Miss Scarlet & the Duke – Season 4 Episode 3

Published: Mar 04 2025

The episode kicks off amidst the sterile corridors of a hospital, with Eliza Scarlet (Kate Phillips) hastily scaling the stairs to the chamber of Detective “The Duke” Wellington (Stuart Martin), her footsteps echoing with urgency. As she finds him lying motionless, she confesses under her breath that she pretended to be his wife to gain access to him. She elaborates on how his supposed marital status dampens the spirits of the nurses, who are disappointed to learn of his unavailability. With a voice tinged with desperation, she beseeches him to awaken from his slumber.

Miss Scarlet & the Duke – Season 4 Episode 3 1

Elsewhere, a harsh shopkeeper shoos away young William Wellington (Matt Olsen), who desperately offers his services to a street vendor, free of charge, as a testament to his diligent work ethic. The pie seller (Dejan Cicmilovic), however, declines his plea. William, claiming to have had his last meal two days prior, persists in his entreaties. Seizing an opportunity when the vendor is distracted by a female customer, William snatches a pastry bun and dashes away, only to later regurgitate it in distress. His reverie is shattered by the sound of a man being brutalized. Stealthily, he watches as the unfortunate soul is choked to silence.

Ivy (Cathy Belton) is taken aback to find 16-year-old Eliza Scarlet (Laura Marcus) back home, following her expulsion. Eliza reveals that she had intended to return after Skip’s demise. Ivy, stern yet caring, urges her to mature. Eliza, her heart bare, confesses her love for Skip. Ivy, softened, envelops her in an embrace.

Meanwhile, Inspector Henry Scarlet (Tim Downie) delves into the murder of Arthur Wallis (Slavisa Ivanovic). Noticing that Arthur’s wallet is empty, Henry surmises that robbery was not the motive. William becomes belligerent when Henry persists in questioning him. In response, Henry takes him into custody.

Ivy informs Eliza of her visitors: young Rupert Parker (Ivan Nikolic) and Lady Parker (Helen Norton). Eliza tells Lady Parker that she returned home upon the conclusion of the academic term. Lady Parker corrects her, stating that there are still three weeks left. Eliza counters that she and her classmates were dismissed early due to their remarkable progress. Lady Parker, as her landlord, emphasizes that any tarnish on Eliza’s reputation would reflect poorly on her own. Eliza reassuringly vows to always uphold her dignity and reputation.

Henry discovers that William has been discharged from a Glasgow workhouse and, out of compassion, invites him to his home for supper. Upon encountering Eliza, his demeanor darkens as he reprimands her for neglecting her school duties, promptly sending her off to prepare a meal for William. She deceitfully tells William that she's whipping up a smoked ham, sparking his curiosity about Henry's earlier outburst. An exchange of insults ensues between Eliza and William, with Henry silently blaming himself for her misconduct.

Ivy gently reveals to Eliza that Henry's stress stems from the dwindling finances left by her mother. She gently nudges Eliza to heed Henry's instructions. Shortly after, Lady Parker informs Eliza of Henry's decision to entrust her care to her, and Eliza dons a mask of false joy. Elsewhere, Henry pledges to assist William in uncovering the truth behind Arthur's murder, provided William shares his insights.

Lady Parker prepares Eliza for her role in hosting the Kensington Benevolent Fund, and during their conversation, Eliza elucidates the phenomenon of livor mortis. Lady Parker cautions her to exercise discretion in her remarks around the servants and subtly hints at the prospect of Eliza marrying Rupert, who stands to inherit a considerable fortune.

William recounts the harrowing details of Arthur's murder, speculating that Arthur might have known his attacker. Meanwhile, Lady Harper Jones, alias Lucy Robinson, inquiries about Eliza's interests, but Lady Parker interrupts, presenting Eliza as an enthusiast of embroidery and watercolors. Lady Harper extends an invitation to Eliza for an event at Bornborough Hall celebrating her daughter's occasion, and Lady Parker insists that Rupert should accompany Eliza as her escort.

