Episode 6 of "One Hundred Years of Solitude" begins with Jose Arcadio recounting his thrilling tales of adventure upon his return home, a figure transformed by the rugged life of a wandering gypsy and an exiled sailor, his body honed by hardship. Rebeca finds herself inexplicably drawn to his rebellious charm, fascinated by his tattoos and the hard-earned muscles beneath his skin. Ursula, overjoyed to have her son back in her arms, weeps as she listens intently to the narratives of his arduous and daring escapades. Aureliano, equally delighted to reunite with his elder brother, catches up on lost time, sharing with him news of his own son, Arcadio, though the former sailor displays a callous indifference to fostering a relationship with his flesh and blood.
Aureliano leads Jose Arcadio to the local tavern where they immerse themselves in merriment. Jose Arcadio's physique commands the attention of numerous town women, and he flirts shamelessly with those who show interest. Meanwhile, his son Arcadio finds himself ensnared by the liberals, led by the impostor Doctor Noguera. Noguera, ever the recruiter, enlists more youthful souls into his liberal fold, urging them to defy the government's grip. He also devises a method to communicate with other liberal factions nationwide, seeking reinforcements for their cause.
As Macondo prepares for its inaugural election, Mascote enforces a strict curfew, and more offspring of the town's founders pledge allegiance to Noguera, determined to dismantle the conservative stronghold. Despite the absence of a concrete plan, conversations buzz with various strategies, including the radical notion of eliminating Father Nicanor.
Meanwhile, Rebeca succumbs to her whimsical desires and consummates her passion with Jose Arcadio. The following morning, they boldly proclaim their intention to wed, leaving everyone in attendance utterly astounded. Ursula fiercely resists their union, but Rebeca and Jose Arcadio stand unwavering, insisting that no one can intervene in their love. Amaranta's hatred for Rebeca intensifies, burning with a fierce intensity. Pietro's heart shatters when Jose Arcadio visits to deliver the news, leaving him crushed.
Following their church wedding, Jose Arcadio and Rebeca rent a house nestled near the eerie town cemetery, where they embark on a life filled with fervent passion. As the elections loom closer, the liberal faction swells in number, convening clandestinely at the school. Mascote, in a bid to disarm the populace, orders his soldiers to confiscate every blade and potential weapon from every household, vowing to return them post-election—a promise he never fulfills.
The liberal party strengthens, casting their votes in favor of the red candidate while sipping from small bottles as a token of loyalty. However, Mascote rigs the election, and Aureliano bears witness to his deceit. Mascote further reveals that all confiscated weapons have been dispatched to the capital as tangible proof of the impending liberal war.
Days later, General Medina, from another liberal group, conveys to Noguera and his men that the elections were tampered with. Armed conflict escalates among the liberals, with many paying the ultimate price. In Macondo, the villagers grapple with fears for their freedom and question Aureliano's alignment with the conservatives. Aureliano clarifies his liberal stance but hesitates to confront Mascote. When he considers joining Noguera and learns of their plots to eliminate the priest and Mascote's family, he declines to aid them. However, he remains loyal to their cause by keeping their plans confidential.
A couple of days hence, Noguera's carefully laid plans came to light, leading to his summary execution in the town square without the due process of a trial. Aureliano, desperate to spare his friend's life, pleaded with Mascote, but the latter insisted that his hands were tied; the government had declared martial law, placing the military in ultimate authority. Arcadio was deeply affected by Noguera's untimely demise, and Aureliano's eyes were finally opened to the widespread injustice perpetrated by the conservative regime. Determined to fight against this injustice, he resolved to bear arms and spearhead the liberal party's cause in Macondo.
Ursula, albeit attempting to dissuade him with earnest pleas, could not sway Aureliano from his path. With a heartfelt farewell to his kin, he entrusted Amaranta with the upbringing of his son, as if he were her own. He also sought out Jose Arcadio, who, though declining to enlist in the liberal army, wished his brother well and chose to remain with his wife. Undeterred, Aureliano bid his final goodbyes and convened with Arcadio, rallying the liberals to storm Mascote's abode and seize every available weapon. Though Mascote escaped with his life, Aureliano severed ties with him and proclaimed himself a colonel.
In a swift justice, the soldiers who had taken Noguera's life were punished, and Aureliano appointed Arcadio as the Civil and Military Chief, entrusting him with the safety of their home and the arming of the populace. With a heavy heart but a resolute spirit, Aureliano departed with his comrades to join General Medina's liberal army, ready to battle for a fairer future.