As the episode of "Good Cop/Bad Cop" unfolds, Lou Hickman (played by Leighton Meester) endeavors to assist Henry (Luke Cook) in securing a residence. Suspecting that Henry’s eyes are glued to Marci’s Instagram, Lou suggests reaching out to her, noting her recent return and the opening of her clinic. Henry reminisces about Marci’s unique rapport with children. The scene shifts to Dr. Marci Laine (portrayed by Philippa Northeast), surrounded by a joyful bunch of kids. Henry informs Lou that his assistance is no longer required, a statement Lou finds questionable. A brief spat ensues between them.
Elsewhere, AJ (Arkia Ashraf) and his companions opt to ingest mushrooms, guided by a certified trip shaman who ensures their safety. Soon, the guys embark on a psychedelic journey. Among them, Kevin (Max Mayer-Rayment) appears to be in a particularly dire state, eventually collapsing. The shaman urgently urges others to dial 911. As Hank (Clancy Brown) strides into the police station, he reminds everyone that tonight marks the annual fundraiser for the Children’s Hospital, an event Lou knows well. Hank exhorts them to contribute generously, highlighting Channel 6’s coverage. He declares that no cases can detract from tonight’s festivities and summons Lily Lim (Grace Chow) to his office.
Todd (Rowan Chapman) enters, shirtless, seeking assistance. On the scene, Lou and Henry discover Shane Carson (Devon Terrell) already present. Shane notes Kevin’s heart medications in his backpack, suggesting an accidental overdose. Henry ventures inside to interrogate the trip shaman, Skye (Leah Vandenberg), who reflects that she should have declined their offer due to their negative vibes—rudeness and arrogance abounded. She also mentions crypto enthusiasts videotaping the event. Skye laments that the boys dismissed her crystals with disdain. Lou manages to sneakily obtain her fingerprints.
Henry inquiries about the mushroom-laden bag, receiving it almost instantly. He disputes Carson’s theory, discovering remnants of Deadly Amanita mushrooms within. After departing, Lou attempts to salvage Skye’s fingerprints from a tissue packet. Meanwhile, Henry and Nadia (Blazey Best) arrive at the fundraiser, where Sam (William McKenna), Sarika Ray (Shamita Siva), and Lily Lim are already present. Joe Bradley (Scott Lee) assists a delivery person with a colossal pizza, navigating its entrance. Henry and Lou join the gathering, updating Hank on the mushroom incident. Lou theorizes that the killer had to be present to ensure the victim got the bag of deadly mushrooms. No shaman’s fingerprints were found on the bag. Lou mentions that these guys are about to take the company public, and there’s a huge amount of money involved. Rick Vernon is one of their investors and is local. They’re in town to discuss the final details of the IPO with Rick (Tyler Coppin). Rick also puts them in touch with the shaman. Hank points out that Rick and his ex-wife both serve on the City Council, so they have to proceed with caution.
In Lou's opinion, the perpetrator had to be present to ensure the right victim received the fatal bag. Notably, the shaman’s prints were absent from the bag. Lou mentions the imminent public listing of their company, entailing substantial financial implications. Rick Vernon, a local investor, is among them, and it was he who facilitated their contact with the shaman. Hank cautions that Rick and his ex-wife sit on the city council, necessitating a delicate approach.
He possesses the uncanny ability to quiz Rick subtly, leaving the latter utterly unaware of being interrogated. Lou and Henry pay a visit to Esther (played by Charlotte Chimes), who warmly invites them in, assuring them she'll alert the guys to their presence. Stepping indoors, they engage in conversation with Todd and AJ, amidst which Esther reveals a startling fact: she had procured the mushrooms from Seattle. AJ mentions that they reached out to Kevin's family, only to find that none of them wished to lodge a complaint. Lou attempts to procure urine samples from AJ and Todd, an idea that strikes Todd as preposterous. AJ, however, consents, driven by their collective desire to prevent further illnesses.
