The inaugural episode of "Landman" unfolds with an introduction to our central figure, Tommy Norris, a landman employed by a prestigious Texas Oil company. At the episode's outset, Tommy finds himself in a perilous predicament, bound to a chair by a menacing cartel with a hood obscuring his vision. His mission: to acquire a land lease from the cartel for his employer, M Tex, which holds the drilling rights to the territory currently under their grip.
The cartel boss soon enters the scene. After Tommy elucidates the urgency of the situation, the boss relents and inks the lease contract, subsequently departing with his entourage. Liberated, Tommy leaps into his truck, indulges in a couple of refreshing beers, and speeds off into the sunset. Amidst a soliloquy, Tommy reveals that his role entails securing land leases for the oil company and navigating the complexities of daily operations. He concludes his introspective speech with a chilling revelation, asserting that while securing the lease might be straightforward, "it's the latter responsibility that could cost you your life."
Six months fly by, and a clandestine drug drop at a lonely highway intersection takes a dramatic turn. An unexpected tanker arrives on the scene without warning, leaving the plane and van involved in the operation scant moments to react. The tanker collisionally breaches through both vehicles, engulfing everything in flames, including the contraband and its dealers.
Subsequently, we are introduced to Tommy's son, Cooper, who embarks on a journey as a member of the crew working under Tommy's company's banner. This sets the stage for a thrilling narrative filled with unexpected twists and turns.
Upon learning about the plane crash, Tommy hastily speeds towards the scene of the disaster. He apprises the local sheriff, Walt, of the critical detail: the plane, belonging to M-Tex, had been reported stolen six weeks prior. Walt expresses his dissatisfaction with Tommy's decision not to inform him sooner, to which Tommy responds by clarifying that the theft had already been reported to the aviation authorities. Tommy further elaborates that the company often refrains from reporting every theft to the police due to the frequent occurrence of equipment going missing temporarily before mysteriously reappearing.
However, the gravity of the situation escalates as Walt reveals that the DEA will be involved since the plane was being used for drug smuggling. Tommy's mind races as he ponders why a TTP tanker, the very one that collided with the plane, would venture onto M-Tex's Road. In the midst of his confusion, Tommy realizes he must devise a swift plan to bypass the accident scene, as delaying the transportation of the product is not an option. After emphasizing to Walt the necessity of informing the FAA about the plane's theft six weeks ago, Tommy promptly contacts the road crew, urging them to reach the scene expeditiously and devise a solution to navigate around the wreckage.
With a sense of urgency, Tommy hops back into his truck and speeds off. His ex-wife, Angela, interrupts his thoughts with a call, reminding him that it's his weekend to spend with their 17-year-old daughter, Ainsley. Tommy expresses his desire to reschedule, but Angela's firm stance and lack of trust in leaving Ainsley alone with her boyfriend leave him with no alternative. After arranging Ainsley's transportation, Tommy resumes his journey and reaches out to Monty Miller, keeping him abreast of the unfolding situation regarding the plane.
Subsequently, Tommy meets with the landowner adjacent to the crash site, engaging in negotiations for a compensation plan to address the damages inflicted upon his property by the accident.
Ainsley arrives, accompanied by her boyfriend, Dakota, to which Tommy reacts with less than enthusiasm. On their way back home, they make a spontaneous decision to catch a local football game, knowing that Dakota, a renowned football star, would be a highlight of the event. Ainsley casually mentions her application to a college in Alabama, revealing that Dakota's football scholarship had influenced her choice.
Meanwhile, at the game field, the hazing ritual for the newcomer, Cooper, intensifies as he's tasked with scaling a treacherous height to reach a valve. On his perilous descent, Cooper slips, injuring his arm. The crew's demeanor towards him softens afterwards, and they even extend an invitation for him to join them for a meal at the day's end. It transpires that the crew Cooper is working with comprises a family unit: two brothers and their uncle. Tommy assigns the uncle the responsibility of overseeing Cooper and ensuring he stays out of harm's way.
Elsewhere, Tommy's patience wears thin as he witnesses Dakota making out with his daughter. He intervenes, insisting that Dakota sleeps on the couch while Ainsley takes the bedroom with him. In a heart-to-heart conversation, Tommy tries to steer his daughter towards realism, suggesting that Dakota might not be her last romantic interest but firmly asserts that she should love him genuinely. Ainsley pleads with Tommy to allow her to share a bed with Dakota, claiming she's never experienced the comfort of cuddling or sleeping in his arms. However, her illusions about their relationship are swiftly shattered when Dakota refuses to cuddle, asserting that abstaining from sex is an unrealistic expectation.
The next morning, Cooper and his crew arrive at an oil rig to work on a pipeline. They soon realize they have the wrong tool and dispatch Cooper to the truck to fetch the correct one. However, his unfamiliarity with the tools prolongs his trip. As Cooper returns, the rig suddenly explodes, sending him scrambling back to the pickup truck in a race against time. The episode concludes with Cooper safe in the truck, but the explosion leaves a lingering sense of suspense.