No Gain No Love – K-drama Episode 4

Published: Sep 04 2024

Episode 4 of "No Gain, No Love" kicks off with a poignant flashback to Ja-yeon's school days, where she and Ha-jun's paths intertwine as they share a punishment together. Amidst their shared ordeal, a striking figure enters the fray—Hae-yeong, donning punk attire and crimson hair, assuming the role of Ja-yeon's guardian due to her mother's illness. The teacher, who also nurtured Hae-yeong's young mind, gently chides Ja-yeon to prioritize academics over her storytelling pursuits. Yet, Hae-yeong, acknowledging their non-familial bond, prophesies that Ja-yeon's words may one day grace the bestseller lists.

No Gain No Love – K-drama Episode 4 1

In the present narrative, Ha-jun and Ja-yeon's chance encounter blossoms into a conversation over dinner. Ha-jun's curiosity piqued, he yearns to delve into her writings, but Ja-yeon hesitates, her reluctance palpable. Before she can articulate her reasons, Ha-jun's attention is abruptly diverted by a text from Gyu-hyun, forcing him to depart, though not without leaving behind his card as a token of their fleeting reunion.

Meanwhile, Hae-yeong and Ji-uk find themselves stranded at a hotel for the night, an unfamiliar territory for Ji-uk. Hae-yeong, mistaking his naivety for innocence, offers unsolicited advice on hotel etiquette, assuming he's yet to experience a romantic night away. Ji-uk, with a mischievous glint in his eye, inquires if their fleeting kiss wasn't indicative enough of his worldliness.

A flashback to their wedding day paints a contrasting picture, where a traditional kiss is expected but vehemently opposed by Hae-yeong. As the bride and groom inch closer to fulfilling this ritual, Hae-yeong's mother's dementia intervenes, her words a jarring reminder of reality. Seizing the moment, Hae-yeong subtly orchestrates an early exit, her mother's confusion serving as her alibi.

Back in the present, Ji-uk's playful advances escalate as he playfully pins Hae-yeong to the bed, boasting of his supposed expertise. Unfazed, Hae-yeong reciprocates with a feigned composure, drawing him in only to push him away with a teasing smile, directing him to the shower. Once he's gone, the facade crumbles, revealing Hae-yeong's true flustered state, her heart racing in the aftermath of their unexpected intimacy.

Elsewhere, Gyu-hyun remains deeply shaken by Ja-yeon's novel, penned under the pseudonym Yeon Bo-ra, to the extent that he finds himself hospitalized, tethered to an IV drip. In a moment of vulnerability, he shares the novel with Ha-jun, unwittingly revealing that it was his own mother who had been engrossed in its pages.

Back in the confines of their hotel room, Hae-yeong and Ji-uk engage in a meticulous counting of their cash. Hae-yeong's lack of trust in Ji-uk's ability to count alone stings him, and he retaliates with a hint of hurt feelings. She confesses her ignorance about his personal life, prompting him to reluctantly divulge that his mother resides in Canada, though she has built a new life there with her own family. He shares that his grandmother's dying wish was for him to stay away, fearing it might disrupt his mother's peace.

Meanwhile, Ja-yeon's world is thrown into turmoil when she discovers that a user named LuckYou has been leaving scathing remarks on her novel. As she scrolls through the vitriolic comments, fear and anxiety grip her, forcing her to abruptly shut down her device.

The following dawn finds Hae-yeong at the airport, accompanied solely by Ji-uk, who had come despite Yi-lin's watchful eye as they boarded the airport shuttle together. Hae-yeong inquires about her absence from the impending vacation with her mother, and she responds with a complex mix of love and disdain. She bestows some money upon Ji-uk, urging him to pursue the life he desires in Canada, rather than being bound by his grandmother's wishes.

As Hae-yeong boarded the flight, her fingers stumbled upon an envelope nestled within her purse, its elegance adorned with Ji-uk's signature. Within its confines lay a heartfelt gesture—cash accompanied by a letter, his testament to her future bliss and success, a token of wedding wishes in disguise. A fleeting memory flickered, revealing Ji-uk penning those words as Hae-yeong slipped into slumber's embrace.

The narrative fast-forwards three months, painting a triumphant picture. Hae-yeong emerged victorious, claiming the top spot in the company's contest, whereas Woo-jae, despite his duplicity, settled for second place. Meanwhile, Ja-yeon's dreams took flight as she inked a deal for an audio adaptation of her web novel, 'Spice Up Our Love.' Her editor whispered of impending legal action against the malicious commentator, and the culprit was none other than Gyu-hyun, who bore the brunt of an irate parental visit, urging him to resolve the matter discreetly.

This entanglement prevented Gyu-hyun from gracing the company's awards ceremony, where a packed auditorium eagerly awaited his presence. Post-ceremony, the team dispersed for a celebratory dinner, with Hae-yeong's colleague urging her to invite her husband. Her excuse—a fabricated tale of him visiting his Canadian kin—fell effortlessly from her lips.

On her solitary journey home, Hae-yeong detoured to the store, yearning for a glimpse of Ji-uk, only to be deceived by a new employee who bore an uncanny resemblance. Three months of mistaken identity unravelled, revealing her disappointment in Ji-uk's silent departure. Parallelly, Ji-uk sat in tranquil companionship with Hae-yeong's mother at the nursing home, a silent sentinel.

Dawn broke, and Hae-yeong embarked on a mission to restore order amidst Kitty's feline chaos, yet the elusive cat had been absent for days. Her frustrations boiled over as she confided in Hui-seong, venting about Ji-uk's ghostly absence, leaving a trail of unanswered questions in its wake.

Outside the police station's hushed confines, Gyu-hyun, attired in tattered garments, exudes the aura of a down-on-his-luck individual, effortlessly eluding recognition as the esteemed CEO. His disguise complete, he exits the precinct, unaware that Ja-yeon, a vigilant observer, hastens towards him, only to stumble in her haste. Her eyes widen with alarm as her alias flashes across her fallen phone's screen, prompting her immediate retreat.

Hae-yeong, responding to Ja-yeon's frantic summons, races to her aid. Standing vigil outside the police station, fate intervenes as she lays eyes on Gyu-hyun, his identity concealed from all but him, who remains unruffled. Finding Ja-yeon huddled within a phone booth, Hae-yeong also secures her phone's return from the authorities. During their return journey, Hae-yeong gently admonishes Ja-yeon for not confiding in them sooner.

Elsewhere, under the cloak of night, Ji-uk strolls past the serene nursing home when a shrouded figure emerges from a car, seeking him out.

The following day, at work, Hae-yeong and her team embark on the exhilarating task of setting up their nascent office, brimming with anticipation. Meanwhile, Ha-jun, opting for a day of respite, ventures out to rendezvous with Ja-yeon. Gyu-hyun, descending the stairs in search of his mysterious 'friend,' is met with a jarring surprise—the unexpected sight of Ja-yeon.

Later, Hae-yeong ventures to a café to fetch coffee for her industrious team. Upon her return, the office teems with a fresh influx of recruits, and amidst them stands Ji-uk, a vision that arrests her in mid-step. Time stands still as he approaches, his voice laced with longing as he utters the words that echo through the end of No Gain No Love's fourth episode: "I've missed you."

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