Episode 9 of "My Dearest Nemesis" kicks off with an emotional revelation as Su-jeong and Ju-yeon uncover the truth about their intertwined gaming histories. With a heavy heart, she hands him the manga and dashes back indoors, leaving him with more questions than answers.
A poignant flashback transports us to Su-jeong's tumultuous childhood, where a bullying incident takes a turn for the worse when the aggressor is accidentally injured, leading to Su-jeong falsely being blamed. Mr. Baek, overwhelmed with guilt, watches as Su-jeong resolves to become the rock for her family, shouldering their burdens with unwavering resilience. Present-day Su-jeong acknowledges that she has always stood alone, placing her trust solely in the avatar of Black Dragon.
Unbeknownst to them, Ha-jin and Shin-won scheme to arrange an encounter, eager for the pair to confront the truth before it slips through their fingers. Su-jeong, her voice tinged with sadness, confesses that she isn't upset about Black Dragon being a middle schooler; rather, it's the deceit that gnaws at her, clouding her memories of who she truly fell for—the 15-year-old Ju-yeon or the fabricated 22-year-old persona.
Shin-won, ever the mediator, attempts to bridge the widening gap between them, but Su-jeong stands firm in her decision, insisting their relationship cannot continue. Ju-yeon, his heart shattered, had harbored hopes that together, they could transcend the embarrassment of their youthful love. Ha-jin, perceiving Su-jeong's pain, believes she is merely scared, unwilling to revisit the wounds of the past.
The following day at work, Ju-yeon strives to maintain professionalism but finds himself drawn into an emotional confrontation with Su-jeong. He apologizes sincerely for his youthful deception, hoping she can see the man he's become. When his plea falls on deaf ears, frustration takes over, and he lashes out, accusing her of remaining heartless. This only fortifies her conviction—if she hasn't changed, neither has he. Devastated, Ju-yeon turns to alcohol, realizing too late the extent to which his lies had wounded Su-jeong.
By sheer coincidence, a snapshot of Ju-yeon serendipitously captured at the restaurant with the Baek family circulates online, accompanied by whispers that Su-jeong is destined to tie the knot with him. The seasoned staff mercilessly poke fun at Su-jeong, while their female supervisor appears visibly distressed. Ju-yeon clarifies to Kwon that his encounter with the Baeks was purely accidental. However, this mishap lands him in hot water with his grandmother, who insists on Su-jeong's dismissal. Though he initially intervenes to halt her decree, upon his departure, he instructs Kwon to shoulder the responsibility of shielding Ju-yeon from any repercussions.
Upon hearing that the Chairwoman has summoned Ju-yeon, Su-jeong's thoughts are consumed with worry for him. She checks on him, only to be met with a chilling rebuke; they are no longer an item. His sudden frostiness leaves her utterly taken aback. As the clock winds down on the workday and the heavens open up, Su-jeong dashes out into the rain to procure an umbrella. Yet, her mind remains relentlessly fixed on Ju-yeon and the myriad of joyous memories they've shared. One memory stands out vividly—a nostalgic moment where they listened to a tune from their gaming days, and he gently urged her to embrace the present and let go of the past.
Tears well up in her eyes, much to the bewilderment of the Baek men. Su-bin, brimming with the urge to confront Ju-yeon, is halted by Su-jeong's confession that it was she who initiated their breakup. She apologizes to Mr. Baek for her lack of fortitude, leaving him visibly saddened. Meanwhile, back at the office, Ju-yeon finds himself holding an umbrella intended for Su-jeong but hesitates, holding back at the last moment.
The workplace atmosphere remained taut the following day, with Deputy Yang seeing a silver lining in the strained relations; perhaps the rumors would wither and die under such tension. Meanwhile, Shin-won was back at Sulo, diligently cleaning, much to Ha-jin's chagrin. Though he felt uneasy, Shin-won persisted, asserting his contentment in being close to her in any capacity. Concerns lingered over the gaming couple, exacerbated by the malicious gossip swirling around them.
In the days that ensued, Ju-yeon and Su-jeong struggled to move past their shared history, though neither revealed their internal turmoil. One night, Su-jeong found Ju-yeon dozing off and tenderly laid his head down to rest. Consequently, Ju-yeon fell ill the next day and arrived late to work. Su-jeong, feigning indifference but unable to resist her concern, inquired about his whereabouts from Kwon. She was distressed to learn of his neglect for self-care and even more horrified by the prospect of the Chairwoman's displeasure should she discover his illness posed a risk to the company. A scenes unfolds where a visibly ailing Ju-yeon attempts to push through and go to work despite his condition.
Su-jeong initially resisted the urge to intervene but ultimately succumbed to her worries, rushing to his side. Kwon, observing her actions, promptly informed the Chairwoman. At Ju-yeon's residence, Su-jeong found him unconscious on the floor. She cared for him gently, apologizing for her oversight of his suffering. When he awoke, he prevented her from leaving, expressing gratitude for her unwavering affection and expressing no regrets about their past as first loves. She, in turn, confessed her enduring love, and their lips met in a tender kiss.
However, the episode of "My Dearest Nemesis" concluded on a somber note with an announcement: Ju-yeon had been terminated from his position. As onlookers watched, his office was swiftly cleared out, leaving a poignant reminder of the tumultuous events that had unfolded.