Good Partner – Season 1 Episode 2

Published: Sep 02 2024

Embarking on our recap of 'Good Partner's' second episode, we find Yu-ri and her mother grieving at the funeral of Yu-ri's father, a poignant revelation unveiling his betrayal of Kim Kyung-Sook, Yu-ri's mother. Flashing forward to the present, Yu-ri's uneasy encounter with Kim Ji-Sang and Choi Sa-Ra prompts her to concoct a reason for her visit to the 16th floor.

Good Partner – Season 1 Episode 2 1

The following day, Eun-Kyung invites Yu-ri to accompany her on a new VIP case, a tangled web of deceit involving an assemblyman's son's illicit affair with his wife's confidante. Kim Min-Jeong, the betrayed wife, and Kim Jun-Hui, the aggrieved husband of the other woman, Choi Mi-Jin, stand united as plaintiffs. They reminisce about their once-close families, sharing camping trips, before the shattering discovery of Park Min-Seok's betrayal with Choi Mi-Jin. In hand, they clutch irrefutable evidence: CCTV footage and incriminating texts.

Over lunch with Eun-Ho, Yu-ri confides, her voice tinged with vulnerability, that she teetered on the brink of resignation after her courtroom triumph. Jun-Ho, ever the pillar of support, urges her to reconsider. Meanwhile, Eun-Kyung's evening meal with Woo-Jin is punctuated by his keen observation of her unusual demeanor. Under gentle questioning, she unburdens herself, sharing that she caught Yu-ri penning her resignation letter.

At the case's inaugural hearing, Yu-ri and Eun-Kyung weave a meticulous narrative, laying bare the evidence of the affair. To the courtroom's collective astonishment, Park Min-Seok not only acknowledges the truth but declares his love for Mi-Jin, expressing his desire to raise a blended family. Eun-Kyung's sage counsel leads the parties to seek an amicable resolution outside the court's purview.

Back at the office, Yu-ri's mind whirls with the dilemma of whether to disclose the affair to Eun-Kyung. Seeking guidance, she arranges a dinner with Eun-Ho, posing the poignant question: Should one reveal a partner's infidelity? Eun-Ho's response is heartfelt—he would disclose it, believing that transparency is the key to freeing oneself from the shackles of deceit and embarking on a path of healing and renewal.

The following day, Eun-Kyung and Yu-ri convened for a mediation session, where they presented a well-thought-out proposal. Little did they anticipate, however, the stunning counteroffer from Park Min-Seok. He stunned them all by offering his wife a staggering 2 billion won—a whopping 30% of his vast fortune—on the condition that he retained custody of their children, inclusive of Kim Jun-Hui's son, and that Kim Jun-Hui would be relieved of the alimony obligation.

Yu-ri, her voice laced with concern, immediately objected, arguing fervently that such an arrangement would inevitably cast a shadow over the well-being of the innocent children. Eun-Kyung, recognizing the gravity of the situation, swiftly requested a moment's respite to ponder the proposal in consultation with her clients.

Later, the tensions rose as Yu-ri and Eun-Kyung found themselves locked in a heated debate. Yu-ri insisted, passionately, that no mother would ever prioritize monetary gain over the love and care of her children. Eun-Kyung, however, countered by reminding Yu-ri that Kim Min-Jeong, as a capable mother, was entitled to decide what was truly best for her offspring.

Back at the office, Yu-ri and Eun-Ho's paths crossed with Woo-Jin, prompting them to pose the same query Woo-Jin had previously fielded from Yu-ri. Woo-Jin, his stance clear, expressed that it wasn't his place to disclose another's infidelity. He believed in the sanctity of personal discovery, maintaining that if he were in a similar situation, he would wait for the truth to unravel naturally.

The discourse surrounding the proposal intensified. Kim Jun-Hui stood firmly opposed, yet Kim Min-Jeong's resolve was unwavering. She explained, her voice tinged with sadness, that without a career and with children accustomed to a life of luxury, she feared she couldn't adequately provide for them. Furthermore, Park Min-Seok had sweetened the deal by offering to enroll their children in a prestigious international school, a promise that only added to the complexity of the situation.

Yu-ri, horrified by the thought, vociferously argued that no amount of money could ever compensate for the harm it might inflict on the children's emotional well-being. Eun-Kyung, with a gentle yet firm touch, gently reminded Yu-ri of her boundaries, urging her to recognize the delicate balance between empathy and professionalism. Yu-ri, realizing her misstep, promptly apologized to Min-Jeong, the air thick with the weight of difficult decisions yet to be made.

During the subsequent mediation session, tears of understanding mingled as both plaintiffs embraced Park Min-Seok's proposition, marking a poignant turning point. As they journeyed back to their offices, Eun-Kyung imparted a revelation to Yu-ri, divulging that she had dispatched a heartfelt family assessment report to Kim Jun-Hui, wherein his son's heartfelt desire to reside with his mother shone through, fueled by her undeniable need. This poignant plea swayed Jun-Hui's stance, sealing the deal.

Yu-ri's disappointment surfaced, lamenting that they had seemingly relinquished the upper hand, with the defendants escaping accountability and gaining custody of the children. Eun-Kyung, however, gently dispelled her novice misgivings, clarifying that the estranged parents' coexistence was never a viable option. Park Min-Seok's boasts, she elucidated, were merely a façade to salvage pride and feed his ego. She painted a vivid picture, envisioning Kim Min-Jeong's newfound independence in her own abode, luring the children with warmth and time, while their father's increasing preoccupation with work alienated him further. Inevitably, they would gravitate towards their mother's nurturing embrace, now fortified by financial stability. Eun-Kyung deemed it a victory, both just and comprehensive.

Their bond deepened as Eun-Kyung escorted Yu-ri on a shopping spree, gifting her a sleek office bag and selecting a wristwatch for her husband, a token of their anniversary approaching. Memories of their first anniversary danced in her head, tinged with nostalgia for simpler, happier times. The date looming large, she gazed at it with a melancholic twinkle.

Yu-ri's return to the office unveiled a shocking revelation—Choi Sa-Ra, the woman Kim Ji-Sang had betrayed Eun-Kyung with, lurking in plain sight. Coincidentally, it was their wedding anniversary, a day marked for a rendezvous at a hotel. Yu-ri, fraught with urgency, sought out Eun-Kyung, spilling the beans about her chance encounter on the 16th floor. To Yu-ri's utter astonishment, Eun-Kyung's demeanor betrayed no surprise; she had been privy to the truth from the very beginning.

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