Henry confides in William that he and Arthur embarked on their policing journey together 24 years ago, noting that Arthur eventually ventured into private detective work. He warmly invites William to stay in the spare room and offers him money to purchase new garments from McKenzie's Thrift Shop. William, inquisitive, asks how Henry can trust him not to abscond with the funds. Henry replies with a simple yet profound statement of trust, leaving William touched.

Ivy meticulously adjusts Eliza's attire for the grand soiree at Bornborough Hall, while Eliza frets about attending alongside Rupert. Ivy doubts Rupert possesses the makings of a husband, her admiration for Eliza evident as she remarks how her friend increasingly resembles her mother, just as William enters the scene.

Later, Ivy conveys to William that Henry wishes for his company at another gathering. He politely declines, prompting Ivy to label him a "churlish young man." As Eliza prepares to step into Rupert's carriage, William emerges, donning her uncle's elegant dinner suit.

At the party, William's suspicions towards Eliza begin to stir. She confesses to bringing him along because Lady Parker insists on her marrying Rupert, vowing never to deceive him again. Spotting the individual who took Arthur's life, he shares this grim revelation with Eliza, who urges him to wait outdoors while she seeks out Rupert. Instead, she finds herself engaged in conversation with Tomas Harper Jones (Charlie Field), who audaciously places his hand upon hers. She sternly requests he remove it, warning him of the peril of human bites. Upon reuniting with William, she lambasts Tomas as the most offensive of gentlemen. They promptly inform Henry of Tomas's true nature. Henry underscores the urgency of speaking out, emphasizing the Harper Jones family's formidable influence.

Lady Harper Jones is taken aback by Eliza's invitation for a stroll and a visit to their abode. Eliza seizes the opportunity to snap a photograph of Tomas. Elsewhere, Henry confronts Tomas about a victim being robbed in the vicinity around 6 pm two days prior. Tomas claims to have spent the entire night at The Ottoman on Gray’s Inn Road. Henry reveals the belief that one of the pickpockets was Arthur's killer.

Lady Harper Jones informs Eliza and Lady Parker that her chauffeur, Pettifer, resigned following a heated dispute with Tomas. Eliza secures Pettifer's address from a servant named Annie. In a subsequent meeting, Pettifer extols Jonathan Harper Jones's virtue, refuting Tomas's character. Eliza inquiries about their altercation, which Pettifer attributes to a lame horse named Samson. He recounts Tomas, intoxicated, abandoning Samson in the carriage without concern, leading to the horse's euthanasia and the destruction of the vehicle. Eliza probes if Tomas might have collided with something—or someone—with the carriage.

Eliza breaks the news to Henry that Mr. Samaris, portrayed by Provoslav Zakovski, was tragically hit by a carriage on his journey home from work. She reveals that the driver responsible was never identified, leaving Mr. Samaris permanently disabled. Mrs. Samaris, played by Dragana Dukic, confides in Henry that they enlisted Arthur to unravel the mystery of the accident. Mr. Samaris presents them with a haunting photograph of the driver – none other than Tomas. Eliza postulates that Tomas might have murdered Arthur when confronted with Mr. Samaris' allegations. Henry beams with pride, calling her his astute young lady.

Henry then informs Eliza that Arthur's Samaris file, discovered during a raid at Harper Jones Mayfair house, could potentially hold sufficient evidence to secure a conviction, especially with William's testimony. She inquiries about her future role in all this. He reassures her of his unwavering belief in her capabilities, yet acknowledges the skepticism of the outside world.

Elsewhere, William confides in Eliza, hinting at a potential career in law enforcement. Tears streaming down her face, she laments the unfairness of it all. He gently urges her to stem her tears before their lips meet in a tender kiss. Their moment is abruptly interrupted by Ivy's call. Eliza, having decided to return to her studies, reluctantly pulls away.

Flashing back to the present, William awakens to find Scarlet by his bedside, her concern evident. He requests a sip of water, but his voice hints at a longing for something stronger. Scarlet, brimming with excitement to care for him, promptly fills a glass. However, when he asks for whiskey instead, the scene closes on a note of anticipation, leaving their story hanging in suspense.

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