Land of Tanabata – Season 1 Episode 1

Published: Oct 12 2024

Episode 1 of "Land of Tanabata" unfolds amidst the serene backdrop of the seventh year of the Eiroku era, 1564 CE. Masayori Marukami, the esteemed leader of the Marukami clan, confronts a grim predicament when his kinsman, Tadayori Minamimaru, falls victim to the ruthless hand of feudal lord Michiyasu Shimadera. Tadayori's steadfast refusal to deface Mount Marukami, a sacred land held dear by the clan, to erect a fortress against Shimadera's foes, the Mogami army, seals his fate. Masayori, a loyal vassal to Shimadera, shares the same sentiment of preservation, yet this loyalty is tested by betrayal.

Land of Tanabata – Season 1 Episode 1 1

As the Marukami villagers celebrate the enchanting Tanabata festival, under the shimmering stars, Shimadera descends upon them with a formidable army of 3,000, their shadows darkening the foothills of Mount Marukami. But in a turn of events that defies mortal logic, the villagers harness their latent telekinetic prowess, unleashing a devastating force that decimates the entire army in a blink of an eye. The battlefield is left eerily silent, the soldiers' bodies punctured by impeccably crafted holes, a testament to the villagers' otherworldly abilities.

Shifting to the present day, we encounter Yôji Minamimaru, a vibrant fourth-year university student and the helm of the New Skills Development Research Society. He showcases his own telekinetic finesse, delicately etching tiny holes into solid objects, awe-inspiring his peers. Unaware that Professor Marukami has been diligently seeking his attention, Yôji's journey takes a turn when he learns of the professor's unexplained absence. With his email access lost, he embarks on a personal visit to Professor Marukami's office, hoping to unravel the mystery.

There, he crosses paths with Professor Emi, a colleague and confidante of the missing historian. She divulges that Professor Marukami, a renowned expert in history and folklore, embarked on a journey to Marukawa town but has not returned. Meanwhile, Sachiko awakens from a haunting nightmare, her mind clouded with nameless fears.

Back at the society, Nanmaru grapples with self-doubt, his supernatural gift seemingly overshadowed by the society's dismissive attitudes. Reminiscing about his grandfather, who imparted the rare ability, Nanmaru finds solace in the knowledge that he is unique, one of the few blessed with such a remarkable power. As the story unfolds, the threads of the past and present intertwine, weaving a tale of heritage, power, and the indomitable spirit of those who dare to defy the odds.

A scholarly student embarks on a journey, leading Nanmaru to the insightful Emi, who unveils a mystery shrouding Marukami's disappearance after delving into his ancestral roots in Marukawa town. Drawing parallels from Minamimaru's surname, Emi meticulously deduces a shared lineage between the two, fostering an intriguing connection.

In their subsequent rendezvous, Emi's narrative deepens, exposing Marukami's dissent against the prevailing historical narrative. According to the mainstream chronicle, Masayori Marukami treacherously deserted his feudal lord, Michiyasu Shimadera, during a Mogami clan invasion. However, Marukami contended fervently, proposing an alternative: that he, alone, vanquished Shimadera, avenging the murder of his kinsman Tadayori, plotted by Shimadera himself. His bold assertion echoes, "It is conceivable that Masayori Marukami was never Shimadera's vassal; rather, a vengeful avenger." These revelations, shared amidst Emi, Tagaya, and Tomoko's rapt attention, ignite a spark of curiosity.

Meanwhile, in Marukawa town, a sinister occurrence shakes the community—the gruesome murder of a construction tycoon, his body marred by circular carvings. The following day, a distraught figure haunts the university's serenity, Marukami's wife, beseeching Emi for answers about her husband's whereabouts. Her haunting tale reveals a profound transformation within Marukami as he delved into his hometown's past, acquiring abilities beyond comprehension. Emi presents a stunning exhibit: a glass vessel, its perfect circle etched out, mirroring Nanmaru's yet grander in scale, accompanied by eerie tales of flashes akin to camera shutters and the crisp pop of unseen forces emanating from Marukami's study.

Amidst these revelations, Tagaya introduces the shocking news of the Marukawa murder, further entangling their investigation. Nanmaru, fueled by a sense of purpose, urges the group to journey to the town, determined to unravel the intricate web of secrets and queries that bind them.

As the episode draws to a close, the ominous prophecy of Lord Masayori Marukami echoes through time, his dozen-fingered hands a testament to his unwavering vow: "I shall brook no invasion of our sanctified realm, be it in the impending years, decades hence, or an epoch far, far away." The scene定格, leaving viewers to ponder the depths of this enigmatic tale and the fateful convergence of past and present.

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