Ángel Salazar, the charismatic Chi Chi from the iconic film "Scarface," sadly passed away on August 11th, as confirmed by his representative, Roger Paul, to Variety magazine. At the age of 68, Salazar left an indelible mark as Tony Montana's (portrayed by Al Pacino) loyal lieutenant in the 1983 cult masterpiece, where he fearlessly navigated the treacherous waters of Miami's cocaine underworld alongside the drug lord.
In the now-legendary chainsaw scene, Chi Chi's bravery shone as he heroically saved Tony from the brink of death, narrowly escaping the wrath of rival gang leader Hector (played by Al Israel). As the film drew to a climactic close, Chi Chi valiantly fought off Alejandro Sosa's (Paul Shenar) assassins, wielding a submachine gun with fierce determination to shield Tony. When his ammunition ran dry, his desperation was palpable as he pounded on Tony's office door, pleading for entry, ultimately falling victim to the relentless attackers. His tragic demise marked the end of Tony's inner circle, leaving the kingpin isolated and surrounded by enemies.
Salazar's journey in showbiz began in vibrant New York City, where he honed his craft in comedy clubs after fleeing Cuba in his youth. His filmography boasts a diverse range of roles, including a memorable turn alongside Tom Hanks in "Punchline" (1988), a reunion with Pacino in "Carlito's Way," and notable appearances in "Boulevard Nights" (1979), "Sylvester" (1985), and many more.
On the small screen, Salazar graced programs such as "In Living Color," "On Our Own," and "Jersey Mafia Chronicles," among others, showcasing his versatility as an actor. True to his comedic roots, he continued to captivate audiences with stand-up performances right up until July 2024, a testament to his enduring passion and talent.
Moreover, Salazar's star shone brightly in the documentary "The Latin Legends of Comedy" (2006), which chronicled his journey alongside fellow comedic giants J.J. Ramirez and Joe Vega. He also graced the reality competition stage in "Last Comic Standing," further solidifying his status as a beloved figure in the entertainment industry.