From - Season 3 Episode 3

Published: Oct 22 2024

Season 3, Episode 3 of "From" unfolds with a jarring phone call for Jim, as Thomas's voice echoes through the line, met with disbelief and denial. The chilling threat targeting Julie and Ethan reverberates, sending shivers down Jim's spine.

From - Season 3 Episode 3 1

Elsewhere, Victor delves into an enigmatic endeavor involving the tree, soliciting Sara's assistance with an air of mystery. Meanwhile, Boyd's ambitious plan to ensnare a creature alive hits a snag when Donna intervenes, beseeching Ellis to rein in Boyd's pursuits amidst looming concerns—chief among them, the imminent arrival of Ellis's newborn.

Fatima's struggle with anorexia persists, driving her to furtive forays where Tillie discovers her secretly consuming spoiled scraps from the compost heap. Tillie, empathetic and understanding, recounts her own unorthodox pregnancy cravings, seeking to soothe Fatima's troubled mind. Yet, Fatima's anxiety over the unborn child festers, haunted by the notion that dark forces might be at play, considering her infertility in the past.

In a bid to reassure Fatima, Tillie offers to delve into the mysteries of a Tarot reading, her own grim diagnosis of terminal cancer having been inadvertently revealed through a previous reading. Just as the cards are poised to divulge their secrets, a violent interruption occurs—a wild crow, bloodied and mortally wounded, smashes through the house, crashing near Elgin's slumbering form.

Concurrently, Kenny, Jade, Kristi, and their companions embark on a perilous forage for vegetables, amidst dwindling daylight and encroaching monsters. Jade's psychic visions strike again, this time painting a grim image of a man impaled to a tree, a dagger piercing his eye, sending him into a panic to retreat. Kristi, determined to follow, falls victim to a bear trap's cruel embrace. As the group's efforts to free her seem futile, Jade resorts to an unlikely savior—a formidable wooden pole, once a eerie figurine believed to ward off evil from the huts. With this unexpected weapon, they miraculously liberate Kristi from her predicament.

While Boyd steadfastly prepares to trap a creature, he makes a request of Randall to switch lodgings for the night, unaware that Randall's mind is already being consumed by hallucinations of bizarre insects, foreshadowing an unsettling turn of events to come.

As Tabitha ventured back into the realm of reality, her gaze stumbled upon a bottle tree, gracefully standing in the secluded backyard of Victor's familial abode. Yet, this tree lacked the portal-like hole that had once swallowed her whole, igniting a sense of unease. It was then that Victor's father, with a hint of nostalgia, spoke of the original tree, a tale that sparked an urgent curiosity within Tabitha. She implored him to lead her to its sacred grounds, but as they traveled in the car, her fingers stumbled upon a leather bracelet, a token of her affection for Jim, long forgotten yet now a poignant reminder.

Her heart heavy with foreboding, Tabitha's thoughts spiraled into a maelstrom of doubt. She began to question whether she had ever truly escaped the sinister clutches of that cursed town, or if it continued to toy with her very essence. In a panicked attempt to halt their progress, she struggled against the car's momentum, her actions inadvertently causing a disastrous collision. Victor's father was injured, their fate now entwined with the chaos of the moment.

As the ambulance rushed them towards safety, the driver's casual mention of a tree lying across the road struck Tabitha like a bolt of lightning. Her eyes widened in disbelief—she had been drawn back, inexorably, to the hellish confines of that town. The realization sent shivers down her spine, a testament to the unbreakable grasp of her nightmarish ordeal.

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