Lessons in Chemistry – Season 1 Episode 7

Published: Jun 18 2024

In the seventh episode of "Lessons in Chemistry," we are granted a revealing glimpse into Calvin's tragic past. It transpires that his parents, having abandoned him, perished, leaving him orphaned and destined for St. Luke's Boys' School, where he awaited the hopeful chance of being adopted.

Yet, despite his longing, Calvin never found a forever family within the orphanage's walls. While a mysterious man did once appear at the school on his account, the priest's suspicious revelation shattered any illusions of adoption. The man, it turned out, had not come for Calvin; instead, it was likely due to the priest's ulterior motive of exploiting the bright youngster's talents in his clandestine underground alcohol business.

Lessons in Chemistry – Season 1 Episode 7 1

This crushing realization left a lasting imprint on Calvin's psyche. For much of his life, he carried the burdening belief that nobody desired him. He spent his days in solitude, devoid of friends, even later in his illustrious career as a scientist at Hastings.

However, an unlikely friendship bloomed through letters with Reverend Wakely. Their bond was forged by a mutual curiosity and mutual respect for each other's perspectives.

But the most significant transformation in Calvin's life occurred when he encountered Elizabeth and fell deeply in love. It was revealed that the engagement ring she discovered after his demise was one he had purchased before realizing that Elizabeth would never wed. In a heartfelt letter to Wakely, he confessed that they were destined for each other, even if they could never be married. This revelation showcased the depth of Calvin's love, unfettered by societal constraints and purely driven by his feelings for Elizabeth.

Calvin's life ended, yet it was filled with the warmth of love, both given and received. He had come a remarkable distance from the days of being a lonely child, feeling unwanted and unnoticed. Sadly, he never got to hold the mysterious letter from Avery Parker in his hands, nor did he ever learn the identity of the man who once visited the orphanage.

In the present moment, Elizabeth leads a tearful Mad to the doors of St. Luke's. Their hearts are heavy with questions about Calvin, but the priest who knew him as a boy deceives them, claiming that no record of a Calvin Evans exists. Undaunted, they turn to the library, where they stumble upon a copy of Great Expectations, inscribed with Calvin's name. Embossed on the cover is a stamp bearing the words, "donated by the Remsen Foundation."

Meanwhile, the man who purportedly sought out Calvin at the orphanage is exiting his office, situated within the very same Remsen Foundation. On a shelf within his workspace, a copy of Scientific American catches their eye, its cover featuring an article about Calvin. The coincidence is too much to ignore, and their curiosity is piqued, leading them deeper into the mysteries surrounding Calvin's past and the Remsen Foundation's connection to it.

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