House of the Dragon – Season 2 Episode 6

Published: Aug 05 2024

Episode 6 of the second season of "House of the Dragon" kicks off with a fragile truce hanging precariously as the formidable armies of King's Landing, led by the Lannisters, embark on a march towards the Riverlands. Yet, their advance towards Harrenhal grinds to a halt, awaiting the arrival of Aemond astride Vhagar, his monstrous dragon.

House of the Dragon – Season 2 Episode 6 1

A raven wings its way to King's Landing, bearing demands that incense the new king to the brink of fury. He dismisses Alicent's counsel, barking orders that echo through the halls, refusing to join the crusade and forging an alliance with the Triarchy in a desperate bid to shatter the blockade strangling the city's lifeblood. The council meeting crackles with tension, and as it disbands, Alicent seeks Aemond in private, her voice laced with caution. But he cuts her off, his decision swift and ruthless, banishing her from the council chambers, her seat forever vacant.

Meanwhile, in the bustling streets of King's Landing, discontent simmers among the smallfolk. The chasm between the haves and have-nots widens daily, as the commoners scrape by on meager rations while whispers of royal excesses fill the air. They recall the days of Viserys' reign, contrasting his gentle touch with the harsher edges of Aemond and Aegon's rule. Could the seeds of rebellion be taking root in this fertile soil of discontent?

Elsewhere, Rhaenyra convenes her council, the weight of their seemingly hopeless situation heavy on her shoulders. Ser Steffon Darklyn stands before them, a glimmer of hope amidst the gloom. She addresses their plight, her voice resonating with the need for dragonriders to bolster their ranks. It's a gambit fraught with peril, yet Steffon's eyes sparkle with ambition. The dangers are clear, but the prospect of claiming a dragon for himself ignites a fire within him, one that could turn the tide of war in their favor.

Ser Staffon Darklyn ventures forth with determination to inspect the majestic newcomer, Seasmoke, the dragon. His cautious approach seems to evoke a semblance of acceptance, but fate deals him a cruel blow as the beast's flames engulf him, reducing him to mere ashes. Back to the arduous task of strategizing, it seems.

Within Rhaenyra's chambers, Mysaria arrives amidst her lady's lamentations over the recent misfortunes. Rhaenyra's spirits sag as she ponders the slim chances of finding allies, yet Mysaria brings forth a faint glimmer of optimism. She whispers of a burgeoning discontent among the commoners of Kings Landing, a sentiment that could potentially tilt the scales of war in their favor.

Meanwhile, in the heart of Kings Landing, tempers flare as the markets starve, their shelves barren. Yet, a stark contrast unfolds as a cart laden with sheep is ushered towards Vhagar, igniting indignation among the populace. Larys, ever vigilant, alerts Aemond during council proceedings of the lurking danger within, urging immediate action. Aemond heeds the warning, resolving to reinstate Otto Hightower as Hand of the King. However, their plans are interrupted by the news of Aegon's awakening, prompting Aemond to confront the former monarch in solitude. Aegon's blank response, claiming amnesia, only adds to the intrigue.

Elsewhere, Daemon's torment persists within the confines of Harrenhal, haunted by specters of the past. This time, the ghostly visage of Viserys provokes him into a fit of rage, his suspicion landing on Ser Simon, whom he accuses of manipulating him. In a fit of desperation, Daemon abandons Harrenhal, seeking solace and guidance from Alys beneath the crimson canopy of the courtyard. She gently reminds him that he is but a pawn in a much larger game, and he listens, yearning for her counsel on navigating the treacherous Riverlands.

Alys cunningly advises him to abstain from all endeavors in the present moment, prophesying that in mere three days' time, the "tides will turn." As the narrative unfolds, we discern that her cryptic words allude to the imminent demise of Grover Tully, the venerable patriarch, thereby elevating young Oscar Tully to the esteemed position of Lord Paramount of the Riverlands. Alys's arrival under the guise of 'assistance' seems to have culminated in the fulfillment of her ominous prediction, casting a shadow of suspicion over her role in his demise.

Rhaena, perched atop the Vale, is met with a heart-wrenching sight of dragon-wrought devastation, the land reduced to a charred wasteland. Realizing it's not one of her own beasts that wrought this havoc, she discovers a colossal dragon already reigns supreme in the Vale, shedding light on Jeyne's and the Vale's yearning for dragons—and their frustration with the current dragons' diminutive size.

Meanwhile, along the shores of King's Landing, vessels laden with provisions and supplies for the populace, flying the banners of Rhaenyra and the Targaryens, arrive with ominous implications for Alicent's standing. As Aegon's recovery is deemed a lengthy and arduous process by the Grand Maester, and with no word from Otto despite desperate ravens dispatched to the Great Houses, Alicent's predicament grows dire. She remains steadfast by Aegon's side, briefly conversing with Gwayne about their father before bidding him farewell, notably avoiding any interaction with Criston Cole, though their eyes exchange a mutual understanding.

With Cole and his troops departed, the streets erupt into chaos as news of Rhaenyra's largesse spreads like wildfire. The mood in the Sept turns hostile as Alicent and Helaena are escorted by the Kingsguard, only to find themselves pelted with food by an angry mob. In the fray, an untrained Kingsguard lashes out, severing the hand of a man, sparking a full-blown panic. Despite being pursued through the city by the agitated populace, the queens manage to escape, their escape a harrowing testament to the frayed fabric of society.

Upon hearing the news, Rhaenyra's resolve falters, casting doubts on their ability to triumph in this looming conflict. Sensing her turmoil, Jace urges the necessity of Daemon's aid, while Mysaria steps forward with words of reassurance, gently dispelling the shadows of uncertainty from Rhaenyra's heart. As she unburdens herself, Mysaria reveals the darkest corners of her past, recounting the sexual abuse she endured at her father's hands, a trauma that forever robbed her of the ability to bear children. Left for dead, she emerged with a vow never to place her trust in the hands of another, recognizing the rarity of those who stand unwavering. In Rhaenyra, she sees such steadfastness, a kindred spirit worthy of her unwavering loyalty. In a fleeting moment of vulnerability, they embrace, the warmth of their bond morphing into a tender kiss.

With Alicent's absence, Larys finds his way into Aegon's chambers, his words painting a somber picture of Aegon's destiny, mirroring his own fate of perpetual pity. Yet, he whispers a subtle truth: that being underestimated can be a potent weapon, if wielded wisely. Larys senses an opening, and Aegon's plea for assistance only solidifies his conviction.

Their contemplation is abruptly shattered by news of Seasmoke's soaring over Spice Town, its back now graced by a new rider. Instinctively, they assume the worst, branding the newcomer a Green. Undeterred, Rhaenyra makes a decisive move, choosing to confront this mystery head-on, soaring into the skies herself. Little do they know, the rider astride Seasmoke is none other than Addam of Hull, the illegitimate son of the esteemed Corlys Velaryon, destined to alter the course of events in ways unforeseen.

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