Only Murders in the Building – Season 4 Episode 1

Published: Aug 28 2024

Episode 1 of Season 4 of "Only Murders in the Building" kicks off with Charles wrapping up his latest podcast episode, his voice echoing through the hotel's halls as a fleeting power surge flickers, briefly disrupting the ambiance before fading away. As the podcast concludes, Charles, Oliver, and Mabel embark on a post-show ritual, stepping into the elevator to ascend to Charles's apartment for a celebratory nightcap. Oliver, his anticipation palpable, muses about their next podcast endeavor, secretly hoping for another macabre discovery—a dead body to unravel. Naturally, minds wander to the possibility of finding Sazz's remains in Charles's abode, where the previous season's grim finale played out. However, to their surprise, Sazz's body is conspicuously absent.

Only Murders in the Building – Season 4 Episode 1 1

Despite telltale signs of Sazz's tragic end lurking within the apartment—a bullet hole piercing the window and smears of blood staining the floor—the trio remains oblivious to these eerie clues. The following morning, Charles reaches for his phone, fingers crossing as he checks for a message from Sazz, only to be met with the cold reality of silence.

Oliver's arrival at Charles's doorstep, accompanied by Mabel, is clouded by distress. His latest production, "Death Rattle," has suffered a devastating blow with the abrupt withdrawal of funding. Charles, however, remains unfazed by this setback, his mind preoccupied with an eerie whistling that fills the apartment. Unaware that the source stems from the bullet-ridden window, he's poised to share his concern with his friends when Howard, unannounced and accompanied by Gravey, his newly adopted dog, bursts into the scene. Howard, ever the entrepreneurial spirit, pitches Mabel a podcast concept titled "Animal Jobs," then abruptly exits the room as Gravey's sudden barking disrupts the moment.

Mabel and Charles, both recipients of an exhilarating email from Bev Melon, a Paramount Studios stalwart, found themselves on the brink of a cinematic breakthrough. Their beloved podcast had caught the eye of Hollywood, and they were cordially invited to the heart of the industry. Yet, Charles hesitated, his thoughts anchored to the search for Sazz. Little did he know, fate had other plans as a mysterious text from 'Sazz' surfaced, revealing her unexpected sojourn in LA alongside Scott Bakula. This revelation dissipated any lingering doubts, and the trio embarked on their journey to Paramount, ready to embark on a new chapter.

Upon arrival, they were warmly received by Bev and a distinguished ensemble from the studio, including Trina and Tawny Brothers—a dynamic duo of female directors, identical twins, tasked with bringing their story to life on the silver screen. As Mabel discreetly excused herself from the gathering, Oliver and Charles pursued, sensing her unease. Mabel confessed her fears of being misrepresented in the film, casting doubts on her willingness to sign the dotted line. With empathy and reassurance, Oliver and Charles sought to alleviate her concerns.

Charles, still harboring a sliver of worry for Sazz, insisted on a detour to her abode at The Sunset Swan. The apartment buzzed with anticipation as he pressed the doorbell, only to be greeted by silence. Undeterred, they ventured to a glittering Hollywood bash, where the stars of their upcoming celluloid adventure awaited—Eugene Levy, poised to embody Charles; Eva Longoria, the epitome of Mabel; and Zack Galifianakis, the mischievous Oliver.

However, the encounter between Oliver and Zach proved to be a comical misstep as Oliver momentarily forgot the actor's name. Zach, feigning offense, threatened to walk, but Bev's deft diplomacy kept him from departing. Mabel, on the other hand, engaged Eva in a thoughtful conversation, inquiring about her casting. Eva disclosed the studio's decision to "age up" Mabel's character, citing audience feedback that deemed the real-life age disparity between Mabel, Charles, and Oliver as "unsettling." This candid exchange painted a vivid picture of the complexities that lay ahead in their cinematic endeavor.

Loretta graces the party scene, excitedly divulging to the trio about her fresh acting gig on 'Grey's Anatomy: New Orleans – Burn Unit,' igniting a spark of intrigue. As Mabel confides her apprehensions about the upcoming project to Eva, Loretta sidles up to Oliver, gently broaching the topic of relocating to LA and reaffirming her unwavering affection for him.

Meanwhile, Mabel engages in a cryptic transaction with Bev, their exchange shrouded in mystery as the specifics remain elusive. Amidst their hushed conversation, Charles's search for Sazz takes an unexpected turn when he crosses paths with Scott Bakula, who discloses that Sazz failed to show up as his stunt double for a TV shoot. Alarmed, Charles, Oliver, and Mabel rush to Sazz's abode, their hearts pounding as they hear a disquieting noise emanating from within.

As they cautiously explore the apartment, Charles's phone rings, disrupting the tense atmosphere. It's Lester, the Arconia Hotel's doorman, informing Charles of a note regarding the replacement of his shattered window glass. Perplexed, as he hadn't left any such note, Charles inquires if the broken glass could be a bullet hole, prompting Lester's cautious nod of suspicion.

Concurrently, Mabel receives a text from Howard, their animal pitch at the forefront of her mind. Her correction of Howard's misspelling of Gravey's name inadvertently triggers a memory of the dog's distinctive bark, instantly aligning with Charles's realization that they must return to the Arconia without delay.

Upon arriving at Charles's apartment, the stark evidence of a bullet hole in the window stares them in the face, chilling the air. Just as they grapple with this new revelation, Charles receives a text, ostensibly from Sazz, but his swift response exposes the sender's imposter status. Howard's arrival with Gravey brings a glimmer of hope, as the canine's uncanny instincts lead them straight to the incinerator, revealing Sazz's tragic end in ashes.

Charles's phone chimes again, this time from the enigmatic sender, who, in response to Charles's demand for their identity, offers a terse, menacing message: "not your f***ing friend." The tension mounts, leaving no doubt that danger lurks in the shadows of the Arconia.

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