a couple of years prior. A senior gentleman finds himself at the station, puzzled about his purpose there.

Ellis and Chet delve into their discussion with Soraya Mansoori (portrayed by Shanaya Rafaat), meticulously examining the hand and the shotgun wound. The fresh tattoo indicates it was inked mere days before the hand was cruelly amputated, likely by an animal trap. The shotgun blast, delivered at point-blank range to the chest, suggests Oz was still breathing when he plunged into the water. Archie's arrival brings news of Lydia Green's fingerprints discovered on the campervan. Promptly summoned for questioning, Lydia reveals her married name as Ford, explaining that all her records bear that surname. She denies acquaintance with the couple but concedes she might have stumbled upon the campervan. Ellis postulates that the dog, guided by its acute sense of smell, discovered the grim find. Lydia eventually confesses her aspiration to become a true crime podcaster, explaining her curiosity led her to inspect the unattended van. She paints Gerry as a wealthy capitalist with questionable ethics. Ellis gives her an ultimatum: return home that day or face charges.

Later, Ellis updates Chet on Rachel's decision to close her bank account. Chet mentions their unrestricted access to the cottage they're renting. As Ellis ponders over photographs and attempts to reach Grace by leaving a message, she briefs ACC Alison Leighton (played by Allison Harding) on the ongoing case. Chet arrives with groceries, offering to visit The Boar and Brisket. Post-wedding, Rachel had reached out to all her bandmates. While Chet checks in with Archie, Ellis inside to converse steps with Leo. Chet joins her, informing that Archie is scrutinizing the vehicles. Their eyes fall upon Gerry, staying at the establishment and socializing with Leo. Leo recounts Rachel's desire for a band reunion, aiming to introduce Oz to everyone, though he himself didn't attend. He praises Rachel and Alex for their talent, adding that his call to apologize to Rachel went unanswered, reaching voicemail instead. Chet learns that Gerry arrived four days prior.

Questioned, Gerry vehemently denies any involvement in a homicide, claiming his visit was fueled by hope that Rachel might reconsider her plans. He reminisces about his past visits when Rachel was younger and expresses ignorance about her Australian relocation plans. Outside, Ellis and Chet concur on interviewing another band member. They proceed to Scanlan's residence, only to find signs of a break-in—photographs strewn across the bed and a phone lying abandoned on the floor. A torn picture, showing Scanlan and Rachel in an intimate embrace, stands out.

The following day, DCI Cotton informs them that the fingerprints found in the cottage match those on Rachel's blood-stained phone, hinting that Alex Scanlan could be the one who lost a hand. Ellis seeks clarification on his London trip on the wedding day and expresses interest in learning more about Abbie, Rory, and Kane. Cotton shares the tragic backdrop of Abbie and Rory's upbringing, orphaned by addicted parents.

Kane, who had suffered sexual abuse at the hands of his father, found solace and abandoned his drug use upon meeting Abbie. Kane remained composed unless someone dared to encroach upon Abbie's space. A visit from Ellis and Chet brought them to Abbie, Kane Harrison (played by Mark Field), and Rory. Abbie confided that she had once been friends with Rachel, reminiscing about a night they gathered at the camper van just before they vanished. She described Oz as decent enough and affirmed that they inherited the land from their forebears. Abbie revealed that Rachel had a knack for attracting boys, Alex included, with whom she had a three-year relationship. Kane insisted he hadn't been to the camper van that fateful night, while Abbie mentioned wearing Kane's jacket, which must have torn during their activities.

Back at the station, Ellis shared that Foster Lang (portrayed by David Sterne) had been involved with the music scene at the school attended by the group. He was also the band's manager and had been spotted at the reception the previous day. Lydia had posted a video harassing Foster. When Ellis and Chet tracked Foster down sitting outside his residence, they inquired about Alex. Intrigued by something she saw inside, Ellis requested backup. Foster took the blame, saying Alex had been heavily intoxicated and had made advances towards him. Chet asked Ellis if she wanted him to enter the house, but before they could act, Chet noticed a nearby animal trap.

Entering the house, Ellis found a record spinning and halted it before discovering a blood-stained bed. She informed Chet that no one was inside. Foster attributed the situation to his own actions. Ellis and Chet pondered Alex's possible route to the hospital, with Foster mentioning "The Claw." Dent arrived and was tasked with organizing a search in the area. Ellis revealed to Chet her knowledge of The Claw's location, and they soon found Alex.

Later, Chet told Ellis that he had spoken to Alex's tattoo artist, who explained that the double-headed jackal symbolized Alex's bisexuality, marking his long-awaited coming out after years of uncertainty. Alex had been accompanied by a younger friend. Ellis recounted her understanding of events to Foster Lang, who clarified that Alex had made moves on him at the school. Another teacher had witnessed it, and the school had mishandled the situation, prompting Foster's resignation in protest of Alex's treatment. He added that Leo also wrote songs, Abbie was the wildest, Rory was rarely clothed, and always hungry.

