Only Murders in the Bulding – Season 2 Episode 7

Published: Aug 27 2024

Mable's past has long shrouded in an enigmatic veil, its intricacies remaining a puzzle we've yet to unravel, leaving us in the dark about the forces that molded her distinctive persona. The tapestry of one's life, woven from experiences garnered until a pivotal juncture, holds immense sway over their present self-portrait.

In the captivating seventh episode of Only Murders In The Building's second season, we embark on a thrilling journey to delve beneath the surface of our beloved tribal member, Mabel. Dressed in a vibrant yellow nightgown, she sits solitarily in a bedroom, surrounded by the intricate pieces of a life-altering puzzle – not merely a game, but a metaphorical embodiment of her existence.

Only Murders in the Bulding – Season 2 Episode 7 1

A flashback transports us to a nostalgic scene where a youthful Mabel, accompanied by her loving father, engages in a weekend-long endeavor to unravel the mysteries of a puzzle. Their bond deepened as they persevered, her father mischievously adding a twist by reversing the pieces, challenging their mental prowess and fostering an unbreakable connection.

This marks the series' maiden glimpse of Mabel's father, a figure who, though often mentioned in her conversations, now takes on a tangible form of a nurturing and attentive patriarch. However, the tranquility is short-lived as Mabel awakens in a strange apartment, her gaze fixed upon bloodstains marring the bedcover.

The door creaks open, revealing Theo Dimas, a resident of the same building, standing at the threshold. Mistaken for an abductor, Mabel springs into action, only for Theo to attempt to unravel the fog surrounding the previous night's events – a night in which Mabel, unbeknownst to her, stabbed the glitter-clad figure.

Oliver and Charles, her concerned companions, are on edge, their search for Mabel fruitless. Hospitals, cherished haunts, and the surrounding neighborhood yield no trace of her. Just when despair threatens to consume them, a knock at the door offers a fleeting glimmer of hope, only to shatter it when it reveals not Mabel, but Detective Williams, who has abruptly ended her leave to delve into the murder case, her infant in tow, her own fascination with the mystery palpable.

Theo endeavors to unravel the veil of mystery for Mable, whose mind is eerily blank regarding the incident. As they shared the same train ride, an enigmatic figure, adorned in shimmering hues, descended upon her, prompting her to defend herself with a thrust of a blade. As he fled, a security badge from Coney Island's vibrant amusement park clattered to the ground, serving as a cryptic clue. Driven by a desire to aid Mable, they embark on a journey to that enchanting locale.

Oliver's chest tightens with anxiety, realizing the deadly tool of the crime still lurks within his abode, a lingering specter of guilt. In the sanctuary of the bathroom, he and Charles huddle in hushed conversation, their whispers intercepted by an unsuspecting eavesdropper—Williams. She demands the incriminating knife, her voice firm and unwavering. Oliver's anxiety deepens as he awaits word from the DNA analysts, their silence a deafening echo.

Mable, lost in a sea of documents within the park's bustling office, struggles to grasp at fleeting memories, her frustration palpable. Theo offers a gentle solace, his presence a beacon amidst the chaos. However, their quest for answers is temporarily halted as Theo's ankle monitor signals its impending power outage, necessitating a recharge that looms an hour away. Seizing the moment, Mable invites Theo into the vibrant world of amusement parks, where laughter and thrills abound.

Amidst the cacophony of joy, Theo triumphs in a game, presenting Mable with a verdant ring as a token of their shared adventure. Its hue reminiscent of Zoe's own, the gift unwittingly stirs memories long buried, dredging up a nightmarish recollection. Zoe's visage lingers, haunting their thoughts, as Theo grapples with the lingering doubt—was it a tragic slip or a fateful push?

As they prepare to depart, Mable seeks solace in the privacy of the washroom. Williams, steadfast in her belief of Mable's innocence, calls upon the men for aid, her plea met with challenges unforeseen. Keith Jr., her young charge, adds to the tumult with his piercing cries, a reminder of the complexities that often accompany the quest for truth.

Oliver tentatively suggests that he might be experiencing acidity after his meal, his tone laced with discomfort. As a whimsical distraction, he embarks on a magical performance, drawing inspiration from a classic tune from A Chorus Line. With his body gracefully contorting atop the table, he weaves a spell to alleviate Keith's gaseous distress, eliciting a heartening smile and an end to the child's tears.

In the solitude of the washroom, Mabel's mind is suddenly assailed by another vivid flashback of her father, her thoughts interrupted by a sparkling anomaly in the sink—a telltale sign that the killer lurks within the premises. Her heart racing, she flees to the locker room, only to stumble upon the culprit nursing his wounds. Quick to hide in a nearby locker, her nerves betray her with a faint noise, drawing the predator's attention. With lightning reflexes, she slams the locker door shut, inches from his face, grabs her purse, and darts for safety.

Theo and Mabel, now inseparable in their flight from the relentless pursuer, narrowly evade capture, their hearts pounding in unison. Yet, amidst the chaos, Mabel realizes with a jolt that her matchbook has vanished from her purse, replaced by an even more ominous discovery—a photograph of Charles and Lucy, a chilling reminder of the web of deceit that surrounds them.

As Theo's father's call interrupts the tense moment, Mabel's voice trembles as she confesses the tragic loss of her own father to stomach cancer at the tender age of seven. Her family's silence, a shield meant to shield her from the agony, has inadvertently blurred the memories of her father's final days, a coping mechanism she employs to shield herself from traumatic experiences. Her confusion over Bunny's murder, a haze of fugue-like confusion, now begins to clear as she confronts the night's events with a newfound clarity.

Their race for sanctuary culminates at the diner, where Mabel reunites with Charles and Oliver, while Theo hastily informs his father of their predicament. The photograph, a damning piece of evidence, prompts Charles to urgently contact Lucy, who remains unaware of the impending storm brewing in her own apartment. And as if the night couldn't get any darker, the city succumbs to a sudden blackout, plunging them all into a deeper, more sinister realm of uncertainty.

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