Inside their vehicle, Lou confesses her true intention behind the sample request—to gauge the boys' reactions. The conversation drifts to AJ's misplaced phone and the uncanny resemblance between Esther and Marcia. At Big Hank's fundraiser, Hank and Nadia are introduced to the concept of a Z-plasty by Rick, who inadvertently divulges the true purpose behind their visit when Hank steers the topic towards the overdose incident. Rick admits he's the driving force behind their presence. Originally slated for May, the IPO has been rescheduled due to a competitor's impending public offering, a decision Rick couldn't dissuade them from.
The Chinooks Club voices their discontent over the fundraiser's overtime extension. Enter Bill Flanagan (played by Paul Tassone), who lightens the mood with his jokes. Bud Grady seizes the microphone, introducing himself as the Eden Vale football coach to the assembled crowd. Hank then takes the stage, expressing gratitude to all attendees before soliciting donations. Just as he urges everyone to contribute, the lights flicker and shatter the silence with the sound of breaking glass. When the lights restore, Sarika Ray notices the shattered fishbowl and the missing funds.
The police scrutiny intensifies, with Flanagan, the Chinooks, and the pizza delivery man joining the list of suspects. Joe volunteers to spearhead the investigation. Sam interrogates Earl (played by Mark Lee) and the members of the Chinooks. Earl clarifies that Frank was nearest to the fuse box. The pizza man protests his innocence to Sarika, explaining that his manager instructed him to await payment of $42.50, which never materialized, leading her to accuse him of theft. Flanagan vehemently denies any involvement in the theft. Meanwhile, Lou catches up with Henry, updating him on Vernon's suggestion to postpone the IPO. In a twist, Henry uncovers that Kevin was engaged to Todd's former girlfriend, adding an unexpected layer to the already tangled web of events.
Lou informed Henry that she intended to facilitate an interview between him and Esther, who possessed valuable information to impart. She had made arrangements to rendezvous with him at The Pioneer, and Henry joined her shortly thereafter. The waitress, Gladys (portrayed by Jeanette Cronin), remarked upon the striking resemblance between Esther and Marci.
Esther harbored suspicions that AJ had been scheming behind Kevin and Todd's backs, having overheard a confidential call from a local investor, whom she identified as Richard Vernon, that AJ had neglected to mention to his associates. She found Henry's demeanor amusing and revealed that the conversation hinted at a clandestine meeting between AJ and Vernon tonight concerning an Initial Public Offering (IPO).
When Henry inquired about the rift between Kevin and Todd, allegedly sparked by Kevin's fiancée, Esther disclosed that Kevin had ended his engagement with Janet two weeks prior. She confessed her disdain for Kevin but deemed the other two individuals even more unsavory, jesting that she wouldn't make Kevin her first target. Joe was grappling with the puzzle of who had absconded with the money.
Upon his return to the station, Lou grilled Henry about his findings, to which he recounted Kevin's recent breakup. Additionally, Todd had also been diagnosed with chlamydia. They concluded that keeping tabs on Vernon was imperative, given his scheduled meeting with AJ that evening.
While awaiting developments, they reminisced about their team dynamics. Lou confessed that she had been the one who had stolen the money as a reprimand to her father for making charity all about himself, subsequently donating it anonymously with Lily's assistance in orchestrating a blackout. Lou persisted in her attempts to mentor Henry, like a big sister, drawing parallels to Marci.
Moments later, they observed AJ arriving at Vernon's residence. Henry and Lou stealthily approached to eavesdrop on their conversation. Elsewhere, Nadia approached Bradley about his investigation, offering her assistance, which he politely declined, fearing it might jeopardize Hank's respect for him.
AJ assured Vernon that the news about Kevin hadn't yet surfaces online, while Vernon sought reassurance that they wouldn't encounter complications from Todd. Unfortunately, Lou and Henry's clandestine operation was thwarted by the Sheriff's Office. Henry defused the situation with some charisma, explaining how fortunate they were to have been caught without severe repercussions. Lou and Henry then briefed the sheriff on their insights into AJ and Vernon's activities.