Ellis informed Chet that Rory Summerfield hadn't posted since Alex's body was discovered. DCI Cotton revealed that the media speculated Alex was the killer, a notion echoed by some team members. Notably, Lydia wasn't pointing fingers at Foster Lang. Archie had managed to obtain her car's registration. Ellis spoke with Cotton about Dent and her daughter, admitting she hadn't always been present for her. Cotton provided Ellis with comprehensive information on Abbie, Rory, the parents' drug bust, and Kane. Chet discovered the car was registered to Lydia Maddox, who had a history with Gerry-Rees-Mortimer. Ellis had been delving into the Summerfields' drug bust, uncovering that an anonymous tip had betrayed them.

When Ellis and Chet confronted Lydia, she claimed to have solved the crime, convinced Foster was involved. Lydia insisted she was just trying to make ends meet, broke and struggling.

Chet reveals that a gag order has been imposed upon her, under the alias Lydia Maddox. Ellis speculates that Lydia is seeking vendetta against Gerry for acquiring her company. Lydia concedes her intention was to expose Gerry's corruption. She further alleges that Rachel, having seen the truth, deserted Gerry and, consequently, was murdered by him because she possessed incriminating information about her father as well. Back at the precinct, Ellis and Chet discover that the trap set at Lang's residence does not match the one that amputated Alex's hand. The unidentified fingerprints found in the photos have been dispatched for analysis. Soraya informs them that traces of an unrecognized organosulfur compound were also discovered.

As they sift through the evidence, Chet and Ellis uncover that Rachel had planned a farewell visit and possessed insurance – evidence detailing Catalystico's unethical business practices. Chet then informs Ellis that Gerry had been frequenting Leo's place, and Leo had recently received a substantial financial boost. Ellis accuses Gerry of trying to thwart Rachel's efforts to tarnish his reputation, questioning why he paid Leo 50,000 pounds shortly before Rachel vanished. Gerry claims it was merely an investment in Leo's venture. When Chet inquires about his frequent visits last summer, Gerry denies them categorically.

Ellis finds it peculiar that Gerry dismissed Alex as a mere "two-bit DJ." She suspects Rory was trailing Alex, who Rory attended most of his gigs. She also believes Rory could be the younger acquaintance mentioned at the tattoo parlor. They head to the motocross venue, where Chet verifies Abbie holds a shotgun license, whereas Kane cannot due to his criminal record. Ellis notes that not everyone attended the Summerfields' party. They spot Leo with Rory and converse with Abbie, with Kane in close proximity. Abbie maintains Rory was merely exploring and insists their acceptance of Alex's bisexuality posed no issue. Ellis enquires about the impact of her parents' incarceration, then seeks to interview Rory.

In an abrupt moment, Chet intercepts Rory from dozing off on a dirt bike, shouting that he's fleeing Abbie and Kane, whom he believes killed Alex. Abbie fiercely denies this. Rory claims Kane confronted Alex, whom Abbie explains they worried about due to the age gap. Ellis posits Kane confronted Alex over past abuse, but Alex assured him they were platonic friends, and he wished to support Rory. Kane swears his innocence. Abbie stands by Kane's truthfulness. Chet questions Leo about the 50,000 pounds, to which Leo insists it was an investment. He also denies Gerry's stays last summer. Abbie tells Ellis that Alex intended to confess to the police about her parents. Ellis ponders if Alex's jealousy was a factor; the bust disintegrated the band and strained Rachel's relationship with Leo.

In a private conversation, Ellis confides in Chet that Rachel's 46-minute phone call with Leo suggests she shared Alex's confession with him.

They postulated that Rachel was taking refuge at The Boar and Brisket. When Soraya rang up, she verified that the sulfuric scent emanating from the torn photographs was, in fact, truffle oil. Their search for Leo commenced, culminating in the discovery of a portrayal of the Swelt adorning his eatery. Ellis felt confident that she had pinpointed his whereabouts. They eventually tracked him down, perched precariously on the cliff's edge, gripping a rifle. Leo confessed that Alex's actions had estranged him from Rachel. However, she had later reentered his life. Rachel had parted ways with Oz, prompting them to give their relationship another chance. Ultimately, Rachel resumed her romance with Oz. A nostalgic flashback depicted Leo engaged in a fierce altercation with Alex, who retreated in haste. Leo explained that Alex, acting in self-defense, reached for the trap, which inadvertently discharged. Rachel and Oz, hearing the cries, rushed to the scene. Subsequently, a confrontation ensued between Oz and Leo. In the midst of the chaos, Alex seized Rachel's phone and bolted. Leo recounted how the entire situation had spiraled into madness. In the end, Leo surrendered. Chet and Ellis conversed with their colleagues at the station before departing. Ellis informed Cotton that her team merely required guidance. She then told Chet that it was finally time to unwind with a drink. As they sat at the pub, Ellis received a message. Chet suggested she disregard it, assuming it was from Leighton. Upon his departure, Ellis checked the message and found that it was from Grace. Just then, their drinks arrived.

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