Industry – Season 1 Episode 7

Published: Aug 22 2024

As Yasmin prepares for her day at work, her gaze lingers over the boxes of fish neatly stacked in her kitchen, each one a promise of freshness. At her workplace, a recent French graduate approaches her, inquiring politely about the attire expected for the dinner party she's hosting alongside Seb this Saturday. Seb, ever the gracious host, reveals that he's set the price per guest at a hundred pounds, prompting Yasmin to offer to foot the entire bill for the esteemed guests.

Industry – Season 1 Episode 7 1

Elsewhere, Sara, Harper, and Daria convene in a hushed corner, where Sara and Daria beseech Harper to maintain discretion regarding Eric's bonus, a matter of delicacy. Daria, the diligent one, hands out a list of clients for her team to monitor, but her male counterparts seem to dismiss her efforts with a shrug.

Kenny, curious about Eric's whereabouts, seeks Yasmin's input, but she remains tight-lipped. Hilary, enigmatic as ever, requests a meeting with Yasmin for Monday, leaving her to ponder the reason behind his cryptic invitation. Meanwhile, Gus embarks on an interview at a rival bank, his ambition burning bright.

Daria, ever the taskmaster, tasks Harper with following up on Nicole's progress, before gently shaking Clement awake from his deskside slumber with a nudge and a smile.

As the day winds down, Robert and Usman share a lunchtime rendezvous, with Robert tentatively asking Usman to speak on his behalf during the upcoming Reduction in Force process. Usman, however, declines the request, his loyalty divided.

Post-work, Yasmin returns home, flushed from her run, to find Seb engrossed in sushi-making in the kitchen. Their conversation flows effortlessly, until Yasmin's mother's unexpected request for a meeting interrupts the peaceful scene. With a hasty goodbye, Yasmin departs, leaving Sebastian to his culinary endeavors, albeit with a sudden mishap that leaves him with a nick. Harper, quick to lend a helping hand, volunteers to fetch painkillers, timing her exit perfectly as Robert arrives on the scene.

Seb, ever the hospitable host, invites Robert inside, and the two catch up over old times. Meanwhile, at the pharmacy, Harper's errand takes an unexpected turn as she stumbles upon Eric, joyously engaging with his children, a heartwarming sight amidst the hustle and bustle of the day.

As the evening deepened, the dinner party reached its vibrant crescendo. Robert and Harper found themselves engrossed in conversation, their words weaving tales of Gus's exploits. Meanwhile, Yasmin lingered outside with her mother, who imparted words of wisdom on the intricacies of love and relationships. Despite his efforts, Robert persisted in engaging Gus in conversation, seeking a connection.

Eventually, Yasmin graced the threshold, her entrance punctuating the evening's flow. She stumbled upon Seb in the bathroom, attending to a friend plagued by the aftermath of revelry. Following this encounter, Seb tasked Yasmin with collecting the evening's contributions from their guests, only to be surprised when she revealed that she had already footed the bill for all.

Robert and Harper's discourse continued, their voices mingling with the lively ambiance, until a French graduate's abrupt intervention cast a somber shadow. The graduate's theories, insinuating a sinister link between their bonuses and Hari's untimely demise, hung heavily in the air. Harper, unfazed, disclosed that she had been compensated doubly to defend Hari's honor, a revelation that sparked a ripple of whispers.

Harper and Yasmin's subsequent exchange blossomed into a dance, their movements intertwining in a graceful duet. As the night wore on, Harper took a seat, leaving Yasmin to captivate the room with her seductive solo. Gus, seeking a breath of fresh air, ventured outside and encountered one of Seb's friends. Their conversation sparked a spark, leading them to embark on a journey of their own, the promise of intimacy luring them away into the night.

Yasmin, fueled by alcohol, leaves a rambling, inebriated voicemail for Hilary, unaware of the turmoil it would stir. Meanwhile, in a secluded corner, Robert, Seb, and one of Seb's companions indulge in a reckless cocaine spree. Just as the dust settles from their indulgence, Yasmin and Harper stumble upon the scene, their curiosity piqued. Seeking to be part of the forbidden fun, they request to join in. Suddenly, Seb's friend feigns a collapse, causing a flurry of panic.

Robert, realizing something of his is amiss, engages in a heated exchange with Seb's friend, their voices echoing through the room. Amidst the chaos, Yasmin, fueled by mistrust, falsely accuses Seb of thievery. The tension escalates, prompting everyone to flee the scene, leaving Yasmin and Seb alone to confront their crumbling relationship. In a heartbreaking moment, Yasmin ends their romance, shattering the silence with finality.

Upstairs, Harper and Robert find solace in each other's arms, their lips meeting in a tender embrace. Their intimacy is interrupted by Yasmin's unexpected arrival, but instead of retreating, she joins them, igniting a fleeting three-way connection. However, Harper's resolve falters, and the moment dissipates, with Yasmin exiting first, followed by Harper.

Returning to the downstairs chaos, Yasmin is confronted with the aftermath of the night's revelry—a house left in disarray. The next morning, the reality of failure dawns on Robert as Gus informs him of his job rejection.

On their journey to confront Nicole, Daria and Harper's conversation is fraught with tension over the bonus money. Daria, acting on Pierpoint's behalf, demands the return of an additional twenty-five thousand pounds. Upon reaching Nicole's office, Harper confronts her in the privacy of the bathroom, a confrontation that leads to Nicole's decisive severance with Pierpoint. Though Harper attempts to downplay the encounter to Daria, her deceit is transparent.

Over coffee, Hilary and Yasmin engage in a delicate dance, with Hilary subtly suggesting that Yasmin refrain from lodging a formal complaint against Kenny, revealing his knowledge of Yasmin's coded messages with Maxim.

Elsewhere, Clement, forced into retirement by Pierpoint, packs his belongings with a heavy heart. He pleads with Daria for a reprieve, but ultimately resigns himself to his fate.

The episode draws to a close with poignant glimpses into the mundane lives of the graduates. Yasmin is seen engrossed in mundane chores like laundry, while Harper seeks solace in the glitz and glamour of a casino, each grappling with the complexities of their post-graduation reality.

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