Olympia embarks on a mission to woo SeniorSenior (portrayed by Beau Bridges), aiming to enlist his aid in addressing the concerns of Ben Fogel (played by Christopher Gorham), an esteemed client from the oil industry who has recently embarked on a green technology venture. By assisting Senior, Olympia harbors hopes of securing his crucial vote for partnership.
Ben finds himself entangled in a dilemma, convinced that a patented innovation belonging to his company, Rainweaver, conceived by his protégé Todd (portrayed by Ben Ubiñas), has been pilfered by a rival tech giant, Stratosphy. Stratosphy's timely release of a suspiciously similar product, following the hiring of Marco—once under Todd's wing—initially casts aspersions on Marco's loyalty. However, further investigations reveal Marco's innocence, suggesting that a different Rainweaver insider might have been the culprit who leaked the confidential trade secrets to Stratosphy.
Matlock and Shae delve into the matter, conducting interviews with Rainweaver's quartet of engineers in a bid to uncover the mole. Each engineer vehemently denies any involvement, and Shae, assessing their demeanor, finds their denials credible. After a thorough examination of the company's database, Olympia concludes that there's no evidence of unauthorized data downloads. Intriguingly, Ben abruptly falls silent and exits the meeting, prompting Matlock to surmise that a damning realization has struck Ben: Todd, who had unique access and understanding of the invention, stands as the sole plausible perpetrator.Did Todd indeed pull it off? The clue lies in the wristwatches worn by everyone, devices Todd utilizes to monitor their tasks and whereabouts, potentially unveiling his encounters at Stratosphy. However, Olympia faces the challenge of persuading the Rainweaver board, subtly, to disclose the data pertaining to their lead scientist without alerting Todd. With Elijah's (Eme Ikwuakor) guidance, Olympia orchestrates a clever maneuver, convincing the board that it was their own initiative to unveil the data.
Their focus shifts to a bar Todd frequently visited, despite his abstinence from alcohol. It transpires that Todd was meeting with Marco, news that shatters Ben's heart. Yet, Matlock suspects Ben's genuine dismay, uncovering through surveillance that following his encounters with Marco, Todd secretly met with Ben as well.
In court, Olympia grills Ben about these meetings, positing a scenario where they colluded to bestow Rainweaver's technology to Stratosphy, paving the way for Rainweaver to sue and bankrupt Stratosphy, thus dominating the market. However, this is merely a hypothetical narrative—in Senior's presence, Olympia clarifies to Ben that this was a hypothetical line of argument she could pursue on the stand, given Ben's secrecy. In reality, Todd has already confessed, Stratosphy is crumbling, and Olympia's allegiance remains with her clients. Impressed, Ben declares Olympia his lawyer, cautioning her that lawsuits are a frequent occurrence in his life. He urges Senior never to let Olympia slip away.
The divorce between Julian (Jason Ritter) and Olympia takes a contentious turn as their divorce lawyers clash over the disclosure of Julian's financial records. Julian insists on finalizing the divorce swiftly, offering Olympia whatever she desires, provided his financial records remain confidential. Olympia wonders about his secrecy and rejects his offer, determined to uncover his secrets.Sarah (portrayed by Leah Lewis) vows vengeance against Matlock to Billy (played by David Del Rio), her resolve unyielding despite Matlock's attempts at apology. Matlock pleads her case, yet Sarah remains deaf to her pleas, insisting on an unveiling of the true motive behind her removal from the case as the sole condition for forgiveness.
Observing the growing rift between Sarah and Matlock, Shae takes Sarah aside. Both women harbor deep suspicions towards Matlock. Sarah, who has already embarked on a meticulous investigation, reveals her frustration at finding no online traces of Matlock's professional background.
Matlock, sensing the burgeoning bond between Shae and Sarah, becomes increasingly paranoid, convinced she is being tailed home. As a precaution, she takes refuge in the Queens apartment, fearing surveillance by her adversaries. Under the immense weight of stress, Matlock's defenses crumble, prompting Edwin to remind her of their ultimate goal: seeking justice for their daughter. Desperate to deter Shae, Matlock lodges a complaint against her with Human Resources.
Sarah later confides in Shae, revealing a promising lead she uncovered online. Enthused by the article, Shae decides to travel to Georgia for further insights. There, she meets with a mysterious figure who turns out to be Edwin, disguised as George Sheinbaum, Matlock's purported former boss. Edwin heaps praises upon Matlock, validating every falsehood she has spun.
Upon her return, Shae faces Matlock's wrath for her unauthorized trip to Georgia, which she labels as harassment. Threatening another complaint, Matlock warns of an inevitable internal investigation. Shae, after an apology, sends a message to Sarah urging caution and retreat in their confrontation with Matlock.
Sarah's Fractured Relationship and Matlock's Lingering Shadow
Sarah and Billy's relationship takes a violent turn as they engage in a heated altercation. Blinded by her vendetta against Matlock, Sarah finds herself lagging behind in her professional responsibilities. When Sarah vociferously denies that Matlock could possibly hold Billy in higher esteem as a lawyer, Billy harshly informs her that he's had enough. Despite Sarah's subsequent apology, Billy rejects it, asserting that she has crossed a boundary and he is capable of handling the job solo.
Olympia steps forward, pledging to shield Sarah from Matlock's relentless pursuit. In a private meeting with Sarah, Olympia issues a stern warning to back down. However, Sarah's defenses crumble, and she confessionally acknowledges that she isn't as skilled as she had presumed. Olympia, recognizing Sarah's untapped potential, advises her to embrace collaboration over competition—a lesson she herself learned early in her tenure at Jacobson Moore. Sarah, desperate for guidance, humbly requests Olympia to mentor her, a request that Olympia reluctantly grants.
Senior's Suspicious Interest in Matlock and Edwin's Deceit
To everyone's astonishment, Senior pays Matlock an unexpected visit, reassuring her that Shae won't cause any more trouble. Nevertheless, Senior subtly reminds Matlock of Shae's prowess, suggesting that despite her overzealous tactics, her probing into Matlock might have a legitimate rationale.
Later, Edwin deceives Matlock by claiming that during his guise as George, Shae revealed her marketing background. This revelation strikes a chord, as marketing was the driving force behind Wellbrexa's acceleration of the opioid crisis. Matlock now speculates that hidden marketing documents could be the key, with Shae potentially involved.
Matlock solemnly promises Edwin that she won't surreptitiously search for Alfie's (Aaron Harris) father. However, Edwin deceitfully asserts that he cannot locate an email from Ellie's friend, whom they suspect to be Alfie's father. In truth, the email remains concealed in his account, undisclosed and deceitful.