With a swagger in his step, Black Pete boasted about his alleged exploits as a member of Blackbeard's fearsome crew, claiming he had single-handedly saved the pirate captain's life. All aboard the ship dismissed his tales as mere fantasies, save for Stede, still haunted by the accidental death of Nigel Badminton. As Pete's fanciful yarns distracted the crew, the ship veered off course and crashed onto an island, leaving no one at the helm. Stede, burdened by guilt, suggested they make the most of their unplanned stop and treat it as a respite.
Unbeknownst to them, a trio of cloaked figures kept a watchful eye, incredulous that such a hapless crew could have managed to capture English officers. Jim, stealing a moment of solitude, slipped away to bathe in the sea's embrace, but Lucius stumbled upon the scene, uncovering Jim's secret identity. Though Lucius pledged silence, Jim saw no other option but to silence him, protecting their fragile secret.
The captive officers fled into the jungle's depths, prompting Stede, Oluwande, and Black Pete to embark on a search. They were soon captured by the island's native tribe, who had also apprehended the officers. While Oluwande was treated with kindness, the four light-skinned captives faced a tribal trial to determine if they posed a threat. In the midst of the proceedings, Stede's guilt overwhelmed him, halting the judgment. Oluwande stepped in, explaining to the tribal chief that Stede was not a murderer. After a heartfelt conversation with a tribal elder, Stede realized his guilt stemmed not from Nigel's death but from abandoning his family. The chief deemed Stede and Black Pete harmless and allowed them to depart, while the officers were sold to the mysterious men in black.
Stede, Oluwande, and Black Pete tracked down the cloaked figures, led by Izzy Hands, a skilled swordsman and cunning negotiator. However, Stede emerged victorious, convincing Izzy to release one of the hostages. With the natives' assistance, they maneuvered the Revenge back into the sea. The tribal elder praised Stede's gentlemanly demeanor and offered Oluwande a place among his people, warning that staying with Stede could lead to danger. Oluwande declined, a fact the elder interpreted as love for Jim, though Oluwande refused to acknowledge it. Stede finally embraced his role in Nigel's death, christening himself "the Gentleman Pirate." Jim, meanwhile, ambushed Lucius and imprisoned him in a trunk. On their ship, Izzy informed his compatriots Fang and Ivan that they were to follow the Revenge, as ordered by their captain, Blackbeard.