Loot – Season 2 Episode 8

Published: Jun 07 2024

In the eighth episode of Loot's second season, the Wells Foundation team convenes to brainstorm innovative strategies to secure additional funding for the ambitious "Space for Everyone" initiative. Sofia suggests compiling a list of billionaire philanthropists who might be willing to donate, among them Grace, a former friend of Molly's who has recently undergone a divorce.

Molly and Sofia embark on a visit to Grace, who is currently navigating the same treacherous post-divorce terrain that Molly once traversed. Like Molly, Grace has resorted to drowning her sorrows in alcohol, drugs, excessive partying, and fleeting romantic entanglements. To their surprise, Grace promptly agrees to donate a staggering $11 billion to the foundation. However, Molly senses that Grace is not of sound mind and decides to prioritize a personal connection over a financial transaction.

Loot – Season 2 Episode 8 1

While Molly remains in Iceland, attempting to reach Grace on a deeper level, Sofia returns to the workplace but finds it difficult to concentrate. Her focus is shattered by the sight of Arthur kissing Willa. Arthur accuses Sofia of shaming him for his sexuality, but his misunderstanding is cleared when he witnesses Sofia kissing Isaac. There are certain sights that one simply doesn't want to witness in a professional setting.

Meanwhile, Howard endeavors to assist Nicholas in preparing for a Korean audition by teaching him the language. However, he oversteps his bounds when he suggests a trip to Korea, unintentionally discouraging Nicholas, who feels inadequate in his Korean identity. Upon realizing this, Howard refrains from pressuring Nicholas and instead vows to be a steadfast support.

Molly perseveres in her efforts to connect with Grace until the party clears out and Grace's bender comes to an end. Grace then opens up about her own post-divorce journey and how she discovered her capacity to lead and contribute to a better world. Molly's compassion and perseverance evidently resonate with Grace, who later calls the foundation to pledge her entire fortune. The news spreads like wildfire, sparking a domino effect of donations from other billionaires. Sofia grudgingly concedes that Molly's decision to be present for Grace was the right one.

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