The red carpet at the San Sebastian Film Festival shimmered with starlight on Tuesday evening as the ensemble of Johnny Depp's directorial masterpiece, 'Modi – Three Days on the Wing of Madness,' graced the occasion, heralding the cinematic comeback of the iconic actor behind the camera. As the crowd erupted in applause mere moments before the film's screening, and stood to salute its conclusion, Depp stood tall, flanked by Riccardo Scamarcio and Antonia Desplat, at the historic Kursaal Theater along Spain's picturesque northern coast.
The world premiere of 'Modi' unfolded, weaving a tapestry of three pivotal days in the life of Italian artistic prodigy Amedeo Modigliani, amidst the backdrop of Paris, reeling from the throes of World War II. The star-studded cast included formidable talents like Stephen Graham, Bruno Gouery, Luisa Ranieri, Ryan McParland, and the legendary Al Pacino, who embodies the role of art connoisseur Maurice Gangnat.
Earlier in the day, the press conference buzzed with excitement at Depp's presence, though whispers of discontent lingered as a dozen international journalists reportedly chose to forgo a scheduled encounter with the director and his team due to concerns surrounding access. Depp, with candor, drew parallels between his own tumultuous journey and Modigliani's, alluding to the legal maelstrom and defamation trial that followed his public split from Amber Heard. "I've certainly traversed my own share of trials and tribulations," he mused, "though perhaps not quite as theatrical as yours, quite literally, on television."
Revealing a pivotal moment in the film's genesis, Depp disclosed that it was none other than Al Pacino who had urged him to take the helm. "When Pacino speaks, one listens intently," he quipped. Meanwhile, members of the cast voiced their unwavering support for Depp's return to the spotlight, with Scamarcio heartfeltly sharing, "He is the epitome of kindness and gentility I've encountered in my career. The industry ought to cherish him deeply."
Slated for a theatrical release in Italy on December 5, 'Modi's' US premiere date remains under wraps, amidst the grandeur of one of San Sebastian's most glittering festivals, where luminaries like Cate Blanchett, Javier Bardem, Andrew Garfield, and Florence Pugh grace the silver screen with their latest offerings.
In her scathing yet insightful review, Leslie Felperin of The Hollywood Reporter notes, "While Scamarcio's charismatic portrayal captivates, 'Modi's' narrative arc—a countdown to a pivotal meeting with Gangnat—fails to delve deeply into the artist's psyche or ignite a profound emotional connection with the audience."
The San Sebastian Film Festival, a celebration of cinematic excellence, runs from September 20th to the 28th, basking in the glow of some of Hollywood's brightest stars.